Looking at Jiang Fan coldly, the master suddenly spoke!

"A mortal! I don't kneel down and apologize after seeing the true body of the god!"

As he spoke, Jiang Fan's knees trembled involuntarily for an instant!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Compared with the previous **** servant, the word spirituality of the master **** has reached a certain level of stronger realm!

If it weren't for his determination, and replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have fallen to his knees at this moment!

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't respond, the master was also stunned at a word!

But he immediately gave a low voice!

"Kneel down!!"


In an instant, the inexplicable power of speech and spirit had appeared on Jiang Fan again!

Only this time, the power of that spirit actually carried an unusually huge spiritual power!

He actually led Jiang Fan, kneeling down involuntarily!

Jiang Fan fiercely resisted this inexplicable energy, but his expression was extremely ugly!

"Yiyanzhu! Take away your spirituality immediately!"

However, the Lord's expression sank after a word!

"Bold! You dare to resist! Kneel down!"


As soon as the voice fell, the pressure Jiang Fan was under suddenly more than doubled!

The whole body staggered!

"Yeah, I didn't come to fight with you. I'll say it one last time and accept your spirituality! Otherwise, I really have to fight back!"

Jiang Fan's tone has already brought a trace of killing intent!

But the Lord sneered at a word!

"Ridiculous mortal! Within my words, without my permission, you can't even breathe!"

"Now, dare to threaten me!"

"Not a threat!"

Jiang Fan said coldly:

"I'm just explaining a fact! Your spirituality may be useful to others, but in front of me, it's rubbish!"

The Lord God is extremely angry and laughs!

"Trash? Haha! Good! This is the first time I have seen such a stiff mouth!"

"However, no matter how hard your mouth is, it can't change the gap in strength!"

"Mortal, in my eyes, you are just an ant!"

"And the ants should accept the fate of the ants!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head:

"I was wrong. From the beginning, I shouldn't have an attitude of negotiating with you!"

"Things like you are born with cheap bones!"

"It seems that if you don't hurt you, you won't be honest!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the Lord God was stunned!

But then, he was furious!

"Bastard!! Ant! You dare to blaspheme!"

"I've decided, I'm going to peel off your skin! Make a lantern and hang it at the entrance of the shrine!"

"And it's not just you! And the three men outside of you!"

"I want to imprison your souls for eternity here!"

"Hehehe, just start with the three of them!"

With a word, the Lord laughed gloomily, and walked outside!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head and stared at him firmly!

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

The next moment, Jiang Fan's hand, a card emitting a hazy light appeared directly!

This thing is actually an item from the world of Shrek, learn to shut up!

Learn to shut up: Am I talking too much?

Note: Using this item, the opponent will be silenced for 30 minutes!

This item is Jiang Fan's confidence to speak up with the host!

Linguistic art, one is words, and the other is spirit!

I can't say anything, but the power of Nyima!

As soon as this thing appeared, the Lord suddenly felt a tremor in his heart!

It's a pity that he didn't wait for any action from him, Jiang Fan's heart suddenly burst into a shout!

"Use! Goal! One word!"


A white light shone suddenly and directly enveloped the master!

At the same time, all the linguistic spells that the Lord of Yiyan had just issued had already failed!

Even just now, the old man borrowed the power of the Lord of Words to perform the spiritual art of speech!

For a time, everyone outside the shrine woke up!

When the three of Curtis saw this scene, they immediately put away their spells and rushed directly into the shrine!

But these are not the most terrible!

As soon as the white light disappeared, the lord was horrified to see that Jiang Fan already had a grin on his face, and again, raised the folding stool!


The Lord just wanted to speak!

However, the mouth seems to be sealed!

Can't even spit out half a syllable!

impossible! !

How could this be? !

The expression on the Lord’s face was filled with incredible disbelief for an instant!

However, what followed was endless fear!

His strength lies in the spirituality of speech!

And to use this ability, first of all, you have to be able to speak!

Once he couldn't speak, it was even more terrifying than the master encounters the Forbidden Demon!

what is the problem!

What the **** did this guy do!

He was still in horror, and Jiang Fan's folding stool had already been viciously swung out!


Jiang Fan took a picture of the folding stool and directly touched the ground!


With a muffled snort, the lord had already looked at Jiang Fan in anger!

This **** ant!

How dare to beat yourself!

Own, but a god! !

With an angry word, the lord suddenly jumped up and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

It is a pity that he has lost the power of the spirit of speech, in Jiang Fan's eyes, he is still inferior to a club!

Jiang Fan stretched his arms and threw a big mouth directly onto the face of Yiyanzhu!


A loud noise!

In a word, the lord was drawn like a spinning top, and his entire body rose into the air, rolling seven or eight times in the air, before he fell to the ground!

In one word, the Lord's whole person was stunned by Jiang Fan's slap!

I just felt like I was hit by a four-block Luffy's King Ape Spear, and my brain was almost never taken out!

But Jiang Fan didn't stop at all. He jumped directly, like a weighing mound falling from the sky, and sat on the body of Yiyanzhu with a "bang"!


With a word, the master's eyes suddenly burst, and he almost felt like he was hit by a meteorite, and his intestines almost didn't come out!

But Jiang Fan had a big mouth with his left hand and a folding stool with his right hand, and he had already smashed him down with his head and face!

While smashing it, Jiang Fan yelled at him!

"Ant? I'm your grandma!"

"I can't even breathe without your permission!"

"Come on! See who can't breathe now!"

"God? God, you have many JBs!"

"I don't just blaspheme you! I still ride you now!"

"Isn't it said that the strength gap is big?"

"You let me see!"

"Do you want to use Lao Tzu to make a lantern?"

"I will light you up now!"


"Boom boom boom!!"

"Papa Papa!!"

In one word, the Lord was completely beaten and forced!

He has never been beaten like this in his life!

Even if Jian Yulei came to seize power back then, he was not so cruel!

Not a person!

By the way, he can't speak now, he can't even scream!

The whole face is suffocated!

And this loud noise, like decoration, actually awakened the **** servant old man!

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