"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! It's about to enter-"Dark Night Legend Prequel"!"

The prequel to the legend of the night tells that in the distant Dark Age, the descendants of Kovinus were divided into two.

Under the leadership of Victor, the blood clan travels alone in the world, and the powerful vampire corps suppresses the brutal wolf clan that is extremely infectious and cannot evolve into an adult.

Until one day, a magical life was born and changed the fate of these two families.

A female wolf gave birth to the werewolf Lucian with a human appearance. Victor saw the mighty power in the werewolf's body, so he multiplied in large numbers and took the werewolf as a slave to serve the blood.

The suffering of slaves will never end, and in the process Lucian risked the world's unrest and secretly fell in love with Victor's daughter Sonja.

Lucian, who longed for freedom, finally managed to free Victor from his imprisonment, and the war between the werewolves and the blood for hundreds of years also kicked off...


Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a desolate wilderness!

It's just that his expression is full of upset!

It turned out to be a prequel that I entered by myself!

And the plot of this prequel is hundreds of years away from the first episode of Underworld Legend!

Forget it, it's all here!

Jiang Fan raised his eyes and looked around, and began to look around!

I saw this is an empty wilderness!

Behind him, there is a dense forest, and in front of him stands an exceptionally magnificent castle built on the hillside!

At this moment, the night is full of intensity, obviously before dawn!

And that castle is like a sleeping monster!

In fact, this castle is indeed full of monsters!

Here, it is the lord of the vampire, Victor's lair!

There is no normal person in the castle, all are vampires!

Jiang Fan took out the compass to locate it, and the pointer immediately pointed in the direction of the castle!

"O's a K!"

Jiang Fan put away the compass, took out the bicycle directly, and rushed towards the castle!



Jiang Fan has arrived under the castle!


"Hello! I'm here to deliver the food! Is anyone home?"

Jiang Fan directly slapped the castle gate!

After all, as a Chinese person who has enjoyed nine years of compulsory education, knocking on the door is the most basic etiquette!

However, the door has just been knocked!

A series of surprises sounded directly on the upper city wall!


"This guy actually brought it to the door by himself!"

"You actually want to deliver us food?"

"Hahaha! This idiot, is he going to give him away?"

"Bring him up quickly! It's going to dawn soon!"

"After drinking his blood, sleep beautifully for a day, Wairenas!"

Several vampires in armor looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

At the same time, a rope was quickly thrown down!

"Humans! Grab this rope, we will drag you up!"

"Yes, exactly!"

"Be careful! The walls are uneven, don't scratch yourself!"

"Yes, yes! Be careful, don't have any small wounds!"

If you don't know, I am afraid that these guys are purely concerned about Jiang Fan!

But in fact, for them, wasting any bit of blood is the most shameful behavior!


Jiang Fan has been dragged onto the city wall by them!

And a few vampire soldiers, as if looking at food, all looked at Jiang Fan greedily!

Even one of them kept licking his fangs!

"Hehehe, this human being is really strong!"

"And the blood energy is really plentiful to the extreme!"

"Even I can feel that his blood must be incredibly sweet!"

"Can't stand it anymore! I'll have dinner first!"

The vampire licking his fangs just let out a low growl, and bit Jiang Fan's arm in one bite!

The rest were suddenly anxious!

Immediately pounced on Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


A crisp sound!



The vampire who bit Jiang Fan first screamed directly!

The two big teeth were broken directly by Jiang Fan's skin!

All the vampires were stunned!

"Well, how can this guy be so hard?"

"Did he jump out of a rock?"

"Werewolves don't have such hard skin!"

"Cut with a sword! Must drink him today!"

Several vampires, Cang Lang drew their swords, and pierced them against Jiang Fan!



Accompanied by a series of crisp sounds, these long swords that slashed at Jiang Fan's body were actually all shattered into pieces!

All the vampires were stunned!

Even if they have an average IQ of 250, they now know something is wrong!

"You, who are you!"

Several vampires all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"I'm Jiang Fan, a takeaway, here to deliver food to Lucian!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Although the actions of these vampires are very impolite, are you the kind of prudent person?

Do you still care about them?

And upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, several vampires took a step back!


"You are his accomplice!"

"So this guy is a werewolf!"

"Damn it! Almost cheated by him!"

"Come on! Come on! The wolf is coming!"

Several vampires directly surrounded Jiang Fan and yelled!

And as the voices of several people came out, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded not far away!

And in the castle, teams of vampire soldiers with helmets and armors continued to rush out!

"The people of Lucian are here!"

"All ready!"

"Never let go of a werewolf!"

"Kill them!"

Countless sounds resounded throughout the castle!

Looking at this scene, Jiang Fan finally let out a long sigh!

"I decided to pretend to be forced, why are you forcing me?"


Several vampires surrounding Jiang Fan were taken aback!

And the next moment!


Jiang Fan smashed the head of one of the vampires with one punch!

Immediately afterwards, he directly whips his legs twice!


The two vampires were directly kicked to pieces by Jiang Fan!

The remaining vampire blood face with broken teeth is unbelievable!

It's too fierce!

As soon as he shot his three companions immediately!

The point is, it hasn't changed yet!

Is this guy really a werewolf?

But before he could react, Jiang Fan had already pinched his neck!

"Missed! Tell me! Where is Lucian?"


The vampire trembled all over!

But seeing the army of vampires that had surrounded him not far away, he suddenly felt refreshed!

"Huh! I won't—"


Jiang Fan squeezed his left arm, and then suddenly tugged!


An extremely harsh cracking sound suddenly sounded!

This guy's arm was actually pulled down by Jiang Fan!


This hapless guy suddenly let out a miserable howl that resounded through the sky!

This voice was so stern and terrifying, it stopped the vampire army rushing in fright!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at this hapless guy again!



This guy was trembling all over, his face was full of fear, but he was obviously still hesitating!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly and grabbed his right arm directly!


This hapless guy suddenly howled miserably!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Jiang Fan pulled hard again!



Unlucky guy howl desperately!

And Jiang Fan had already grabbed his head this time!

Unlucky, scared fart peeing, suddenly howl!

"In it! In the Japanese penalty room!"

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