God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1658: Liu Sheng rolled out with a sword

This Yata mirror is different from the one that Jiang Fan got in the King of Fighters world before. It is full of mottled patina, and it is full of time!

Jiang Fan just swiped it and threw it directly into the backpack before, and he didn't have time to take a closer look. As soon as he started, his heart suddenly became cold!

Feels wrong!

Since getting the system, Jiang Fan has dealt with antiques, there are no ten thousand but eight thousand!

Now you can tell the difference almost at first hand!

And although this Yata Mirror is indeed some years old, it definitely does not have the sense of precipitation that an artifact should have!

This gadget is, in all likelihood, an imitation!


"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 1,800 karma points!"

Damn it!

This thing is not genuine!

In fact, think about it, if this thing is real, how could it be placed on the statue of Amaterasu so openly!

Moreover, it is said that during the battle of Toyojin no Ura more than 800 years ago, the real three artifacts of the East Ocean were sunk into the sea with Emperor Ande long ago!

Forget it, this thing in itself is a lot of money!

After selling the fake to the system, Jiang Fan put on a piece of clothing and controlled the spacecraft to run directly towards Edo!


The spacecraft will soon arrive over Edo!

And Jiang Fan finally looked at Hasegawa!

"Hasegawa, you guys develop well."

"My lord, are you leaving now?"

Hasegawa was taken aback!


Jiang Fan nodded.

According to his original plan, he had to stay for another day before leaving the Liu Sheng's house after extorting him!

However, since breaking the seal of Shuhai, he always felt uneasy!

Seeing that Jiang Fan had decided to leave, Hasegawa nodded:

"Then I wish my lord a safe journey!"


Seeing Hasegawa left, Jiang Fan immediately controlled the spacecraft to fly directly to China!

At the same time, Yoko Ikeda had an old face with coldness, and took Yamamoto and his colleagues straight to Yanagyu's house!

They had checked Naomi just now, but they found that Naomi was always in a state of dizziness, as if she had received a huge shock!

Combined with the speculation by Yamamoto's colleagues, it was the appearance of Yanagi's heart-cutting method, and Ikeda was furious!

For so many years, no one has ever dared to break into the shrine without permission!

But today, the Yanagi family is too presumptuous!

Must give them a lesson that will never be remembered!

Soon, a group of people have arrived at an antique mansion in Edo Castle!

Here, it is the courtyard of the Yanagyu family!

"Yiu Sheng Yijian! Get out of us!!"

Yamamoto Tong directly roared!


"Dare to call the name of Patriarch Liu Sheng directly!"

"Just looking for death!"

Accompanied by Yamamoto Tong's roar, the entire Yanagi family was almost like a wild boar who had been stabbed in the ass, and suddenly shouted loudly!

In half a minute, all the masters of the Liu Sheng family have already rushed out!

And the leader was Saburo Yagyu who was beaten by Jiang Fan violently at the airport!

This guy still has a bandage on his head, and he limps when he walks!

However, this did not hinder his pretense!

Looking proudly at Ikeda Hiroko and others in front of the door, Saburo Yanagyu snorted directly!

"What a dare! How dare you come to my Liu Sheng's house to make trouble! Don't you know that my eldest brother is the number one kendo master in Dongying?"

It's a pity that Yoko Ikeda didn't bother to take care of this kind of stuff at all!

Yamamoto's eyes sank:

"Where is Liu Shengyijian!"

"Huh! My eldest brother is the Emperor's teacher, so you trash just want to see you! Come here!"

Accompanied by Saburo Yagyu's shout, a group of people have already drawn out their long swords and aimed at Ikeda Yokogawa and others!

Seeing that the other party dared to draw a knife to himself, Yamamoto Tong's face changed directly!

"court death!"

Accompanied by his angry shout, the aura of the Grand Master has completely exploded!


"This breath is terrifying!"

"Who is the other party!"

"too frightening!"


Those who drew their swords all had their feet soft and knelt down one after another!

And Saburo Yagyu almost jumped out of his throat with his heart!


The other party turned out to be the master!

Why would such a strong man come to trouble Liu Sheng's family!

"My lord, calm down!"

Saburo Yagyu almost yelled out loud!

"Shut up! I'll ask you again, where is Liu Shengyijian!"

Yamamoto Tong suddenly shouted in a low voice!

"I'm here! How expensive are some of the people who rushed into the Yanagyu family?-Yamamoto Miyaji?! Why are you here?"

Accompanied by an exclamation, the pale Liu Sheng Yijian, with the help of Liu Sheng Yuzi, slowly walked out!

"Huh! Why am I here? What do you think?"

Yamamoto sneered coldly!

Liu Sheng Yijian frowned suddenly:

"Miyaji Yamamoto, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, what do I mean? Liu Shengyijian, what's the matter with your injury?"

The smile on Yamamoto Tong's face grew gloomy!

In the past, someone from the Liu Sheng family broke into the shrine and was also hit by the priest's trick. Now, Liu Sheng Yijian appeared in such an injured appearance, which is a coincidence!

And Yokogawa Ikeda and others are full of murderous intent in their eyes!

Seeing, we must shoot!

Feeling the murderous intent of the other party, Liu Sheng suddenly froze with a sword!

He faintly understood that he was afraid that he was in big trouble!

Immediately speak in a hurry!

"Someone forcibly broke into the imperial residence this afternoon, I was injured by that person!"

"what did you say?!"

Yamamoto was taken aback!

And the expressions of Ikeda Yokogawa and others changed!

Someone dared to break into the imperial residence?

"It's true! That person is amazing, and he caught me in the wind with only two fingers!"


Yamamoto and several people showed incredible expressions in their eyes at the same time!

Although Liu Sheng's sword is only sixteenth level, but Fengfeng slashed out with all his strength, almost able to kill a seventeenth level master!

However, this powerful move would be caught with two fingers!

How is this possible!

"Where is that person!"

"I don't know! After that person took my slash, he was about to destroy the imperial residence. At this moment, a hidden master appeared and chased that person away. I was shocked and came back to cultivate early!"

Liu Sheng Yijian hurriedly spoke!

"Hidden world master? Is it His Royal Highness?"


"Speaking of which, in the afternoon, Her Royal Highness seems to have gone out too!"

"What's the matter? Did they both go to arrest this person?"

"This person, could it be..."

Yamamoto whispered to a few people!

And at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Yamamoto's cell phone rang suddenly!

He frowned, and as soon as he answered the phone, Abe's panicked voice rang from the other side:

"Miyaji Yamamoto! It's not good! An accident occurred in the Shukai Center!"

"what did you say?!"

Yamamoto's face changed drastically!

The Shuhai Center is the top priority of all the affairs of the shrine!

Because there is not only the Guojin God imprisoned there, but also the place where the wishing power stone is produced!

Even if the shrine is burned, there is absolutely nothing to lose there!

"Make it clear! What happened!"

Yamamoto Tong suddenly shouted in a low voice!

"There was an accident in the Shuhai Center! All the staff of our Abe family left there were killed!"

Abe's voice has brought a hint of crying!

"Also, then, the seal there has been destroyed!"

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