God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1605: There is a beautiful little girl

Liu Shengyuzi was completely stunned!

Completely at a loss!

But the surrounding crowd screamed happily!

"Little brother! Good fight!"

"Thank you! Eliminate harm for our Dongying!"

"As expected of Huaxia, these three views are too righteous!"

"Yeah! Unlike the garbage politicians in Dongying, who are now denying history!"

"A large part of our people is like this too!"

"Brainwashed by those garbage politicians!"

"Regardless of those bastards, I have to start with myself and face history directly!"

"Yes! Me too!"

The crowd spoke!

And Jiang Fan is going to bow left and right, almost going to give Liu Shengyuzi a suspicious life!

But this time, Jiang Fan was purely acting, and he didn't make any heavy moves!

This is of course not because he is soft-hearted, but because it is not over yet!

at last!

Jiang Fan stopped!

Liu Shengyuzi screamed desperately like a pardon!

"Spare! Please spare!"

"I was wrong! I shouldn't insult Chinese people!"

"Not to insult China!"

"I beg you, just let me go!"

"I, I really can't hold it anymore, oh oh oh..."

This cry of Liu Shengyuzi is called a desolation!

"Okay! I'll let you go for the sake of your acknowledgment of your mistakes!"

Jiang Fan spoke compassionately!

Yuko Liu Sheng was overjoyed!

Turn around and run away!

But at this moment!

"Don't worry, the spiritual apology is over, now it's time to talk about the material things!"


Yuko Liu Sheng's face was dazed!

"Yes! Like this mental loss, nutrition, lost work expenses, and the wear and tear of my shoes..."

Jiang Fan is full of righteous words!

And Liu Shengyuzi was stunned!

There is such a shameless person in this world!

You have compared me like this, and you are asking me for money?

Is there any reason?

However, at this time, bargaining with Jiang Fan, the highest probability is to continue to repeat the previous picture!

Without a word, Liu Shengyuzi returned Longka directly to Jiang Fan!

Then, he took out another card and handed it to Jiang Fan!

"There are 100 million yen here, I, I only have so much..."


Jiang Fan shouted angrily!

"Am I such a superficial person? Get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Yuko Liu Sheng ran away!

And Jiang Fan had calmed down and put both cards into his backpack!

Curtis and others, who were watching the excitement here from far upstairs, were all taken aback!

Can't help but send a voice transmission spell directly!

"Master, did you just let her go?"

"Yes! This woman obviously has a background. It's a pity that we don't strike a stroke?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"When this woman left, she seemed panicked, but her eyes were full of resentment and resentment, and she would definitely not give up!"

"We still have things to do tomorrow, so we can't make it because of this tiny little profit that attracts people's attention!"

"Hasegawa, let her subordinates watch her, if she wants to check us, give her some wrong clues!"

"After finishing that group of valuables, come look for her again!"

Curtis and others' eyes lit up!

"Worthy of being the master!"

"This is fishing!"

"My lord is wise, I know how to do it!"

Several people spoke one after another.

And Jiang Fan has taken Professor Zhong and the three of them back to the hotel!

Just a few words, a few old men knew it was an oolong!

Jiang Fan looked at the time, and directly asked Hasegawa and Kameda to leave and protect Professor Zhong, and he took Curtis and went straight to Haneda Airport!

It's time to kill Liander!

Seeing that the car has reached the vicinity of Asabashi Park, you can cross the bridge and enter the airport!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"There is a beautiful little girl~"

"Her name is Xiaowei~"

"She has gentle eyes~"

"She stole my heart quietly~"

"Little Wei~"

"Do you know how much I love you~"

"I want to take you to the sky~"

"Look at how beautiful the stars are~"

"Pick one off~~I will give it to you~~"

The system is actually singing again!

Jiang Fan's face is dumbfounded!

What kind of world is this?

Why did you still sing Xiaowei?

"Ding! Please give Bai Xiaofei a cold and cold mung bean soup!"

Bai Xiaofei?

This name is so familiar!


Where can I find mung bean soup in this horrible place?

It seems that you still have to go out yourself!


Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

As Christine stepped on the brake, the car stopped abruptly with the sound of tires rubbing against the ground!

Jiang Fan quickly got out of the car and took out a big pot with his backhand!

Then he actually took out a bag of mung beans, grabbed a large handful and threw it directly into the pot!

"Curtis, light it!"

As Jiang Fan ordered, he started pouring water into the pot!

So in the eyes of the vehicles that were extremely shocked, a pot of mung bean soup, which was made by a dignified grandmaster realm necromancer, used magic to make a fire!


A pot of mung beans has been boiled!

Jiang Fan started adding rock sugar lilies again!

After half a minute, a pot of mung bean soup has been officially completed!

However, the system requires ice!

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at Sadako!

How can Sadako's ghost look cool in Bingzhen!

With Sadako's cold breath, the temperature of this pot of mung bean soup dropped to freezing point!

As soon as Jiang Fan put the Food Net backpack away, he rushed directly into the green belt on the side of the road!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand realms is on! About to enter-"Brother Corpse"!"

Damn it? !

Jiang Fan never expected that he would enter this world!

No wonder the system sang Xiaowei, because the girlfriend Bai Xiaofei had been looking for was Xiaowei!

Brother Zie is telling, mainly two tomb thieves dug up an ancient coffin and want to sell it to foreigners!

As a result, on the way, the coffin fell out of the carriage and entered the reservoir, thus polluting the water plant in the entire central city!

The water was contaminated with corpse poison, and everyone who drank the water turned into zombies!

And these zombies can also achieve evolution by devouring others!

Bai Xiaofei was originally an ordinary hanging silk in H City, and escaped a catastrophe because he didn't drink the tap water!

In order to find the girlfriend Xiaowei who called to break up with her, she resolutely embarked on an adventure journey against the zombies in the city!


White light flashed!

Jiang Fan has come to an unusually quiet city!

At this moment, the sky was densely covered with clouds, and it was still dripping with thick drizzle!

But even if the rain is heavy, it still can't block the **** smell in the air!

Moreover, there are still strong black smoke on the several buildings in the distance!

This scene is exactly the same as when he first entered Resident Evil 2!

A scene of the end of the world!

Jiang Fan looked around and found himself standing in front of the gate of a community!

But there was not even a single figure on the road nearby!

"Is this just the beginning, or is it already over?"

Jiang Fan muttered to himself, while already taking out the compass!

"Positioning, Bai Xiaofei!"

The needle of the north arrow trembled slightly, and it suddenly pointed to the inside of the community!

Jiang Fan frowned, and without hesitation, he strode in!

But as soon as he entered the community and came downstairs to a residential building, Jiang Fan was surprised to see that a child was actually squatting under a big tree, barely butt, pulling Baba with his back to him!

Damn it?

This boy is so cool!

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