Seeing that Jiang Fan's eyes were almost full of green light, Angelina almost collapsed!

"Master! Master Jiang Fan! Yes, I have no eyes!"

"I beg you, just let us go!"

"From today, we must change our minds!"

"I must be a noble person, a pure person, a person who is free from low-level tastes and is beneficial to society!"

"Please! Oh, oh..."

Jiang Fan was surprised:

"I can't see that you, a foreign devil, still have such a high level of consciousness!"

"All, adults teach well!"

Angelina spoke hurriedly!

"Stop flattering! I ask you, who is that Wu Tao?"

"He, his real name is Pei Di, and he is the second presiding judge of Shengguang Judgment. He came to Los Angeles to investigate the cause of Annie's death!"

Angelina spoke cautiously.

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes slightly:

"Go on!"

"Yes! Later, according to your description, we finally found that person in Yucheng!"

"But we uploaded his photo to the organization's server, but we didn't get the slightest clue from this person!"

"And his strength is amazing, all the people who followed him are dead!"

"My lord, since this person is your friend, then we must not dare to check it again. Don't worry, I will recall all the staff now..."

Before Angelina finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"Friend? Who told you he was my friend?"

"Huh? This man killed Annie and saved you. Isn't it your friend?"

Angelina looked surprised!

Until now, she still didn't know that she and Wu Tao were both used by Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan did not answer, but smiled:

"You are not wrong about what you said, but the manpower cannot be recalled, and I have to increase the intensity of the inquiry!"


Angelina was stunned!

I don't understand why Jiang Fan did this!

However, Jiang Fan stopped paying attention to her, just lifted his finger, and instantly inflicted a ray of true energy on this group of people!

Infuriated into the body, Angelina and others all turned pale!

Although Jiang Fan's qi was subtle, it was like a chain that directly blocked all the energy in their bodies!

If you want to force a breakthrough, you can't do it without ten and a half months!

Jiang Fan looked at Wang Yi:

"Mobile phone!"

Wang Yi immediately passed the phone over!

Jiang Fan threw the phone in front of Angelina!

"Hold this mobile phone and contact your subordinates. I want to know the identity of that person as soon as possible!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Angelina nodded hurriedly!

And Jiang Fan turned around and left!

"Master! Give her this phone, in case she summons reinforcements to Solomon's Key..."

As soon as he got out of the dungeon, Wang Yi hurriedly spoke!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"I really hope she can call reinforcements! For me, the people of Solomon's Key are all points! It's a pity that Angelina has been scared and has little hope!"

Jiang Fan sighed, but immediately became excited again!

"All the people named just now got on the spaceship! Today, the master will lead you to a good start!"


Just as the so-called sorrows and joys, Jiang Fan is going to do a big job here, but the George family, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, is a sad cloud at this moment!

Great Elder Hayes, his eyes were straight ahead!

Until now, he was still wondering if he had heard it wrong!

"Andy, you, what did you say?"

"The Grand Elder, Elder Bishop, and Mr. Eugene are all dead..."

Andy on the side, his face pale and slowly spoke!


A pure gold pen in Hayes's hand suddenly exploded to pieces!

He looked at Andy trembling, and said with a sullen face:

"Exactly, what happened!!"

It was the first time Andy saw Hayes like this, and he was so scared that he almost peeed!

But he resisted fear:

"Just now the Song family called. Two days ago, the masters of the Song family and Elder Bishop raided the Jiang family together. As a result, the entire army was wiped out!"

"After that, Song Hexuan, the Patriarch of the Song family, received a parcel. In the parcel, there were only four masters, heads!"

"And two of them belong to Elder Bishop and Mr. Eugene!"

"As for what happened that night, because there are no survivors, we simply can't know!"


Just after Andy finished speaking, Hayes suddenly slapped the table!


In the loud noise, this century-old table has completely turned into fragments!

Andy softened his legs and fell directly to the ground!


Hayes gasped hard!

At this moment, he is simply furious!

But in this endless anger, there was a trace of unspeakable fear!

Four sixteen levels!

He was killed silently!

No one even knows how they died!

Could it be that the Jiangzhai Palace failed!


This Jiang Fan's power has reached such an exaggerated level?

how so!


Hayes gasped hard, and finally looked at Andy coldly!

"Where is the Song family? What are they going to do?"

"They, they plan to negotiate with Jiang Fan..."

Andy spoke cautiously!

"Oh shit!!"

Hayes roared suddenly:

"This group of cartilaginous heads! After such a big loss, they actually negotiated?!!!"

"Tell them! If you dare to negotiate, then they won't get a penny for the follow-up benefits!"

Andy trembled and hurriedly spoke:

"Grand Elder, the Song family said, peace talks with Jiang Fan are just a stopgap measure. Now Jiang Fan is too sharp, and I will look for opportunities to start in the future!"


Hayes just roared directly!

"The Song family is clearly stunned! Damn it! The Chinese are really unreliable!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Andy nodded hurriedly!

The atmosphere was dull for a while!

After a long time, Andy finally couldn't help but speak:

"Grand Elder, Elder Bishop, they..."


Hayes was silent for a long time, and finally let out a sigh of breath!

"Because of Jiang Fan, three elders have died in the Presbyterian Church! And one of them is still a full 16-level Bishop!"

"Such losses are beyond the scope of my rights!"

"For all Jiang Fan's actions, from now on, stop!"

"Everything, wait for the patriarch to come back... let's talk about it!"

Andy trembled!

Finally bowed his head!


At the same time, Jiang Fan had already said everything about Guojin God on the spacecraft that was flying to Dongying quickly!

Hearing that Jiang Fan was about to kill the Guojinshen clan, a group of people flushed with excitement!

Especially on the 2nd, 13th, and Douglas, for their kind of supernatural powers, the blood of God is a great tonic!

Even if there is no one with the same system, it is possible to purify the blood of God and absorb the divine power in it!

This energy is born out of the power of faith and is extremely pure. Whether it is used to enhance strength or lay a solid foundation, it is all pure natural, non-toxic and non-polluting!

But Yue Jianhan and the others were excited, but they were finally able to move their muscles and bones!

Soon, in the excitement and noise of a group of people, the spacecraft finally returned, Dongying!

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