All this happened too quickly, too suddenly!

One of the Abe men was still in a daze, but a crack suddenly appeared under his feet!

He hadn't waited to escape, the chill in the crack had completely enveloped him!

This person's escape action was frozen in an instant, and then a layer of hoarfrost appeared all over his body, and finally he fell over!

However, he just fell to the ground, and his whole body was like ice, shattered to the ground!

All of the Abe clan were stunned by the sight in front of them!

"Well, what's going on?"

"It must be those evil gods coming out!"

"It's over! We treat them that way, they will definitely not let us go!"

"Run! Run!"

All the Abe people are screaming desperately!

It is a pity that these cracks appear irregularly. Many people who ran around were either swallowed by cracks or frozen to pieces before they could escape from the ruins of the house!

"grown ups!"

Christine and the others all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

The power of this cold air is so amazing, it almost exceeds the limit that can be withstood at level 15!

The key is that this cold air and cracks destroyed everything, and even the enchantment in the middle of the realm was frozen to pieces!

The strength of everyone has been suppressed to the fourteenth level again!

Once caught by the cold, the consequences are simply disastrous!

In the presence, apart from Jiang Fan, only Ish Lido can carry his life!

But even they can't hold on for too long!

But Jiang Fan was expressionless, just staring at the artificial lake that had been completely frozen!

The same is true for Isshridu's life!

However, unlike Jiang Fan, his body was trembling slightly, and there was a trace of unspeakable fear in his eyes!

He was also one of the participants in the battle of Weibara in China back then!

Although Guojin God is impure, he is the descendant of Suzhan Mingzun after all, and his strength is amazing!

He has seen the strength of these monsters with his own eyes!

And once they come out...

Isshy Lidu is desperate to look at Jiang Fan suddenly!

"Boy! I have already broken the seal! Guojin God will come out soon! Don't hesitate to return the Godhead to me!"

Jiang Fan was still staring at the artificial lake, slowly speaking without emotion:

"They haven't come out yet, how do I know if you lie to me!"


Isshridu's face was stagnant!

But immediately he roared!

"Are you a fool? Didn't you feel this breath?"

Under the artificial lake, at this moment an extremely obscure breath is slowly radiating!

Others may not feel it, but Jiang Fan can definitely!

"Boy! You are treachery! Give me the Godhead immediately!"

As that breath became more and more intense, Isshridu was desperate to death!

It’s just that he seems to have forgotten that he was the first person to betray his faith!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan just ignores him now!

The surrounding cracks are still spreading, and countless trees and land have been swallowed up by freezing!

Such an abnormality, even the female gentleman who is far away from the sea of ​​trees can also feel it!

Looking at the trembling sea of ​​trees, the female gentleman who was sitting cross-legged and waiting outside suddenly raised her head!

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes!

"What's the matter? Why is Shuhai trembling so violently?"

Looking far away, she suddenly saw the purple smoke hovering in the middle of the sea of ​​trees, after the burning of the Zhulian rope!

At this moment, the female gentleman's complexion changed suddenly!

An unspeakable color of fear appeared in his eyes!

"Bastard! The seal was broken!"

"What the **** happened!"

"Ish Lido is working hard! What the **** are you doing!!"

The female gentleman suddenly roared!

After that, I almost didn't even think about it, and couldn't take care of the Shuhai Taboo anymore. When he moved, he suddenly rushed towards the center of the Shuhai!

And at this moment, the trembling in the center of the sea of ​​trees has calmed down!

Even through the cracks, everyone was horrified to discover that under the thick ground, there was all ice exuding a biting icy breath!

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them!

But Jiang Fan was not surprised!

The Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees used to be a huge lake thousands of years ago!

The occurrence of Mount Fuji in 864 is known as the Great Eruption of Zhenguan. Lava filled most of the lakes, forming a vast area of ​​about 40 square kilometers today!

On this lava, the primeval forest that has gradually formed since the 9th century is dense and deep!

This is the cause of the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees!

The above information can be obtained with a simple Baidu!

But the fact is that it is true that it used to be a lake here, but the eruption of a volcano is not a natural phenomenon, but a man-made one!

And the time is not accurate!

It was a **** from Gao Tianyuan's family who altered the memory of the nearby people at that time!

All of this is to cover up the news that Guojin God was suppressed here!

These are all told to Jiang Fan by the Lord!

And the means to suppress Guojinshen is precisely--


Accompanied by a loud noise!

The artificial lake that had been frozen into ice suddenly trembled, and then, it seemed to grow up, and it began to rise very quickly!

And the surrounding ground is constantly arching outward!

For a while, the ground within one kilometer nearby was rising quickly!

In just half a minute, he raised a full tens of meters!

A glacier is formed!

And through the glacier, everyone was shocked to discover that there were countless figures appearing densely there!

These figures are precisely the gods of Guojin!

And the means to suppress Guojinshen is naturally self-evident!


Gao Tianyuan's method of suppressing the gods of the country is absolutely frozen!

All the Kunitsu Gods were sealed under Mount Fuji, in this once lake!

Then, freeze the lake completely and freeze everyone in it!

Then another volcano erupted, letting the thick volcanic ash bury everything!

And with the formation of the forest, no one would have imagined that the gods of Guojin who once ruled Weiyuan China were all turned into ice sculptures and were hidden deep underground!


With the appearance of the glacier, there was suddenly a terrifying aura that made people chilling!

It's just that this breath comes quickly and dissipates quickly!

Soon it has converged invisible!

With the appearance of Guojin God, all the survivors of the Abe clan had their feet soft and knelt on the ground completely!

At this moment, they were shivering, and some people were even frightened and urinated!

And Esh Lido sat down on the ground all his life!

Looking at this glacier shivering!

Only Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Full of greedy laughter!

"Everyone prepares, once these guys come out, give me—"

Before he finished speaking, his smile froze on his face!

His face was unbelievable, and he stared at the glacier!

Seeing the surprise in Jiang Fan's eyes, Curtis and others immediately looked at the glacier!

However, at a glance, everyone's expressions have all changed!

"how so?!"

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