God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1650: Dark cuisine sunscreen stewed blood sausage

Jiang Fan didn't do anything, just flipped his wrist and pulled out a rice cooker!

This thing is surprisingly obtained from the Dragon Ball world, the magic seal rice cooker!

Magic Seal Rice Cooker: Special props!

Attribute: Use this item to seal all gold-level creatures!

Tip: This item can also seal legendary characters, but depending on the opponent's level, the sealing time ranges from three minutes to three days!

Remarks: On the surface, it looks like an electric rice cooker, but in fact, it is an electric rice cooker!

The moment she saw this thing, the female gentleman suddenly felt like something bad happened for some reason!

There is a voice in my heart yelling desperately!

Let her stay away as soon as possible!

The female gentleman trembled, and he hesitated immediately!

And it was this one that made her completely fall into Jiang Fan's hands!

Because at this moment, No.2 and others have all spoken!

"Fuck?! Rice cooker?!"

"My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Is it because you are hungry and ready to braise rice?"

"Too, despise your opponent too much, right?"

"Deserving to be the master! This determination is simply a role model for my generation!"

"My lord is mighty! The man who ate food is mighty!"

"Kill three bowls of rice until her mother doesn't even recognize her! Duck!"

Curtis and others are full of admiration!

Yell desperately!

And the female gentleman was stunned for a moment, and then she trembled all over!

This is pure anger!

Nima is too insulting to God!

Halfway through the fight, I really want to eat!

Does my old lady serve food like this?

Are you a godmother when you are an old lady?

In her anger, she couldn't care about anything!

The key is, how can you treat yourself with an extra rice cooker!

"You, you ant!!"

"Give me to die!!"

The female monarch suddenly roared, and suddenly burst out all the strength!

It's about to give Jiang Fan a fatal blow!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan turned on the rice cooker, and then smiled at the female gentleman:


next moment!


The rice cooker seemed to contain a black hole, and suddenly burst out a huge force that could not be countered, and instantly sucked the female monarch in!

"Hehe, isn't this a natural money clip?"

Indeed, I am not an opponent of the female monarch right now, but I can pretend to be her first, and then kill her if she is strong in the future!

This magic seal rice cooker is simply a natural causal point reserve!


Jiang Fan closed the rice cooker and smiled!

The crowd is sluggish!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dazed face!

what's the situation?

This incomparably powerful female gentleman was actually taken away by Jiang Fan with a rice cooker?


What kind of artifact is this special?

That's awesome!

And Jiang Fan looked around and finally waved his hand to call out the iron-blooded spaceship!


The iron-blooded spacecraft rose from the ground and disappeared instantly!

It's just that no one noticed that the purple smoke that rose up after the burning of the string had condensed into a tiny ball at this moment!

And with the flash of electricity on this tiny group of purple smoke, it seemed to have traveled through space and completely disappeared into this world!


On the spaceship, everyone looked excited!

Especially Curtis, Big Fang almost laughed!

Those Guojinshen's skeleton corpses are not used by others, but for him, these things are of great use!

It's worth more than anything!

And the rest are beaming!

Jiang Fan never eats alone. Although the benefits are much less than expected this time, each of them is afraid that they will get a lot of benefits!

"Master, after we finish our business, can we go back to China?"

Curtis and others all looked at Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Until then, according to what Abe Meidog said, those wishing stones were all sent to Ise Jingu, and Nun-jin also admitted this..."

Everyone who knew Jiang Fan's temperament all trembled!

"My lord, you, don't you mean to..."

"Yes! I want to take a trip to Ise Shrine!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of ruthlessness!

"These **** have taken away the wealth that originally belonged to me, of course I have to get it back!"


The corners of the crowd's mouth twitched and their faces were grinning!

Worthy of being an adult, this kind of thing I want is mine, this kind of faction is even more villain than the villain!

But now that the female monarch has been taken by Jiang Fan, it is indeed the best chance to take a shot against Ise Jingu!

Jiang Fan was about to drive the spaceship directly to Ise Shrine, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Order is coming!

"There are these two different races in this world!"

"Their hatred lasted for hundreds of years!"

"This is a story of werewolves and vampires!"

"This is also... a story that happened in the dark!"

This introduction, is it that world?

Jiang Fan's eyes were extremely bright for an instant!

The excitement is beyond words!

This is the world where my goddess starred when I didn't travel through it back then!

Unexpectedly, I would enter this world!

"Ding! Please give Lucian a sunscreen stewed blood sausage!"


How is Lucian?


Sunscreen stewed blood sausage? !

What kind of dark food is this!

The taste of this werewolf is so special!

However, the order matters!

Jiang Fan drove the spaceship directly to Edo!

Blood sausage is hard to find, but Edo is an international city after all, so finding a Tohoku restaurant shouldn’t be too difficult!

"Hasegawa, contact your people and find me a Northeast Hotel in China!"


Hasegawa's face is dumbfounded!

But still picked up the phone and quickly ordered!


The spacecraft returned to Edo soon!

And Hasegawa's phone rang!

She answered the phone and listened to a few words, and immediately looked at Jiang Fan!

"My lord, I found it! There is one in Chinatown!"


Jiang Fan directly controlled the spaceship to Chinatown, and then kept the spaceship invisible in mid-air, and he jumped down!

First, I bought a lot of sunscreen in a store not far away, before Jiang Fan entered Chinatown!

Soon, he found the Northeast Hotel!

"Boss! Is there blood sausage?"

"Huh? Little brother will eat it! Freshly cooked blood sausage! Let's have some sauerkraut stew?"

The boss is very enthusiastic!

However, Jiang Fan waved his hand and handed over a large bag of sunscreen directly!

"Stew me with sunscreen!"


The boss was shocked!


Haven't returned to the motherland in a few years, now the taste of compatriots is so heavy?

The boss looked at Jiang Fan tentatively!

"Little brother, can you eat this stuff?"

"It's okay, just do it!"

Jiang Fan said, throwing out a wad of cash!

No way, after all, there is no such convenient way to transfer money abroad as China!

Money opens the way, and the boss doesn’t care!

Carrying sunscreen directly into the kitchen!


A smell of fairy wafted from the back kitchen!

A group of guests were immediately caught in the circle by smelling this!

"Fuck! What do you do in the kitchen?"

"This smell, Nima is too rushed!"

"Spicy eyes!"

"Suddenly reminded me of the sun for thirty or nine days, and the heavy snow in the north!"

"Boss! Is there a chemical plant in your kitchen?"

The crowd shouted!


The boss has come out of the kitchen with red eyes!

He was still holding a large pot of thick sunscreen stewed blood sausage!

"Little brother! This smell is so special! My kitchen definitely needs to be cleaned up!"

"No problem! Add money!"

Jiang Fan directly threw out another wad of banknotes!

Then, he rushed into the toilet with this dark dish!

"System! Enter!"

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