Seeing John Cramer's bad luck, Jiang Fan didn't bother to care about him!

I flipped it over, and that slice of boiled pork was directly exposed!


As Jiang Fan opened the box, a strong and spicy flavor instantly filled the entire plant!

Even the smell has drifted outside along the window!

At this moment, the police cars outside have stopped in front of the factory!

A group of police officers, led by Eric Matthew, all came to the gate!

"Don't mess up!"

"We are facing the worst criminals!"

"Be sure to fight steadily!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Eric spoke directly to a group of police officers!

But at this moment!

The taste of boiled pork slices has spread to every nose!

"Huh? What does this smell like!"

Eric trembled all over!

I was directly shocked by the incredibly spicy taste!

This scent reminded him of the attractive dancers in the nightclub in an instant!

It's so tempting!

And everyone else's eyes widened too!

"It's so fragrant! It makes me want to swallow my tongue!"

"What the **** is this smell!"

"I can't help it! I really want to eat!"

"I seem to see a hot beauty seduce me!"

The crowd is breathing heavily and drooling!

Everyone looked at Eric with red eyes!

"Boss! Go in!"

"Yes! Can't wait any longer!"

"It won't taste good when it's cold!"

"No! I mean, when it's late, the criminals might have to run away!"

Everyone is staring at Eric!

Eric also has difficulty controlling his desires!

Without a word, he kicked to the gate!


There was a muffled noise at the door, but it didn't move at all!

"Damn it! Hurry up! Open this door to Lao Tzu!"

Eric roared suddenly!

The others immediately picked up the common door knocker in the movie, and slammed with enough strength!

"Boom boom!"

Everyone keeps crashing!

at last!


With a loud noise, the door was finally knocked open!

When Eric's eyes lit up, he stepped forward and wanted to be the first to rush in!




"Snatch the food--no! Catch the criminal!"

"Yes! For justice!"

A group of Citi police officers screamed, knocked Eric to the ground, stepped on him and rushed into the factory!

"Assholes! You idiots!"

Eric was trampled in embarrassment!

Shouted in anger!

However, no one paid any attention to him at all!

Eric got up from the ground in anger and rushed into the factory!

But at this moment!

"Ah! My legs!"


"There are organs!!"

"Fuck! This criminal is too cunning!"

"Using food to lure us into a trap!"

Hearing the screams of a group of police officers, Eric was stunned!

Is this puzzle murderer so cunning?

Fortunately, I was kicked down!

Otherwise, now the unlucky one is yourself!

"Everyone! Don't panic! Retreat slowly!"

"Take the injured out!"

Eric shouted to maintain order!

Soon, a group of police officers finally advanced to the second floor!

And as soon as they saw the picture here, everyone was immediately angry!

I saw an old guy with a gloomy face, sweating profusely, pulling a large pot of fragrant food!

That scent is exactly what they smelled before!

However, they were obviously late!

There was only a little soup base left in that pot of food!

At this moment, John Kramer is more energetic as he eats!

"too delicious!"

"This thing almost brought me back to seventeen years old!"

"Let me be full of power all over!"

"The waist is no longer sore, the legs are no longer sore! The hips are full!"

"Seven times a night is not a dream!"

"Oh my God! I can feel that my illness is cured!"


John Cramer's face was full of incredible!

Jiang Fan’s takeaway is simply against science!

Not only made him full of energy, but even his cancer was cured!

Magical China!

Amazing Chinese takeaway!

However, seeing this scene, Eric and others are simply going crazy!

Before they had time to see what it looked like, such wonderful food was eaten up by that bastard!

Simply unforgivable!

"Lie on the ground!"

A group of police officers directly took out their guns and aimed them at John Kramer!

At the same time, several people directly rushed out, and pressed John Kramer to the ground in one hand!

At the same time, directly against his neck with his knees!

"Ah! Stop it! I, I can't breathe!"

John Cramer yelled desperately!

That's it!

I was so happy just now that I forgot the "Knee of Death" of Citi Police!

"Don't pretend to be dead! Old fellow, are you a jigsaw?"

Eric smiled coldly!

At the same time, he aimed his pistol at Jiang Fan!

"I didn't expect you to have an accomplice! Boy, kneel down immediately!"

Jiang Fan shrugged:

"I'm not an accomplice, I'm just here to deliver food!"


Eric looked at the takeaway box at John Kramer's feet and his eyes lit up!

It turned out that the takeaway that the jigsaw ate was delivered by this kid!

In that case, through this takeaway, wouldn't it be possible to know what the old guy was eating?

When the time comes, I can eat it myself!

However, when it is time to solve a major case, take this kid back and ask slowly!

Eric made up his mind and immediately sneered at Jiang Fan!

"I care what you are doing! I shot you if I didn't honestly!"

However, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Okay, shoot!"


Eric almost suspected that there was a problem with his ears!

A takeaway is so arrogant?

Others are also dumbfounded!

Who is this kid!

It's so horizontal!

But John Cramer's eyes lit up!

Before, he had seen Jiang Fan flying with his own eyes!

And just now, because he ate Jiang Fan's takeaway, his cancer was cured!

"Jiang Fan! Help!!"

My hometown has completely forgotten what he wanted to kill Jiang Fan before!

Directly regard Jiang Fan as the savior!

"To shut up!"

The police officer who was pressing on him gave his knee a direct force!

"Uh, uh, uh, uh~~~"

John Cramer suddenly felt that his neck was about to be crushed!

"Stop, stop! I, I have human rights..."

"You have a hammer!"

"I have a gun in my hand, I am a human right now!"

The police sneered coldly!

John Kramer was shocked!

It's so shameless than myself!

Killing yourself, anyhow, give a reason!

Such as helping others to live better!

And this group of **** just don't even want the fig leaf!

It's all like this now. What if I am arrested?

He was about to die before, so there is nothing to fear!

But now, when the disease is cured, he still wants to live for two years!

When he thought of this, the old guy was completely panicked, and yelled directly!

"Jiang Fan! Save me!"

Jiang Fan looked at John Kramer who was dying, and his views were subverted!

Is this still an iron jigsaw?

How come you become so confused!

However, after all, it is a customer, so please kindly save him!

When he heard the jigsaw's cry for help, Eric suddenly laughed!

"Okay! Boy, you really are his accomplice! Hand over the takeaway immediately—no! Accept the arrest immediately!"

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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