This old man wore a pure white robe, his body was extremely thin, his face was covered with wrinkles and age spots, but his eyes were like young people, bright and full of life!

It's just that, at this moment, what is coming out of these eyes is all anger and shock!

"Asshole! Who are you! You dare to break into the forbidden area!"

The old man suddenly shouted angrily!

But Jiang Fan didn't even look at him at all, just stared at the idol of the Lord God!

"Call your master out!"


The old man trembled!

But then he spoke coldly:

"I don't know what you are talking about, but you better leave right away! Otherwise—"


Jiang Fan sneered:

"This spiritual art is indeed powerful, but it is not your own power at all, it is just borrowed by you!"

"It's a pity that your foundation is too weak, even if you borrow, you can't exceed the fifteenth level!"

"Don't say it's me, now my subordinates are prepared, and anyone can take it down!"

"You, how do you know?!"

The old man was shocked!

But Jiang Fan stopped answering, but said coldly:

"Say it again, let your master come out!"


The old man shouted angrily, suddenly raised his skinny arm, and pointed at Jiang Fan suddenly:


For a moment!

Some inexplicable power suddenly descended on Jiang Fan!

This power whirled around Jiang Fan's body, and suddenly rushed towards his legs!

next moment!


There was a sudden explosion on Jiang Fan's legs!

The word the old man had just called out, the power of the spirit on it, was actually about to cut off Jiang Fan's legs!

But how powerful is Jiang Fan's body!

Not to mention that there is only fifteenth level of spirituality, even if it is sixteenth, it will not hurt him at all!


The old man suddenly spewed a big mouthful of blood!

On the thighs under the robe, the flesh was spattered and bloody!

That linguistic spirituality just now didn't help Jiang Fan at all!

On the contrary, he was beaten back, and his legs were almost abolished!


The old man stared at Jiang Fan with wide eyes!

On Jiang Fan's leg, not to mention the scars, even the slightest scratches never appeared!

The fifteenth level of Linguistic Art hasn't even broken the defense!

"Small bugs, I also want to..."

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

But immediately afterwards, he frowned, why was it chilly?

Looking down, he was stunned!

His body is indeed fine, but, starting from the base of the thigh, the two trouser legs slip off together and pile up to the ankle!

His two big white legs were directly exposed!

Jiang Fan at the moment, it is almost as if he is wearing a pair of short shorts!

After a moment of silence!

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead!

The eyes are red!

"Ni, Ma,..."

This **** actually changed his Armani into super shorts!

Really, the Buddha would be angry too!

At this moment, the old man was still vomiting blood, but Jiang Fan didn't care about it at all!

Flick your right hand directly!


The blood-stained folding stool is already in hand!

"Battle bastard! If I don't kill you today, I will come here in vain!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared, copying the folding stool and going up!

The old man was shocked and suddenly put his hands together!


In an instant, a white diamond shield appeared all over his body!

Just by looking at the structure and thickness of this shield, you know that the defense has definitely reached its limit!

However, with the folding stool blasted out--



This shield didn't hold on for half a second, and it suddenly exploded into a white glow!


The old man opened his mouth suddenly!

But before he could move on, the folding stool had suddenly caught his face!


The old man's eyeballs almost didn't burst out!

The robe on his body was blown to pieces!

Only a pair of pants is left!

"Cao Nima! Changed me into short shorts with farts! Go to death for me!!"

Jiang Fan roared again!

The folding stool is like a storm!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The terrifying sound of sonic booms resounded across the sky!

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"Help! Help!"

"Come and save me!"

The old man was beaten covered with blood, his face was muddy with tears and nose!

The whole person is about to be beaten up!

Seeing, Jiang Fan was about to hit his **** when the folding stool was facing him!

The old man finally broke down!

Suddenly screamed!

"God Lord!!"


On the stone statue of Yiyanzhu, a white light flashed suddenly!

next moment!


An invisible force suddenly appeared, directly in the air, blocking Jiang Fan's folding stool!

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at the stone statue!

And among the idols, there was a majestic sound suddenly, full of majestic voices!

"A mortal! How dare you commit a crime here! You are so bold!!"

"I bother!!"

Jiang Fan spat directly at the idol!

The idol suddenly trembled!

The expression that was full of majesty turned into a daze!

This idol looks like a living thing!

"A mortal! You, how dare you dare to **** me!!"

I can't believe it with all the faces of the idols!

"What's wrong with you? You look at Lao Tzu's pants!"

The idol looked at Jiang Fan subconsciously!

"Huh? Qi fart shorts? Very trendy!"

The idol blurted out!


Jiang Fan's anger, which was already about to extinguish, suddenly rose again!

"Trend, right? Okay! I will let you trend too!"


Jiang Fan drew out the Shuiyu Zimother Sword, and suddenly swiped at the idol!

next moment!

"Swish swish swish!"

For a moment!

The noble robe on the idol was directly cut into shorts by Jiang Fan!

The idol is completely stunned!

The old man opened his mouth even more!

Suddenly wailed!

"Beast! You, how dare you..."

The old man covered his heart, trembling all over, before he finished speaking, he made a "hiccup", rolled his eyes and passed out!

And after the idol was stunned, it trembled violently!


"Mortal!!! You are looking for death!!!"

Accompanied by this roar full of endless anger sounded!


The whole stone statue suddenly exploded! !

In the smoke and dust, a man exactly like the statue had suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

One word for the Lord God!

He had always been in this stone statue before!

It's just that at this moment, his eyes are closed tightly, and white light is lingering all over his body!

And the broken pieces of stone statues are also exuding white light!

These rays of light are like rivers entering the sea, all converging on him!

With all of these rays of light being absorbed, Yiyan's master has suddenly opened his eyes!

In an instant, an extremely powerful aura had already locked Jiang Fan firmly!

Eighteenth level! !

The master of this statement is actually as high as eighteenth!

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