God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1617: If I can come again, I will choose Li Bai

Just when the old man woke up, he was stunned by the scene before him!

What did I see!

Own god, the great, omnipotent **** of the spirit, the **** of the word!

Now, he was being ridden on him and beaten frantically!

At this moment, the snot that was beaten came out!

The crotch is wet!

And the one who beat him was the one who beat himself before, leaving only a pair of pants, that beast!

What the **** is this guy!

How dare to beat even the great God of Words!

Also beaten into this kind of force!


Beasts are not as good!

The old man was trembling all over, he was about to pounce on Jiang Fan!

But at this moment, he looked stagnant!

Normal people are beaten up like this, I'm afraid they would have started howling miserably!

But a word to the Lord God, until now, he hasn't said a word!

This, this is unreasonable!

Could it be that, in one word, the Lord God is--

Countless words flashed in the old mind for a moment--

S! M! Bundled up! Battered! Tentacles!


We Dongying people are the most perverted nation in the world!

So, where does this perversion come from?

Needless to say, it must be given by those gods!

Why do they give us this nature? Then there is only one possibility!

Because they are like this!

Could it be that, in a word, His Highness, he is just now, enjoying? !

This idea is like a prairie fire, out of control!

No wonder!

No wonder this brutal man is so domineering!

It turns out that there is still this kind of relationship between him and Yiyan Lord God!


Just know this kind of thing by yourself!

Never let others discover it!

Without a word, the old man ran to the door like a smoke!

But he just arrived at the door!


The door has been kicked open again!

I saw the three of Curtis, rushing in with a gloomy expression!


As soon as I saw the scene!

The three Curtiss were instantly dumbfounded!

This, inside, what happened?

I saw that the first one appeared inside was an old man wearing little pants and covered in blood!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan was just riding on the body of Yiyanzhu with two big white legs exposed!

And the Lord convulsed all over Yiyan, without saying a word, from the side, he still enjoyed it!

And at the moment!

Hearing the movement here, other clergymen in the shrine also rushed over!

"what happened?"

"What's going on!"

"Priest Matsumoto! What happened?"

"Yiyan what is happening in the shrine under the Lord God's Highness?"

The crowd came one after another!

not good!

This picture can't be seen by others!

The old man and Curtis are almost ingenious!

Close the door!

At the same time guard to the door!

The old man yelled even more!

"Bastard! What are you talking about!"

"There is an invasion of evil spirits in the shrine, and the Lord God is exorcising demons at this moment!"

"No one can disturb!"

Everyone was taken aback!

"It turned out to be like this!"

"Search for the dead!"

"No wonder the movement is so big!"

A group of priests nodded again and again!

But as soon as he saw the old man, the crowd suddenly became a riot!

"Priest Matsumoto! You, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I was just injured by the evil demon! You are not practicing enough, quickly retreat!"


The crowd retreated suddenly!

And in the shrine, the monotonous "pop-pop-pop" and "pop-pop" sounds continue to sound!

I don't know how long it has been!


Jiang Fan finally let out a sigh of relief!

Slowly stood up and lighted himself a cigarette!

As the saying goes, a cigarette afterwards has beaten a living god!

At this moment, the whole person of the Lord God is swollen three times, and his head is even more like a pig's head!

Jiang Fan is very skillful!

After beating for so long, he didn't even let him shed a drop of blood!

Of course this is not Jiang Fan's kindness, but the blood of God!

Although only a false god!

But every drop is money!

The current Yiyanzhu is a living wallet, how can Jiang Fan easily make him bleed!

In a word, the Lord looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, but tears flowed out unconvincingly!

The tears are full of helplessness and fear!

Too ruthless!

I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen a person so cruel!

That big mouth is almost going to pump all his brains into soy milk!

Inexplicably, the song suddenly sounded in the master's mind!

If I can come back again, I will choose Li Bai!

If you can do it again, you must be respectful and never pretend to be forced!

By this time Jiang Fan had already finished smoking!

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the master of Yiyan again!

"Okay, come on, the second round!"

With that said, Jiang Fan has already raised the folding stool again!

With a word, the lord was stunned!

Second round?

Come here!


The Lord desperately backs away!

The eyes are full of fear and pleading!

"What? That's it?"

Jiang Fan frowned!


The Lord nodded desperately!

But Jiang Fan's expression sank!

"As a god, I can admit counsel so quickly, I should fight!"

"Boom boom!"


Another round of violence!

When Jiang Fan stopped and lit the second cigarette, the one who had been beaten by a word had already begun to doubt his life!

Seeing that Jiang Fan finished smoking in a few sips, he took up the folding stool again, saying that the Lord God had completely collapsed!

Don't say anything!

"Plop!" Kneeled directly!

"Bang bang bang" is three consecutive ringings!

Cracked all the stone bricks on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he unexpectedly picked up a small rock and began to quickly scratch it on the ground!

Jiang Fan looked over and saw that they were actually a few Chinese characters!

"Big Brother! As long as you let me go, you can let me do anything!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Do you think you are cheap? If you promise early, it will be over?"


The Lord nodded desperately!

"Okay, give you a chance..."

Jiang Fan shook his right hand, and the folding stool had been put into the backpack!

With a word, the Lord's complexion was immediately relaxed!

But then!

"But before that..."

Jiang Fan chuckled, his right hand shook again, and there was one more pan!

This thing is surprisingly what Jiang Fan hasn't used for a long time, and it is invincible to destroy the pan!

Unbreakable Pan: This is a terrifying weapon that can destroy the opponent's willpower! Once hit by this weapon, the opponent will instantly have unparalleled fear of you!

Tip: The effect will only be triggered when the opponent loses combat power! And the opponent must not be higher than the host by one level or more!

(Because the picture is too cruel, five hundred words are omitted here!)

When Jiang Fan stopped, he said that the whole person was energetic, no, he was energetic!

Now the effect of the mute is clearly over, but the look he looked at Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest confidence anymore. Instead, he was full of horror!

For him, Jiang Fan at this moment is far more terrifying than Jian Yulei who frightened him!

But Jiang Fan was smiling!

"Next, we can talk about business!"

"True, business? You, do you really have something to talk to me?"

With a word, the lord was stunned!

My heart is even more regretful!

If you knew this, why bother yourself!

What a shame!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Excuse me, you, what do you want to talk to me?"

One word the Lord asked cautiously.

"Oh, talk about your people, Guojinshen!"


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