God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1666: A magic weapon for the benefit of one party

Eric said, already winking at his team!

Suddenly, the two police officers caught Jiang Fan directly!

"Hey, kid, be honest!"

"Otherwise our knee of death is not just talking!"

The two police officers smiled sullenly, and grabbed Jiang Fan's arm and neck with their big hands!


"It's hard to persuade a **** ghost!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

next moment!


Jiang Fan casually threw two big mouths out!

The two police officers screamed abruptly, almost like small stones, and flew upside down. They crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, slammed through the glass on the second floor, and fell outside the factory building!

Until two seconds later, two heavy objects fell to the ground, this sounded!

Everyone was stunned!

Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

What kind of strength is this!

Eric was the first to react, with a fierce look in his eyes, and directly squeezed the trigger!


A gunshot!

"Do not!!"

John Cramer screamed in despair!

But the next moment, he was stunned!

Not only him, everyone's eyes widened in horror!

I saw that the bullet could shoot through Jiang Fan's forehead with only a trace, but an invisible barrier appeared in front of the bullet!

I can only fix it there!


"Oh my God!"

"Who is this guy!"

"It's terrible! It can resist bullets!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

And Eric was trembling all over!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"You, what are you..."

"I am an existence beyond your imagination!"

Jiang Fan chuckles up the bullet and slowly speaks:

"In this dimension, you can even treat me as a god!"

"Of course, it's...Reaper!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan's finger suddenly flicked!


A sound like a cannon popping out of the chamber suddenly sounded!

next moment!

That bullet had already broken through the sound barriers, and suddenly hit Eric's head!


Eric's head seemed to be thrown into the wall breaker, and it exploded into a dense blood mist in an instant!

But in this **** mist, everyone's throat tightened, and they couldn't even scream for a while!

so horrible!

The power of a bullet is even more powerful than a sniper rifle!

This man is right, in this ordinary people's world, he is indeed a god!


A Citi police officer knelt directly on the ground!

From him, the crowd fell to their knees almost instantly!

"Forgiveness, forgiveness..."

"Do not kill me!"

"too frightening!"

"This guy is not a human! Absolutely not a human!"

And the police officer who originally pressed John Kramer with the knee of death, even sat down on the ground!

The face is full of horror!

John Kramer was also stunned!

Jiang Fan's horror is beyond his imagination!

When he thought that he wanted to play a game with this monster before, he just thought he was about to pee!

Looking at the Citi police officer who knelt down, Jiang Fan just waved his hand boringly!


"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of Citi policemen will run away if they receive an amnesty!

But at this moment!

"Stop me!"

Just watch John Kramer jump up suddenly, grabbing the police officer who was on his knee of death before!

"Fak! What are you doing, old man!"

The police officer's expression changed!

But John Kramer was full of cruel expressions!

"You have pressed me for so long, do you think this can run!"

The police officer was taken aback for a moment, but then his eyes were fierce. He suddenly raised the handle of the gun and hit John Kramer on the head!



The old man screamed when he was smashed!

Cover your head in a hurry!

And the police officer smiled at Jiang Fan, turned around and ran!

But he only ran two steps. John Cramer didn't even know where to take out a blow arrow, bulged his cheeks and blew, and an anesthesia dart directly hit the police officer's ass!


The police officer reluctantly emphasized that he would turn around and shoot at John Kramer, but he had no strength!

Finally, one head fell to the ground!

And until then, John Cramer looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

"Jiang Fan, this, what this person did to me just now, you have also seen..."

"It's okay! Do what you should do!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The old man looked happy, but felt that he was greatly encouraged!

I saw him first look at the police officer's dog tag!

"So your name is Liao Deng!"

John Kramer nodded, and then tied the police officer named Ludeng to the chair with a whisper!

Then, he went straight into the warehouse behind and took out a hideous steel helmet!

This thing is like a large mouse trap!

John Kramer put this thing on the head of Dinary, and explained it to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, this is the most classic tool for inspiring life desires that I have researched out-the jaw cracker!"

"This thing can hold each other's jaws separately!"

"When the time is up, the helmet is opened, and the powerful kinetic energy can tear a person's jaw alive!"

"This thing, I don't know how many life-wasting idiots have been saved!"

"It's really a magic weapon for benefiting one party!"

Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly!

It's not that he has any interest in this **** punishment, but that John Cramer was able to say that his motive for killing is so great, it's really a **** talent!

Soon, in the middle of the old man's babbling, this thing was arranged!

Then the old man looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Jiang Fan! My life was saved by you. In return, I will teach you how to save people who waste their lives!"


Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

"This, no need..."

"You're welcome!"

The old man looked righteous and awe-inspiring, and then he poured a pot of hot water directly on the hapless Liao Deng!


Liao Deng let out a scream, and finally opened his eyes!

However, as soon as he saw the torture instrument in front of him, he was immediately confused!

"Asshole! You, what did you do to me!"


John Kramer sneered directly!

"Lou Deng! You stupid and arrogant trash!"

"You think you can control other people's lives, but you are actually just an arrogant poor creature!"

"You despise the lives of others, and most importantly, the way you despise my life makes you destined to get the retribution you deserve!"

"Now, listen up, Iwanttoplayagame!"

"The one tied to your head is my most classic cleft jaw!"

"One minute after the mechanism is activated, he will tear your upper and lower jaw alive!"

"You have a minute to find the key!"

"And the key, just put it where you can see it!"

"Now, the game begins!"

As John Kramer's voice fell, the mechanism of the cleft jaw was activated!

"Tick! Tick!"

With the continuous rotation of the pointer on the cleft jaw, Liao Deng immediately panicked!

Yell desperately!

However, there is no use for eggs!

Fortunately, at this moment, he directly saw the key placed on the table not far away!

Liao Deng is overjoyed!

Going to get the key!

But he just stood up, only to find that his ankle was actually locked to the chair!

And this chair was welded to the ground!

Besides, there is only a saw blade beside me!

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