This woman has a beautiful face and an enchanting figure. She is wearing a short skirt and a waistcoat. She wears a pair of knee-high high-heeled boots under her feet!

As soon as she came out, she had stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

It is true that Jiang Fan's kick just now was shocking!

But all that was used was pure physical power!

No trace of breath leaked at all!

The background of women is quite strong, and they think they see a lot of such strong people, so they are not afraid at all!

So she just yelled!

"Bastard!! You mean thing! You dare to break my car!"

"Do you know that this Palamela is specially customized!"

Jiang Fan was expressionless, but Professor Zhong and the three were angry!

"You almost killed us! Are you justified?"

"The speed is so fast, it was originally your fault!"

"Huh! Isn't it a Palamela? I'll pay you!"

Although the three old men only have wages, they can't stand the extra money!

It's like the previous auction in Korea, Hancheng, and only asked Professor Zhong to come and give an explanation, and he gave one hundred thousand!

And several people are studying ancient culture, who hasn't ordered collection yet?

I dare not say that the wealth accumulated over the years is much richer than the average person!

However, after hearing a few people's words, the woman sneered directly!

"Compensate? Can you compensate?"

"Just the three old things of you, I sold all of you, and it's not worth one tire of my car!"

"You! You look inferior!"

In a fit of anger, Qin Lebang directly shouted angrily in Huaxia!

However, when she heard Qin Lebang's words, the woman's expression suddenly changed!


"Yes! How about? Let's make a price!"

"Huh! Interesting! I didn't expect your inferior race to dare to be so crazy one day!"

The woman contemptuously compared three fingers:

"I'll give you a chance, thirty million!"

"How many?!"

Qin Lebang was blinded!

A normal Palamela is at most three million!

But now, this woman actually wants thirty million!

"What's wrong? Didn't you just tell me to make a price?"

"Aren't you all the local tyrants?"

"Take the money! As long as you give me thirty million, I can act as if nothing happened!"

The woman sneered!

"You, you are blackmail!"

"Even if it's a customized model, 10 million is worth it!"

"You actually want thirty million! Do you really think we are being taken advantage of?"

The three old men looked angry!

But the woman smiled contemptuously!

"The ridiculous Chinese people!"

"Sure enough, I don't have much knowledge!"

"Tell you, the most expensive part of this customized car is not the brand, but the interior!"

"All the interiors in the car are all handmade, including the outer frame of the dashboard polished in walnut!"

"Furthermore, it was made by the best master in Europe, Baxter Lam!"

"Betterrum only picks up three cars a year, and the price he makes once is more than ten million!"

"What's more, these materials are not the bargains you imagine!"

"It's cheaper to ask you 30 million!"

As the woman's voice fell, the surrounding crowd exclaimed directly!


"That's the top car decoration designer!"

"It is said that the people who can let him take the shot are big people like the head of the Fernan family!"

"Yes! It is said that the Vincent family in Bali once asked a master to design, but it was a pity that he was directly disqualified by his unqualified sentence!"

"It can be said that being able to ride in a car with interiors made by Baxter Lam is the symbol of the real giants!"

The three old men were all blindsided when the crowd was talking about it!

They are immersed in research, how do they know a car, there are so many doorways!

And the woman has looked at a few people contemptuously!

"Hurry up and get the money! Didn't you just blow it very well?"

"You **** China has a word called Hao Heng, right?"

"Come on, let me see how arrogant you Huaxia people are!"

"I want to pick up people at the airport, you better hurry up!"

Several old men turned pale!

And the woman finally sneered!

"Huh! No money, are you? Then learn from this little boy!"

The woman pointed at Jiang Fan who seemed to be rummaging for something!

"Didn't you see that he dare not even fart now?"

Several old men looked at each other, their faces were all very ugly!

Thirty million, the three of them can afford it, but they want to smash all the wealth in!

The point is that there are some collections, but it takes time to get them!

Now, there is no way to take it out at all!

"You, give us some time!"

Professor Zhong gritted his teeth!


"Huh! I said, I'm going to the airport to pick up people, no time to waste!"

The woman smiled contemptuously:

"Vagrant Chinese people! Now, either give money or all kneel down to me and tell me honestly--"

Before the woman had finished speaking, Jiang Fan, who had been silent, finally opened his eyes!

"Finally found!"

He suddenly took out a bank card and handed it directly to the woman!

"Give you fifty million, brush it yourself, besides, I sincerely apologize for damaging your car!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at the card in Jiang Fan's hand dumbfounded!

"real or fake?"

"Five, fifty million?"

"People want 30 million, but he gave 50 million?"

"Is this guy really a local tyrant?"

"No, no?"

The crowd exclaimed!

The woman was startled, and then immediately sneered!

"You think you take a broken card and say that there are 50 million in it. I believe it..."

Her words can't be said anymore!

The front of the card is pure white, but on the back, there is a five-clawed dragon painted with teeth and dancing claws, the color of which is like ink!

The woman recognized it at a glance. This was actually initiated by China’s four largest families and seven giants. All first-class families have unanimously certified, Huaxia Dragon Card!

As the most potential economy in the world today, there are those powerful family endorsements from China, such as the Black Gold Card and Centurion Card. In front of this Dragon Card, he is a younger brother!

Moreover, this one in Jiang Fan's hand is still a blue dragon card!

Even if there is not a dime in it, it is enough to overdraft a full 300 million!

In the world, apart from the dragon cards of the same series, there is no card that can have such confidence!

The point is that this kind of card is only worthy of possession by the real big shots!

At the very least, based on the identity of this woman, she is not worthy at all!

The woman thought that Jiang Fan had deliberately searched for something to hide her panic, but she didn't expect that Jiang Fan would actually take out such a terrible thing!

And among the crowd, there was already an exclamation!

"Huaxia Dragon Card?!"

This exclamation exploded the crowd directly!


"That card is Huaxia Dragon Card!"

"Fuck! And the Azure Dragon Card can still be overdrawn by 300 million!"

"Awesome! Which great **** is this?"

"Hurry up! Take it! Qinglong card! You may not have the chance to watch it for the second time in your life!"

The crowd went crazy!

Take out your phone and take a crazy photo!

However, more people look at women with pity!

"Tsk tusk, I thought it was bronze, but I kicked it to the king's gate!"

"This is what Huaxia said that he kicked the iron plate!"

"Just this dragon card, let alone a car designed by Baxter, even if Baxter came by itself, it can't match it!"

"Good fellow, this kind of flipping is really nice to see!"

Faced with the ridicule of the crowd, the woman's face flushed!

But more, it is anger!

This **** named Jiang Fan!

He clearly did it on purpose!

If he really sincerely compensates, he won't wait until he pretends to be this level before he suddenly slaps his face!

However, if she is persuaded at this time, not only her, but the whole family will be ashamed!

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