Jiang Fan was a little confused!

He never expected that this girl could shine too!

And the brightness of this light is not under the sun's fist at all!

The key is that the power of this beam of light has almost reached the nineteenth level! !

"Oh shit!!"

Jiang Fan yelled, and his whole body instantly turned into a breeze!

Wind Teleport!

Jiang Fan just drew away, the beam of light had suddenly fallen to the ground!


A group of dazzling light suddenly exploded!

According to an attack of this intensity, let alone this small courtyard, even the entire Ise Shrine would have to be bombarded by half!

However, what is strange is that the light exploded, and the vegetation on the ground just swayed slightly, and it was not damaged at all!

Jiang Fan, who dodges, was slightly taken aback!

And Naomi has raised her hand again!



Another Xuanhe beam blasted down towards Jiang Fan!

The key is that this time the beam was still in the air, and it was divided into nine, turning into nine even larger beams, covering Jiang Fan within a few hundred meters!

At this time, Jiang Fan finally remembered!

The priests of Eastern Shintoism are so powerful because they can borrow the power of the gods!

As the leader of Shintoism, what the priest can borrow is one of the highest gods, the supernatural power of Amaterasu Daimika!

Amaterasu is the sun **** of Dongying, and it is really reasonable to be able to use the power of light!

Fortunately, because of the dispersion of this beam just now, the strength is already much worse!

Jiang Fan frowned and directly activated the Diamond Curse!

He actually wants to resist the power of this light!


One of the beams suddenly hit Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan was blasted directly on the ground, and his whole body was smashed into the ground a full five meters deep!

Moreover, this light was not only bright, but also extremely hot, directly burning the clothes behind his back into ashes!

For a while, Jiang Fan not only showed his back and thighs, but also exposed his white ass!

"Your uncle!!"

Jiang Fan was shaking all over!

Although he was unscathed, he was so embarrassed!

The first time the spanked **** was exposed, this is so...too deceitful!

The furious Jiang Fan could no longer take care of anything else. He pinched an item in his hand and was about to jump up!

At this moment, Naomi also rushed to Jiang Fan!

Originally, she wanted to continue to shoot!

However, when she saw Jiang Fan's smooth back, her whole body froze!

The eyes are full of infinite panic and embarrassment!

"Asshole!! You are shameless!!"

Jiang Fan was startled and looked up!

I saw Naomi covering her eyes with her right hand, while her left hand pointed at herself, yelling with shame!


Jiang Fan blinked his eyes, put away the props conveniently, turned around and ran in the direction of the Grand Shrine!

Hearing Jiang Fan's footsteps, Naomi immediately put down her hands and hurried to catch up!

It's just that she just ran two steps, only to find that Jiang Fan was running with a bare butt!

At the entrance, Jiang Fan's trembling white buttocks are even more visible!

"You shameless!!"

Naomi's face is red and her ears are red, and she just feels that her heart is about to burst out of her chest!

The point is, that is really a world-class butt!

It's perfect!

It's breathtaking!

and so on!


I, I am a servant of Amaterasu Daimika!

How can you be attracted to mundane mortals!

What's more, this person is still a blasphemer!

However, this guy's hip is really...


Can't think, can't think!


Naomi yelled and chased him up again!

With the teleport blessing, Naomi chased behind Jiang Fan almost instantly!

Seeing that she has to raise her hand again!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan actually stopped abruptly, directly in front of Naomi, like a cowboy at night, raised his hand, and patted his **** lightly!


A crisp sound!


Naomi exclaimed directly, covering her mouth tightly with her right hand!

A heart is directly stopped!

Now she is full of Jiang Fan's upright figure!

And trembling...

She seemed to be petrified, completely sluggish!

Such a scene, to her impact, is almost like detonating a nuclear bomb in her heart!

"High priest!"

"Sacrifice! What's wrong with you?"

"Damn bastard! Stop it for us!"

Behind Naomi, the master of Ise Jingu finally caught up!

All these people panicked at the sight of Naomi with a dull face and empty eyes!

"Yamamoto-kun! What happened to the priest?"

"How could she become like this?"

"I heard that the Liu Sheng's family has a heart-slashing technique. Could it be that the priest was secretly calculated?"

"How is this possible? The Heart Slashing technique has long been lost!"

"It doesn't matter, Narita, you protect the priest, let's chase the blasphemer!"

Several masters said, they have chased Jiang Fan again!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already arrived at the Emperor's Shrine!

And only then did he breathe a sigh of relief!

This Naomi is too strong!

Although the two of them were only fighting against each other, Jiang Fan could clearly feel that the power she could really exert had definitely reached level 19, or even stronger!

The key is that she borrowed Amaterasu's divine power, that is to say, she will definitely use certain techniques of Amaterasu!

The reason why she had reservations just now was only because she only had a sixteenth level aura!

"I miscalculated. I thought that the strongest was the female monarch, but I didn't expect to drop this priest!"

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu's **** is cocked!"

As Jiang Fan said, he quickly rushed into the Imperial Palace!

But as soon as he rushed in, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

The emperor's palace is extremely spacious!

And the display is very simple!

Except for a statue and an altar placed under the statue, there is nothing else!

And on the altar table, there is a jade basin at this moment!

Inside the jade basin, it is full of lacquer blocks—the stone of wishing strength!

As soon as he saw this thing, Jiang Fan rushed over!

This pot of wishing strength stone is emitting a white smoke at this moment, and the smoke only floats three feet, and it disappears out of thin air, as if it has been sucked into another world!

Jiang Fan didn't bother to pay attention to why this happened. The key was that there was a terrifying Namio chasing him behind his ass!

Throwing the wishing strength stone directly into the backpack with the jade basin, Jiang Fan was about to run away, but at this moment!


Jiang Fan's sight suddenly fell on this sculpture!

This is a statue of a woman!

And it's an exceptionally beautiful statue of a woman!

Of course, these are all secondary. The important thing is that the statue's hand is actually holding a simple mirror!

And this is what really attracted Jiang Fan!

"This stuff..."

Jiang Fan frowned, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Yatayama Mirror!!"

Legend has it that the three sacred artifacts of Toyo, the Kusanagi sword and the eight-shaku jade gou are stored in the imperial palace, and the Yata Mirror is placed in the Ise Shrine!

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate any more, and grabbed the mirror in one hand!

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