God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1602: I'm afraid he will be trampled to death


Curtis agreed and immediately closed the space constraint circle!

Compared with the Silent Array, the Space Constraint Array goes one step further!

Its principle is equivalent to temporarily isolating a small space, cutting off all connections with the world except time!

So not only sound, but breath, perception, etc. can be cut off!

But to maintain this kind of magic circle, the consumption is also exaggerated!

Only when you enter the Grandmaster Realm and have a nearly unlimited energy reserve, can you afford it!

Even so, Curtis also consumed a small piece of skeleton roots!

With the withdrawal of the magic circle, the perception of everyone suddenly re-emitted!

And at this moment!

Everyone's face changed at the same time!

"Professor Zhong!"

This kind of space constraint array can not only isolate the prying eyes from the outside, but also lock up the perception of the people inside!

And until this moment, everyone discovered that the three Professor Zhong next door had disappeared!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's smile froze directly on his face!

Fortunately, as his perception continued to spread, he finally caught the breath of Professor Zhong on the road downstairs!

In Jiang Fan's perception, these people were crossing the road in panic at this moment!

But right beside them, a sports car is rushing frantically at this moment!


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and the next moment, a breeze suddenly appeared on the spot, and Jiang Fan was gone!

This move is exactly what Jiang Fan inherited from Gonitz, Wind Teleport!

At this moment, on the road downstairs, Professor Zhong and a few people are hurriedly running across the road!

At the moment when Curtis arranged the space constraint array, Sadako's phantom hypnosis was directly interrupted passively!

Professor Zhong's trio suddenly reacted!

When they saw the scene in the hotel room, the three of them were stunned!

In their memory, they were still in the izakaya just now, preparing to order food!

But almost instantly, the picture in front of them changed!

The three of them panicked immediately after seeing such a thing!

It happened that there was a couple playing in the next door, and they suddenly screamed!

Dongying’s sound insulation has never been very good. This scream directly scared the three old men who were already nervous!

Several people exclaimed and ran out in a hurry!

By this time, the hotel staff are all off work. At this point, all the guests in the hotel are busy in their rooms.

Coupled with the fact that the lights in the corridor are not very bright, the old men are even more scared!

I didn't even dare to do the elevator, so I ran down when I saw the stairs!

With a few human strength, it took a lot of work to go downstairs tremblingly!

It was easy to come downstairs, but found that there was still no one here--

The little girl at the front desk is hiding behind the counter for supper right now, but it's a pity that these people didn't see it!

Several old men simply suspected that they had entered, what a haunted house commonly seen in horror movies!

There was a scream, and he rushed out!

The little girl at the front desk was eating, she was taken aback by the screams of the three people, and she also screamed!

This is great!

The three old men were like frightened wild donkeys, completely panicked!

Run away!

Yiqi Juechen!

I rushed out of the hotel in one breath and came directly to the main road!

But after coming out, seeing the people on the street, the three of them were taken aback!

And at this moment!


Beside them, a red Porsche Palamela rushed over like a thunder!

That's it!

The three old men's eyes suddenly widened!

The crowds on both sides of the street exclaimed!

Seeing that the sports car is about to knock them down!

at this time!


The wind rang!

A tall and grim man has suddenly appeared in front of the three!

Jiang Fan, here it is!

At the same time, the sports car was less than 30 centimeters away from Jiang Fan!

The surrounding crowd all screamed!

The speed of this Palamela has definitely exceeded one hundred and eighty!

The weight of this car has almost reached two tons, and with such a fast speed, the impact is even more exaggerated than explosives!

Let alone people standing in front, even a wall will definitely be pierced!

Everyone seemed to have seen the tragic scene of Jiang Fan being crushed to pieces!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan seemed to stretch out his right foot slowly and quickly, and stepped on the front bar of Palamela!

Everyone was stunned!

What is this man going to do?

Is he going to block this car?

He's crazy?

But the next moment!

All could not help but burst out, the most shocking scream ever!



Jiang Fan's right foot had already stepped on the body of Palamela!

The whole Palamela was like a paper toy, and the front bumper suddenly exploded to pieces!

The engine hiding behind, howling frantically is directly exposed!

And Jiang Fan's big feet have already stepped on the engine fiercely at this moment!


The engine suddenly exploded!

The fire burst out suddenly!

However, as soon as the flame appeared, it was directly suppressed by the terrifying wind pressure brought by Jiang Fan's foot!

And as Jiang Fan's right foot stepped to the end, the front half of the entire car suddenly wailed, and he was stomped alive into the hard asphalt!

Everyone was stunned!



"I buy it!!"

At this moment, everyone was screaming desperately in their own way!

It's amazing!

With one kick, I stepped alive and broke a Palamela at a speed of 180!

Is this still a human?

"Oh my God! Who is this guy?"

"Human? This kind of guy, you tell me he is a human?"

"Don't be kidding! The last time I saw this picture was when I watched Ultraman in third grade!"

"Ultraman? I'm afraid Ultraman will be trampled to death by him!"


After everyone was shocked, they all looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

But Jiang Fan only had a plain face, even smiling and turning his head, looking at the three of Professor Zhong:

"Are you okay?"

"Wow! Yes, it's Huaxia!"

"He is from Huaxia?"

"It's Chinese martial arts! No wonder it's so powerful!"

"So handsome! It's even more charming to laugh!"


Many girls have spoken!

But several men are full of jealousy and disdain!

"Huh! What's to be proud of!"

"Damn it! We can do it in karate!"

"Yes! Karate is the strongest!"

A girl can't stand it anymore:

"Really? Then you try to stop one too!"

"Huh! I, I'm not free today!"

"Yes! We won't just shoot casually!"

"Huaxia people love vanity, so we don't bother to show it!"

The faces of several men are proud!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan looked sideways!

Several men shook all over, covered their mouths, turned and ran!

Professor Zhong has come to the present, and they have come back to their senses!

When they saw Jiang Fan, several people were overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan!"


"You finally came!"

"I'm telling you, we met a ghost house! There is no one!"

"It's so scary!"

Several old men hugged Jiang Fan, almost crying!

Jiang Fan was about to explain a few words to them, but at this moment!


Palamela's car door was suddenly kicked from inside!

Immediately afterwards, a young woman in a **** dress and an angry face finally got out of the car!

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