Granny Qiandao's face was stagnant!

The eyes are full of shock!

She thought Jiang Fan would never guess!

But unexpectedly, Jiang Fan not only guessed it, but also guessed it so accurately!

"...Yes, it's the Abe Seimei series!"

Granny Qiandao took a deep breath and nodded:

"Because Abe Seimei was originally from the royal blood, he was born with the Amaterasu God System!"

"So it's really appropriate for them to do this!"

At this moment, after understanding the cause and effect, Jiang Fan finally let out a long sigh of relief!

The descendants of Suzhan Mingzun!

If you can serve them in one pot, how much causality is this?

The key is that you don't have to be afraid of being retaliated by the other party!

Because Suzhan Mingzun can't get out at all!

Moreover, the one who sealed Guojin God was originally the Gaotianyuan God System!

It has been sealed for a long time, and it is normal to die!

This is so natural that someone will give it to yourself!

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of green light!

The mother-in-law Qiandao was shocked!

Jiang Fan's expression is exactly the same as a ferocious wolf who has been hungry for a long time!

"Right! Listening to what you just said, it seems that there are still a small amount of Guojinshen in the outside world?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

Although in the myth, the strength of Guojin God is not high, but it was written by the descendants of Amaterasu after all!

After all, the main **** of the great kingdom is the son-in-law of Suzhan Mingzun, and his biological mother is the daughter of the high emperor's spiritual god. He still has a ten-fist sword in his hand, I am afraid it is not so easy to deal with!

And one of his sons, Jian Yu Mingfang, is the only one who dares to fight Jian Yulei hard!

Although, I lost in the end! And it was a terrible loss!

However, what is the truth, who knows!

Therefore, what Jiang Fan has to do now is to find a Guojin God and ask the details of these guys!

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's question, Qiandao's mother-in-law nodded:

"Yes, there are indeed a small number of Guojin Gods in the world, but these guys either changed their names and changed their surnames to hide, or they just took refuge in Amaterasu! Mr. Jiang, why are you asking about this?"

"I have a few questions and want to consult them! Do you know where to find them?"

Granny Qiandao shook her head, but she was taken aback!

Then he looked at Jiang Fan with a strange expression:

"Mr. Jiang, there is indeed an active Guojinshen in this world, and he is in one place, and he has basically not moved for so many years!"

As soon as Qiandao's mother-in-law's voice fell, Hasegawa's eyes lit up!

"Mother-in-law, are you talking about God?!"

Granny Qiandao nodded:

"Yes! Yiyan Lord God, also known as Shidai Lord God, is the son of the Great Kingdom Lord God!"

"At the time Jian Yulei seized power, he was the first to take refuge!"

"It is said that Guojin God was sealed, and it is also related to him!"

"Because of this disgraceful history, he changed his name to become the Lord God of Yiyan!"

"And for a long time, he has been in Katsuragi Yiyanzhu Shrine!"

Jiang Fan touched his chin before asking:

"How strong is he?"

Mother Qiandao gave a wry smile:

"This is not clear, but he is a **** of speech, and it is said that he can export it into reality!"


Jiang Fan let out a foul breath and finally smiled!

Next, Jiang Fan asked a few more questions before nodding:

"Mother Qiandao, thank you very much!"

"You're welcome! The little Qiluo and the others..."

Qiandao meant to take them away obviously!

After all, Jiang Fan is so crazy!

Following such a person, the risk factor is so high!

Thousand Island is really worried about the safety of Hasegawa and Kameda!


"Mother-in-law, we follow the adults!"

Hasegawa made a sound, without hesitation!

Qiandao was stunned, and finally gave a wry smile!


She slowly stood up, put away the Zhulian rope, and at the same time gave Jiang Fan a helpless look:

"Mr. Jiang, these two children are entrusted to you, I hope you..."

"Relax! As long as I live, they won't die!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Qiandao sighed and finally left!

And Kazuo Kameda was already looking at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"My lord, what are we going to do next?"

"Of course it's rest! Only when you have enough energy, you can meet that... One Word God!"

at the same time!

Ise City, 300 kilometers away from Jiangfan!

To the south of the city, there is a huge group of buildings hidden in the woods!

Here is the foundation of the entire Eastern Shinto religion——

Ise Jingu!


In the dark, a beam of light pierced the firmament and suddenly fell in front of the torii of Ise Jingu!

(Torii, a building similar to a Chinese archway, is common in comics,’s the kind of thing that ridges in front of the shrine to resemble a door frame)

The light dissipated, and the hostile female gentleman strode out!

"Your Highness! How's it going?"

A middle-aged man in a **** robe walked quickly and asked respectfully!

This person is one of the young priests in Ise Jingu, Satota!

The female gentleman's face is gloomy:

"The **** of divination has already returned to Gao Tianyuan!"


Satota trembled all over, and suddenly exclaimed!

"What is it!"

The female gentleman screamed!


Satota hurriedly bowed down again!

And the female gentleman kept walking and walked directly into the shrine!

Soon, she came to a two-story attic painted with red paint!

And Sato Tian hurriedly followed.

This loft is full of Japanese style, and there is a statue of God inside!

And the face of this idol was actually exactly the same as that of the female monarch!

In front of the idol, there is a small cauldron, in the cauldron is burning some kind of blocky thing at this moment, and at this moment there is plumes of smoke!

The female gentleman took a deep breath of the smoke first, and then sat down slowly.

And Satota always stood at the door, bowing!

"Did the diviner say anything when he left?"

Suddenly the female gentleman spoke.

"Tian'erwu ordered His Highness to leave too suddenly. Before he left, he just said that he was going to clean up a few small bugs."

"His expression was very relaxed at the time, and he even prepared me to light the stone of wishing strength and wait for him to come back to absorb it."

"Who knows, he is going..."

Satota trembled all over, tears began to fall with crackling!

The female gentleman has no expression on her face, but her eyes are full of gloom!

Since Tianerwu Ming is still preparing to absorb the wishing power stone, it must be because he thinks this shot will be a breeze!

However, something happened to him!

This is Dongying!

It is the world of their high heaven original **** system!

And according to the secular division, Tianerwu Ming is a super power at level seventeen!

Who can kill him? Who dares to kill him?

The key is, after killing, why can you hide all the breath?

Let yourself not even feel the slightest breath of his corpse!

The female gentleman's complexion changed, and her complexion became more and more ugly!

At the same time, an inexplicable thought flashed through her mind!

As soon as this thought appeared, she was shocked!

At this moment, Dongying has neither external troubles nor internal worries. Where did this unclear thought come from?

and so on!

Internal worries?

Suddenly, the female gentleman's complexion changed!

"Satota! What has changed in the sea of ​​trees recently?"

For these photos, I knocked down a book of 230,000 words of Dongying mythology, and checked the "Gu Shi Ji" and turned over the photos for a long time. It was too difficult for me...

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