God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1600: This business is done

Hearing the question from the female gentleman, Satota was taken aback!

"His Royal Highness, it is very calm in the sea of ​​trees, and nothing...Ah!"

He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"His Royal Highness, this afternoon, a strong man broke into the sea of ​​trees, but the other party seems to be trying to save the people who lost their way in the sea of ​​trees before!"

"Abe Jisheng rushed over, Yaokong warned the other party, and the other party left immediately!"

The female gentleman's complexion sank!

"Who are they? How strong are they?"

"Well, after searching for the memory of those resentful spirits based on the ghosts, the other party was a visiting professor from the British Museum. He entered the sea of ​​trees to find the ruins of Suruga country. The strong man was the bodyguard the other party sought..."

"As for the opponent's strength...because the barrier exists, so in our analysis, he must have not reached the fifteenth level!"

"Otherwise, once I feel the decline in strength, I will definitely choose to leave!"

Satota spoke cautiously.

But the female gentleman smiled coldly!

"Huh! The evil demons in the West! What archaeology, investigating the ruins, what a nice talk!"

"In fact, it's just a group of tomb robbers!"

"They went to the sea of ​​trees, not necessarily for the ruins of Suruga country, maybe for the legendary elixir!"

"Huh! What a bunch of idiots!"

Although the female gentleman's tone was full of ridicule, she was obviously relieved!

After all, if you are a foreigner, it is absolutely impossible to have contact with those nations!

And just with those people, at most fourteen levels of strength, even if Tianerwu was sitting there, these people don't want to hurt him!

However, since it was not those people, who killed the house that day?

The face of the female lady became darker and darker!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had gathered all his hands, and then simply repeated what Qiandao had said!

Everyone was shocked after listening!

Never expected that those suppressed in the sea of ​​trees would be the descendants of Suzhan Mingzun!

But after the shock, Curtis' eyes were the first to red!

"Master! This business is done! So many gods, regardless of true gods or false gods, kill them, the benefits, the benefits are simply..."

The Necromancer was shaking with excitement and dancing!

To kill the gods, Jiang Fan wants almost all blood, but for the corpse, he doesn't catch a cold!

However, this corpse is all treasures to him!

Skeleton soldiers trained with gods can make your scalp numb just thinking about it!

Kristen bit her lips in excitement as well!

Adults like **** blood, but so many gods, as long as you give yourself a little bit related to wood attributes, that's enough!

Although Sadako doesn't have a cold with the gods, but there is guarded by the Abe clan, and the Abe clan does not have a lot of shikigami!

Swallowing those ghosts, her level will not increase, but her background will be stronger!

As for Hasegawa and Kameda, the two have been stunned!

Neither of them dreamed that Jiang Fan's purpose was actually to kill these gods!

Dongying people worship ghosts and gods most, and this kind of rebellious thought made their legs weak!

But at this moment!

In Hasegawa's right eye, a cloud of blood suddenly floated!

Immediately afterwards, a low and violent voice suddenly sounded from the blood mist!

"count me in!"

Everyone was shocked and suddenly looked at Hasegawa!

Hasegawa's complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly pinched his fingerprints!

Jiang Fan didn't seem to be surprised at all. He just waved his hand to stop Hasegawa, and then smiled softly:

"If you want to follow me for good, you can! But you have to tell me your name first!"

As early as in Ruins No. 3, when Hasegawa was playing against Renata, one of the four powerhouses of the Night Demon, he used his hole card once to greatly increase the power of the girl of the ugly time, and directly cursed the Renata puppet body. heart!

From that time, Jiang Fan knew that Hasegawa had an extremely powerful and fierce spirit!

However, this fierce spirit was not conquered by Hasegawa himself, but Qiandao sealed her inner body with a secret method!

The point is that the origin of this thing is a mystery, Qiandao itself is not quite clear, and Hasegawa doesn't even know it!

But every time you want to use this fierce spirit, you need to sacrifice with a demon!

After this fierce spirit eats the demon, it will feed back to Hasegawa's shikigami, an extremely powerful energy!

But usually, this thing never appears on its own initiative!

Unexpectedly, it appeared by itself now!

The voice was silent for a moment, and then he spoke:

"My spirit body is mutilated, and I don't remember my origins, but when I mention the Abe family and those gods, I hate it!"

"I only know that they must be my enemies!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and after a long time, finally nodded:


No sound was heard in the blood mist, but instead retracted back into Hasegawa's body!

And Jiang Fan looked around everyone:

"Since there is no objection, then you have to study how to do it!"

Everyone's eyes lit up!

Nodding one after another!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then dipped his finger in the teacup and drew a circle on the table!

"If we want to do this, we must first identify our enemy!"

"The first one is Ise Jingu!"

"According to Thousand Island, Ise Jingu is currently headed by the priest and the female monarch!"

"The strength of the female monarch is definitely the top class, and the priest is the leader of Shintoism, and the strength will never be lower than the female monarch, and may even be stronger!"

As Jiang Fan said, he drew a circle on the table:

"The second force is the Demon Sealing Clan, and the Onmyoji of the Abe line!"

"For them, we currently have limited information, but since they are responsible for guarding and suppressing Guojinshen, their strength is definitely not low!"

"And the third..."

As Jiang Fan said, he drew a third circle!

Everyone was taken aback!

"My lord, besides these two parties, is there another power?"


Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"That's the royal family!"

"Royal family?!"

"But they, shouldn't they be in the same group with Ise Jingu?"

"Right! They should be counted as one series, right?"

Everyone spoke one after another!

But Jiang Fan shook his head:

"You are too naive! I will just say the simplest point!"

"At the time in Shuhai, Professor Zhong told the story of Kaguya Ji and mentioned the Fujiwara family."

"I deliberately checked, the Fujiwara clan's authority, the emperor has been completely emptied, and by the time of the Shogunate, it is even more empty!"

"If Ise Jingu and those false gods really serve the imperial family, with their strength, would such a situation be allowed?"

Everyone's complexion changed!

React thoroughly!


If Shintoism and the false gods represented by Ise Jingu really support the imperial family, how can they allow the imperial family to fall behind!

Become the puppet of the shogunate!

But Jiang Fan raised his hand, and it seemed that he was going to continue drawing the fourth circle!

The crowd was stunned!

"My lord, there's more?!"

"Yes! The fourth..."

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