God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1627: I can't stop the fortune

For a moment!

Jiang Fan only felt that a ball of qi suddenly appeared in the Dantian Qi Sea!

And the two air masses of his own nine yin and nine yang reciprocate back and forth in it!

And an inexplicable sword aura gathered in it, like a pointer, rotating with the two air masses!

Within this ball of beads, it seems to have become a world of its own!

And with the formation of the round beads, a wave of fierce innocence has suddenly flowed all over his body!

In Jiang Fan's body, the mountains are whistling tsunami!

At the same time, he also knew the techniques of Paiyun Palm, Fengshen Leg, and Tianshuang Fist!


Jiang Fan laughed!

The key is that his internal strength is just suitable for these three sets of techniques!

Yang Jin cooperates with the fierce Paiyun palm, Yin Jin cooperates with the cold Tianshuang Fist, and both Yin and Yang display the elegant Fengshen legs!

Absolutely, handsome!

Jiang Fan left the system space contentedly!

Returning to the real world, just after drilling out of the grove, Curtis and others suddenly changed their faces!

"Master, you, have you promoted again?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

Carrying a pot of mung bean soup into the grove, he broke through again in a blink of an eye!

What kind of trick is this?

Could it be that the master went to sacrifice to heaven just now?

That's right!

I'm afraid that only God has the ability to instantly improve people's strength!

No wonder he called the organization Tianxuan!

This is a proper son of heaven!

Jiang Fan is smiling lightly!

"It's just a little improvement, isn't it normal?"


Everyone's mouth twitched!


Okay, you are awesome, you are free!

When a group of people went down the mountain, Jiang Fan said:

"You follow Hideki Nanda to the airport, and go directly back to Edo in a while!"

"What about you?"

Christine asked hurriedly!

"Well me, of course I went back to code people!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

"Tonight, go to war!"



Jiang Fan drives the iron-blooded spacecraft, like a stream of light, heading straight to Los Angeles!

With the speed of Mach Six, it took less than half an hour to reach Los Angeles from here!


The spacecraft has reached the sky above Jiangzhai!

Jiang Fan took off the boat and jumped off!

At this moment, a group of people in Jiangzhai are bored!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly come back, he was all taken aback!

And Jiang Fan has let go of his throat!

"Assemble! Hurry up!"

"Swish swish swish!"

As soon as countless wind sounds flashed by, all Jiang Fan's team rushed out!

"Xiaobu, Xiaoyue, Long Yan, No.2, No.13, Douglas...follow me, and the rest will stay home!"

Jiang Fan called out all the grandmasters in Jiangzhai!

Although Douglas is only level fourteen, his earth element ability can save Jiang Fan a lot of effort!

The excitement of being named by Jiang Fan!

But the one who didn't get it was immediately downcast!

Needless to say, Jiang Fan must have a big deal to do when he convened the people in a fierce manner!

And the big things Jiang Fan is going to do, he almost knows with his butt, and there are absolutely countless benefits!

After that, Jiang Fan didn't linger, and took Yue Jianhan and others to set off, but at this moment!

"Master! If you are not in a hurry, why don't you solve that Angelina first?"

Wang Yi suddenly spoke at this moment!


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Yes! It was the Marquis of Solomon's Key that they captured on the 2nd before you went to Dongying!"

"Go, go and see!"

Jiang Fan should walk towards the dungeon first!

Anyway, it takes only half an hour to go to Dongying, and now it's just after noon, there is no time!


Accompanied by the opening of the dungeon door, there was a cry of sobs, and it suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked intently, and saw several people headed by Angelina, wiping pitifully with tears!

Everyone has a black nose and a swollen face!

And Wei Ting, who was a neighbor with them, was full of disgust!

Speaking of Wei Ting, the unlucky kid seemed to treat the dungeon as his home. He was lying on the soft bed in his little room, licking melon seeds while watching TV series!

The door to his cell was clearly open, so this guy didn't leave!

On the other side of the concrete floor, Song Hong, Song Zhe, and Song Rong from the Song family were still alive due to Curtis's methods, and they had no consciousness at all!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Wei Ting just waved his hand subconsciously!

"Hi! Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Look at Wang Yi!

"Why is this stuff still lingering here?"

"Master, can't drive away! He said that the Jiang family's food is good, and there is no need to work. I don't know how cool it is to hide here as a salted fish!"

"Damn! Is there a big foodie coming to me? Give him food!"

"It's useless, sir, this stuff is rich!"

"Isn't there a body search at that time? Why is there still money?"

Jiang Fan was surprised!

"This one……"

Wang Yi was embarrassed:

"Isn't it boring these days? It's okay to play cards. Who knows that this freight is good. I have lost a full 800 yuan in the past few days! Is it really him!"

"Hey! You have to play it yourself, don't rely on me, and give you one hundred, I want to eat braised pork tonight!"

Wei Ting drew a hundred yuan bill from under the bed and threw it directly to Wang Yi!

Jiang Fan glanced, good fellow!

There was a wad of banknotes under the bed!

Jiang Fan looked back, Long Yan and the others immediately looked at their noses and hearts, all pretending not to see them!

No need to ask, all must have lost money!

It’s the honeymoon period with the Wei family.

Of course, for Jiang Fan, it was a honeymoon, but for Wei Qifeng it was just a sudden!

——After all, Wei Ting is Wei Qifeng's cronies, staying here naturally has another meaning!

Jiang Fan also greeted Wei Ting at will, and then looked at Angelina!

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing here?"

Angelina doesn't look like a female lunatic now, she just said honestly when she heard that:

"We came here to catch a child and go back. That child was the sacrifice of Grysya Labos in order to summon the demon god!"

"But after the summoning is over, we will know that the child obtained by the organization is just a clone!"

"Grasia Rabos, because of the incomplete sacrifice, a large part of the power cannot pass through another world!"

"So he desperately wants this kid!"

"Also, we are here, too, to deal with you!"

"Because of the death of Anne of the Holy Light Judgment, that is, the death of the First Judge, and the death of the Holy Light Judgment, it has a lot to do with you!"


Angelina knew everything she could say, and said all the reasons before and after!

It's no wonder that she is so honest, because the energetic guys of the Jiang family have nothing to do, they simply treat them as pastime all day and night, and almost beat them to death!

A group of them were shocked and frightened, and one of them was directly scared into dementia!

Angelina has never seen such a cruel guy in her life!

What's more, Jiang Fan who can subdue all these guys!

After listening to Angelina's words, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Grasia Rabos!

Jiang Fan was already thinking about him at the Heisei Medical Center before!

You know, the Devil God is just as valuable!

And now, Angelina actually took the initiative to send it to the door!

This fortune is here, it really can't stop it!

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