"Huh! What dragon card! Nonsense!"

"Boy, you are lucky!"

The woman grabbed the card, turned and left!

But at this moment!

"Don't rush away, the account is not calculated like that!"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded from behind her!

The woman frowned and turned to look at Jiang Fan!

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I gave your compensation. What about my compensation?"

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

"Your compensation?"

The woman was stunned, and suddenly sneered:

"Boy, I don't care about you anymore, don't find it for yourself!"


Jiang Fan smiled, but suddenly his face sank!

"I just like to find it unhappy!"


The woman's heart beats!

Something is wrong!

Compared with just now, this man's temperament has completely changed!

If just now, he was still a piece of dough, now it seems to be a piece of steel!

But the woman still sneered!

"You are very courageous! But I advise you to be smart!"

"This is Dongying, not China!"

"I don't care what status you have in China, now I give you two choices!"

"Either you stay here forever!"

"Or, you'd better be honest and be an obedient dog for me!"

Jiang Fan also smiled:

"Very well, I understand, so I also give you two choices"

"Either, kneel down and apologize!"

"Either, I hit you, kneel down and apologize!"

Everyone was stunned!

The woman was even more stunned!

"You, are you crazy? Do you know who I am? You dare to talk to me like this!"

She was full of incredulous sneers:

"Boy, kneel down right now, otherwise--"

Before the woman finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his arm!

"Very good! I will be your second choice!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan slammed it out!



The woman screamed, and Jiang Fan fell to the ground, not only half of her face was swollen, but even her nosebleeds were spit out a full three feet high!

The crowd is all trapped!


"It's really hit!"

"This, such a beautiful woman, is it possible to deal with it?"

"Too Nima is cruel!"

"A ruthless man!"

The woman looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

She wiped a handful of blood from her nose, and then suddenly roared!

"You, you dare to hit me! I'm the eldest lady of Liu Sheng's family!!"


The crowd gasped!

"Yiu Sheng's house!"

"That big family of kendo masters!"

"Dongying's first kendo family!"

"The Emperor's Kendo teacher!"

"This woman, is it Liu Shengyuzi!"

The crowd exclaimed, and at the same time desperately backed away!

And Liu Shengyuzi has stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Damn Chinese! You're done! I must let you die—"


Before Liu Shengyuzi had finished speaking, Jiang Fan lifted her up, and a big mouth was pumped up with his backhand!

This time, not only did Liu Shengyuzi's entire face swell up, but he also spat out three big teeth!


"Dare to fight?"

"The other party is the eldest lady of the Liu Sheng family!"

"This is not a ruthless person, this is a wolf extinction!"

"Huaxia people are really urinary! Take it!"

The crowd was shocked, and the look in Jiang Fan's eyes actually brought a trace of worship!

Yuko Liu Sheng was completely beaten and forced!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"You, do you still dare to fight?"


The answer to her was just another slap in the face!


Yuko Liu screamed!

At this moment, her face was bloody, with disheveled hair, embarrassed!

How can there be a little Missy appearance!

"You, you bastard!!"


Jiang Fan was still silent, and slapped again!



"You lunatic!"


"Stop! Do you dare to fight again—"




Jiang Fan slapped every time Liu Shengyuzi spoke!

Moreover, the strength is getting bigger and bigger!

Almost all of Yuko Liu's face was beaten and deformed!

at last!

Faced with Jiang Fan, who was always expressionless, but silently shot, Liu Shengyuzi completely collapsed!

"Uuuuuuuu! Don't!"

"Please! Stop fighting!"

"I was wrong! I apologize to you!"

"You let me go, oooooo..."

Yuko Liu was crying miserably!

Just because she already understood that if she didn't apologize today, this man named Jiang Fan might beat her to death!

Jiang Fan looked at Liu Shengyuzi who was embarrassed, but there was no mercy in his eyes!

Instead, it was another slap in the face!


Yuko Liu's cry was directly beaten back!

And Jiang Fan didn't open his mouth coldly until then:

"I can't hear your sincerity!"

"I, I am very sincere! I, I will kneel down and apologize to you!"

Liu Shengyuzi can't take care of the others!

As Jiang Fan let go, she actually "plopped" and knelt down in front of Jiang Fan!

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"I, I shouldn't run rampant!"

"Not to let you apologize!"

"I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

The crowd was stunned!

The eldest lady of Liu Sheng's family actually apologized to this Chinese person!

Moreover, I still kneel down and apologize!


"It is okay to apologize to us, but, have you forgotten something?"

Jiang Fan said coldly!


Yuko Liu Sheng was stunned!

"You said just now, mean Chinese people?"

Liu Shengyuzi trembled and suddenly reacted!

Directly facing Jiang Fan, there are three "boom booms"!

"Sorry! I shouldn't have said that!"

"It's me scumbag!"

"Please don't hit me again!"

"I was really wrong! Uuuuu..."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Knowing a mistake can make corrections, it's a good thing!"

Yuko Liu Sheng looked happy!

But then, Jiang Fan suddenly lowered his head and spoke softly in her ear!

"Now, immediately call out three sordid Dongying people, and I will let you go!"


Yuko Liu was blinded!

"Why? Not willing?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!


Liu Shengyuzi panicked all over!

If you really shout out, not only will you be stinking for thousands of years, but the reputation of the entire Liu Sheng family will be destroyed!

But if you don't shout, it depends on the man's fierce methods, then you will definitely die!

The strong desire to survive finally defeated reputation!

Yuko Liu Sheng closed his eyes and screamed suddenly!

"Humble Dongying people! Humble Dongying people! Humble Dongying people! Humble..."

The crowd onlookers did not speak this time, but looked at Liu Shengyuzi's gaze, which was already full of anger!

Behind Jiang Fan, the Hojo Temple was full of embarrassment!

And Jiang Fan finally smiled with satisfaction!

He has never been a noble person. Since this girl has a mean mouth, let her enjoy the consequences!


Just when Liu Shengyuzi was halfway to shout, Jiang Fan slapped him out!

In an incredibly shocked tone, he yelled angrily:

"Asshole! You, you actually insult your own countryman so much!"

Liu Shengyuzi was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"It's not you who let--"

"Dare to talk back!"

Jiang Fan directly twitched his mouth again!

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