Seeing Jiang Fan's hand is about to touch that mirror!

At this moment!

"Asshole! Don't touch it!!"

A roar suddenly sounded!

The next moment, a thunder light pressed against the ground and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan's feet!

The speed of this lightning is really astonishing, and although it is only the thickness of the finger, the energy contained in it has reached an extremely exaggerated level!

Let Jiang Fan have a feeling of heart palpitations!

Almost for an instant, Jiang Fan had already displayed Wind Teleport!


With a breeze, Jiang Fan had already withdrawn a full ten meters away!

It was only then that he could see clearly that in the main hall, he did not know when an old man with a very thin body appeared!

This old man has short silver hair, an extremely old face, and it is covered with age spots, but his spirit is abnormal, and his eyes are full of fierce light!

At this moment, this old man is staring at Jiang Fan!

"Asshole! Who are you? How dare you break into the shrine!"

Jiang Fan didn't say a word, he just chopped it out with a hand knife!

When this sword strength came out, it was as real as it was!

It spanned a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and hit the old man and smashed it down!

"This is---slash in the wind?!"

The old man's complexion changed, and immediately after he didn't see any movements, three connected thunder groups appeared on top of his head, which looked like comma signs!

As soon as Dao Jin hit this thunder group, he was directly blown away!

"Fuck?! Write round eyes?"

Jiang Fan couldn't help being taken aback!

But the old man's eyes were fierce!

"Boy! So you are from the Liu Sheng family!"

And because of such a delay, the other masters of Ise Jingu also chased after him!

I saw five men with different descriptions, carrying a gust of wind, like a furious lion, rushing into the Grand Shrine in an instant!

"Boy! Let's see where you go this time!"

"The **** of the Yanagyu family! How dare you provoke Ise Jingu!"

"The old man will definitely tear you apart!"

"Say it! What did you do to Lord Priest!"

The expressions of several people are simply furious!

However, as soon as he saw the old man across from Jiang Fan, the leader Yamamoto Tong's expression changed drastically!

"Master Ikeda! Why did your old man come out?"

As soon as he spoke, the others gasped suddenly!


"Well, this is Lord Ikeda?"

"The one who can borrow the power of Jianyu Thunder God, the former Omiyaji!"

"But isn't Ikeda-sama already retired?"

The faces of several people are unbelievable!

And Yamamoto has already bowed down respectfully to the old man!

"Master Ikeda!"

"This guy trespassed into the shrine without knowing how to hurt the priest!"

"Please take action and capture the **** of the Liu Sheng family alive!"

Previously, Naomi was helpless with Jiang Fan, which is enough to prove Jiang Fan's strength!

The strongest of them are only level 16 and they are obviously not Jiang Fan's opponents!

The reason why I was chasing after me just now was just for the honor of the shrine!

Now that Yoko Ikeda appears, it couldn't be better!

Hearing what Yamamoto said, Yoko Ikeda nodded proudly!

"Don't worry, there is an old man, this **** can't escape!"

After saying this, he has already looked at Jiang Fan again!

"Boy, catch it immediately, otherwise the old man will definitely want you to know..."

It's a pity that the old guy didn't finish his words, Jiang Fan had already teleported to the statue, and he caught on the mirror!


Everyone burst out an angry curse!

And Yoko Ikeda roared abruptly, stretched out his right hand, squeezed Jiang Fan with five fingers apart!

With his shot, Jiang Fan's body suddenly thundered on Monday!

That thunder light was densely packed, almost like a cage, already completely surrounding Jiang Fan!

The key is that this thunder light carries an astonishing force of imprisonment, even if it is at level nineteen, he can't get out of it!

"Boy! Today, the old man must let you..."

The anger in Yoko Ikeda's heart is beyond words!

Just as he pretended to be forced, Jiang Fan actually grabbed his paw at Yata Mirror again!

This is really Chi Guoguo's face slap!

I have to skin him and tear him apart to get rid of the hatred in my heart!


Seeing that the thunder light is about to cover Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly turned into a breeze, and he was out of the range of thunder light in an instant!

Then, with his bare ass, he burst out of the Grand Shrine like a smoke!

As for the statue, where are there any mirrors!


Yokoike Ikeda was stunned!

I even forgot to chase Jiang Fan!

You know, in the imprisonment of his thunder light prison, normal people simply can't do anything!

Not to mention the ability to teleport!

But this kid, unexpectedly got out of trouble so easily!

This is nothing short of a fantasy!

"Master Ikeda!"

"Wake up!"

"That kid is running!!"

Yamamoto and his colleagues finally reacted first, and suddenly screamed!

"Huh? Ah!"

Ikeda Heng suddenly reacted!

Immediately afterwards, his old face became extremely red!

What a shame!

If you can't keep this kid today, you will definitely not be able to mix in the future!


Ikeda Heng suddenly roared, and his body moved, already turned into a thunder light, and suddenly rushed out of the Grand Shrine!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan has already flew up at this time and rushed directly to the spacecraft!

And then, two streams of light spewed out from behind the spaceship's buttocks, and they disappeared into the night sky in an instant!

Looking at the empty night sky, the expressions of Ikeda Heng and others were so ugly that water dripped!


This night, I rushed into the shrine, destroyed a palace, humiliated the priest, took away the stone of wishing, and robbed the **** of Yata Mirror, and ran away!

What a shame!

What a shame! !

"Master Ikeda!"

Yamamoto Tong looked directly at Yoko Ikeda!

Ikeda took a deep breath, and finally spoke slowly in a murderous tone!

"Go to Yanagi's house!"




On the spacecraft, Jiang Fan finally let out a long sigh of relief!

That idiot Ikeda Yokogawa, if he used an attack method, he was afraid that he would have to lose two items!

After all, the momentum that the other party burst out just now and the power of the previous thunder light are no longer under Naomi!

It's even worse!

It's a pity that the old guy wanted to capture himself alive, but he used the means of imprisonment, which gave him a chance to run away!

However, this time it was not in vain!

Not only did he get such a big pot of aspiration stones, he even got back all the Yata Mirrors!


Jiang Fan couldn't help laughing!

It's a pity that he is now naked on the back, and with this smile at this moment, it is really wretched and amazing!

The corners of the mouths of Curtis and others twitched, and Christine and Hasegawa couldn't help but look behind Jiang Fan!

Sir, what happened to this?

Even the clothes were stripped?

Is it so perverted in this shrine?

"Ahem, Master, are you okay?"

Curtis finally spoke first!

"It's okay! It's okay!"

Jiang Fan sat down on the ground and laughed, his right hand had already taken out the incomparably simple, Yata Mirror!

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