God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1579: Suppress enchantment

The voice was erratic, full of malicious intentions!

Especially in this gloomy dense forest, it makes people stand up!

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will be scared to get sick!

However, these people here are not ordinary people!


Sadako let out a cold snort, and suddenly stared at the left side!

next moment!


A terrible scream suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a group of vague shadows seemed to be drawn by a certain force field, directly in front of everyone!

That shadow is vaguely personal, struggling desperately at this moment!

"The resentful spirit! There really is such a thing!"

When Kazuo Kameda saw this shadow, he was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan glanced at random before looking at Sadako:

"This thing is formed by resentment, it has no intelligence, it has nothing to do except scaring people, eat it!"


Sadako smiled sweetly, and then her mouth opened wide for a moment, and she swallowed this group of resentful spirits suddenly!

The key is that after eating, Sadako's eyes lit up!

Stick out her little pink tongue and lick her lips!

Both Hasegawa's jaws are about to fall!

Although the resentful spirit is not a threat to them at all, it is all formed by the strong resentment of the creatures before they die!

Even those who specialize in cultivating evil abilities definitely dare not absorb it easily!

At most it is only used to cultivate magical artifacts!

But this woman actually swallowed this resentful spirit in one bite!

What monsters are there around the adults?

And Jiang Fan has already gone ahead for tens of meters at this moment!

The Hasegawa two hurried to keep up!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly stopped!

At the same time, Christine's faces changed!

"grown ups……"

Christine looked horrified!

But Jiang Fan had a weird expression and looked directly at his hands!

"My lord! What happened? Why didn't you leave?"

The two of Hasegawa caught up and asked with puzzled faces.

"This sea of ​​trees is weird, our master-level power has been suppressed!"

Christine speaks first!


Hasegawa was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly exclaimed at the same time:

"Relic No. Three!"

The same was true when Jiang Fan took them to Ruins No. 3 at that time!

Once the Grandmaster level enters, the power will be instantly suppressed by the invisible barrier, down to only fourteenth level!

Unexpectedly, Shuhai is also like this!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan subconsciously!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, but a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Haha, interesting..."

He didn't hesitate to continue walking forward!

The others were taken aback, and then all followed quickly!

The ability is suppressed, and Christine's abilities are suddenly reduced!

What's more disturbing is that for her at this moment, the forest environment that should have been like a fish in the water has a faint feeling of being out of control!

Even just now, two trees actually gave her two different answers!

One told her that the person she was looking for was in the south, while the other told her that the person was in the north!

This is the first time Christine has encountered this situation!

"My lord, it's too weird here, I'm afraid I won't be able to use my power!"

Christine apologized!

"It's ok!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and finally took out the prop that hadn't been used for a long time——

The compass that doesn't point to the north!

However, as soon as this item was taken out, Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

The pointer of the north arrow is spinning around!

The props of the system actually failed?

Do not!

Not really!

Jiang Fan immediately reacted. It was not a compass problem, but a mysterious force destroying his perception!

What moves is not a compass, but a sense of direction!

This sea of ​​Aokigahara trees is indeed one of the ten most dangerous places in the world!

But this way I want to embarrass myself, I am afraid it is too naive!

Jiang Fan put away the compass, suddenly closed his eyes, and took a deep breath!

No matter how weird it is here, even Jiang Fan's perception can be suppressed, but he can't hide the taste!

Super sensitive smell, turn it on!

For a moment!

The smell of plants and trees, the smell of soil, the smell of decay of fallen leaves, and even the smell of dead people's corpses, all appeared on Jiang Fan's nose!

And in the middle of these scents, there was a hint of sweat from a living person, especially obvious!


Jiang Fan closed his eyes and stepped forward, and everyone hurriedly followed!


Continuing forward for a full kilometer, a heavy gasp suddenly sounded in front of you!

Along with it, there were a few people full of anxious conversations!

"This ghost place is too evil!"

"That **** tour guide is actually a liar!"

"Don't panic, let's choose a direction to continue walking, mark along the way, we will definitely be able to go out!"

"Go out and shit! This tree is the location we just marked!"

"It's over! It's over!"

"I knew it, I shouldn't find any Suruga country ruins!"

"The tour guide must be hiding now, waiting for us to starve to death before taking all our money away!"

"Old Zhong, what should I do! You said something!"


Although several of them were old, the voices full of breath continued to sound!

Curtis and others all looked overjoyed!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan just sniffed, and actually found Professor Zhong these people!

This nose is really good for dogs!

Fortunately, these words were all hidden in their hearts, otherwise Jiang Fan would have to be beaten into a dog's head!

Curtis took two small thin legs like firewood sticks, and was ready to quickly give Professor Zhong a magic weapon!

But at this moment!

"Hee hee hee……"

Countless sharp and piercing laughter, full of weird and gloomy laughter, suddenly sounded from the entire forest!


Just a few hundred meters away from the front of Jiang Fan and the others, the three old men were looking around in panic!

Of these three people, one of them is short in stature, only about 1.5 meters, is the professor of Edo University, Hojo Kodera!

The other one who is over seventy, but has a strong stature, does not look like a scholar, but like a big brother in society, is the archaeology professor of China, Qin Lebang!

And the last one, with a gentle and kind face, is Professor Zhong!

At the moment when they heard those weird laughs, all three of them were panicked!

Although Qin Lebang was big and healthy, but the old man had never encountered such a thing in his life, and his face turned pale!

But Hojo Koji directly knelt on the ground, and began to chant a lot of things like rebirth curse!

Professor Zhong was calm on the surface, but his calves were also shaking!

"Hee hee hee……"

That laughter continues!

But this time, it rang directly in Professor Zhong's ear!

At the same time, he felt a chill in his neck!

It turned out to be the feeling of someone blowing cool air behind him!

Professor Zhong's body tightened in an instant!

However, something more terrifying has happened!

In front of him, in the mountaineering backpack behind Qin Lebang, a miserable white arm unexpectedly stretched out!

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