Shuhai Center!

In the house!

Jiang Fan has joined Curtis and others!

Opposite them, there is a family of demons headed by Abe dogs, all kneeling on the ground honestly!

These people are now all face gray, and their small eyes are full of panic!

And not far from them, the corpses of Abe Ginba and others were just thrown on the ground!

As for Issu Lidu's life, he still looked like a puddle of mud, he could only gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Fan and the others!

Although he had prepared himself, he knew that he still underestimated the other party when he saw Jiang Fan's men!

With so many masters, and just simply sensing each other's breath, they know that a few of them have endless potential!

Such a genius, when he saw Jiang Fan, his eyes were full of worship!

This can only show that they are neither frightened by Jiang Fan's strength, nor for money!

But completely succumbed to his personal charm!

And this is precisely the most terrifying!

This proves that these people's loyalty to Jiang Fan can't be shaken at all!

It can even prove Jiang Fan's methods!

damn it!

Who the **** is this kid!

The key is, what will happen to your future destiny?

Just when Isshy Lidu was desperate for his life, Jiang Fan finally looked at him!

"Where is the place of suppression?"


Isshilidu hesitated for a while, but he unconsciously looked at the large artificial lake in the house yard!

This artificial lake is almost five hundred square meters in size and is surrounded by countless stones. What is strange is that these stones are all carved with weird talisman!

And on the outside, it was surrounded by a rope that had gone through an unknown number of years at a glance, forming an enchantment!

And in the center of the lake, there stood a small blood-red stone pillar!

The stone pillars were engraved with countless hideous monsters with wide-open mouths. These stone-carved monsters looked like living creatures. Accompanied by non-stop breathing, a trace of dark stuff came out of their mouths!

These things followed the lines on the stone pillars and kept falling into a small pot under the stone pillars!

Everyone had noticed this artificial lake before, but they didn't expect that this place was actually the place to suppress Guojinshen!

Jiang Fan took a few steps forward to the lake, but when he was about to move on, there was a ray of light on the Zhulian rope!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan has been directly pushed a few meters away by some inexplicable force!


Jiang Fan smiled!

He finally looked at Isshy Lido for his life:

"His Royal Highness Mirror God, let's start!"

"...Okay! But let me recover from my injury first!"

Isshridu remained silent for a while before finally speaking!

Now he is the meat on the chopping board, and he has no right to bargain with Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan nodded!

Isshilidu is desperate to look at the Abe dog!

"Bring here the wishing stone!"


Abe Mei dog agreed and looked at a member of the tribe!

The man quickly took out a black stone, but looking at the material of the stone, it was actually carved on the rock in the center of the lake. The things flowing out of the monster's mouth seemed to be a substance!

After this person took out the little stone, he immediately set it alight and put it in a small cauldron. Then, he put the small cauldron in front of Isshrito's life!

At this moment, wisps of smoke have emerged from the incense burner!

As soon as Jiang Fan and others smelled this, their brows frowned!

The smell of this thing is really weird, not smelly or fragrant, but it makes people dizzy!

And as soon as they smelled this smell, the energy in the bodies of a few people actually showed signs of faint uncontrollable!

But Isshy Lido worked hard but seemed to have seen a dingo with a bone, and hurriedly sucked hard!


With his breathing, the smoke rushed in directly along his nostrils!

In just an instant, the black stone had completely turned into smoke, and he was completely inhaled!

next moment!


Isshridu's life rang all over his body, and the bones continued to muffle!

After only a few seconds, he has already jumped up!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan actually appeared in front of Isshrito's life at the moment he was about to recover, and suddenly kicked him on the calf!



Isshy Lidu screamed suddenly for all his life!

The calf on the right has been broken again!

Abe Mei dog looked stunned!

So shameless!

I just promised it well, but now I'm on a sneak attack again!

And Isshir Lidu's life is even more furious!

He staggered and looked at Jiang Fan in anger!

"Asshole!!! What are you doing!!!"

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Break the seal and use no legs, your current state is enough!"


A fierce light flashed in the desperate eyes of Isshy Lido!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled, shaking his right hand, already pinching his godhead!

Isshy Lido trembles in desperation!

With the handle in Jiang Fan's hand, he could only grin reluctantly at Jiang Fan, and finally looked at the Zhulian rope!

After a little hesitation, he finally took a deep breath, and then suddenly pinched his hands!

next moment!


The betting rope suddenly burned!

And when this thing burned, countless smoke rose up!

The smoke glowed with a lavender, like a snake, rushing to the sky!

Fortunately, it is late at night, otherwise such a scene will definitely attract everyone's attention!

And with the continuous burning of Zhuliansheng, the scars on the stones around the artificial lake were gradually disappearing!

At the same time, that side of the artificial lake, which was originally very peaceful, was exuding a bit of cold air!

The cold became more and more intense, and in the end, it actually froze the entire artificial lake!

And the stone pillar in the center of the lake was frozen with countless cracks!

The monsters engraved on the stone pillars, with their incomparably hideous expressions, have also appeared in the blood-colored stone pillars with a look of horror!

At the end!


These monsters suddenly screamed!



With a loud noise, this stone pillar was directly exploded to pieces!

And at the moment when the Scarlet Stone Pillar exploded!


The whole ground trembled suddenly!

With the artificial lake as the center, dozens of huge cracks are constantly spreading outward!

This crack is deep and long, and some have even exceeded two meters in width!

Moreover, there is still an incomparably fierce cold spewing out of it!

The flowers and plants in the house were just exposed to the cold, and they were directly blown into icy debris!

With the spread of cracks, the walls and buildings of this huge house have also continued to collapse!




For a time, there was a loud noise of building collapse everywhere!

The spread of the cracks has not stopped, and it has extended to the forest far away!

Countless trees were either swallowed by cracks, or were directly frozen to pieces by the spray of cold air!

The central area of ​​the sea of ​​trees seems to have reached the end!

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