Liao Deng was stunned!

Combined with the previous case, he immediately wanted to understand that the jigsaw was implying that he could only get the key by sawing off his leg!

"Asshole! You **** let go of me!"

Rookie suddenly roared at John Kramer!

However, John Kramer smiled coldly!

Look directly at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, this is my first step to save these people!"

"Inspire their thirst for life!"

"Look! How strong is his desire for life now!"

"This is the greatest part of my life desire stimulation mechanism!"

"Jiang Fan! Look, how successful I am!"

John Cramer said, spitting!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


This old guy's fallacies and heresies are really a force of six!

Being with him, it really seemed out of place because he was not perverted enough!

"Hehe, very good, very good!"

"Mr. John Kramer, continue your great career!"

"I think you are definitely the most promising in this regard!"

"Come on!"

Jiang Fan held down John Kramer's shoulder with a look of encouragement!

"Jiang Fan, you, do you think so too?"

With Jiang Fan's encouragement, John Cramer's eyes lit up!

After all, no matter how awesome he is, compared to Jiang Fan, he can only look up!

It is simply my own blessing to be encouraged by such a big man!

"That's right! Work hard! Try to make more than a dozen copies!"

Jiang Fan nodded hard!

"Huh? What dozens?"

"Nothing, I have something else, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan said, without waiting for any reaction from John Kramer, he chose to return directly!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has reappeared in the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 3145 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining John Kramer's gratitude-mechanism creation!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the worship of John Kramer-Game of Death!"

John Cramer actually gave two rewards!

Jiang Fan looked at the first one!

Mechanism creation technique: This is the ultimate mechanism technique developed by Jigsaw John Kramer based on his lifelong learning!

Note: By learning this skill, you will master all the knowledge about death items!

Damn it!

This means that after learning, not only can all jigsaws ever invented torture instruments be made by themselves, but also innovative?

This thing is good for harming people!

Jiang Fan chose to study directly!

Then, he looked at another prop!

Death Game: Iwanttoplayagame!

Item grade: Gold level!

How to use: When the phrase "Iwanttoplayagame" is spoken to the designated enemy, a death game will be randomly generated!

In the death game, anyone's strength will be forcibly suppressed to the level of ordinary people!

Remarks: The side effects of this item are too strong, please use the host with caution!

Seeing the detailed description of this item, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Isn't this a variant version of the suppression enchantment!

But the effect is much stronger than suppressing the enchantment!

As for the side effects, he really couldn't think of any side effects of this thing!

Putting away this prop, Jiang Fan finally left the system space!

Hurrying back to Jiang's house, Jiang Fan was about to start entering the gold level trial ground, but at this moment!


Suddenly Wang Yi hurried into the villa!

In his hand, there is still a package!

"Master, someone came over just now and asked me to hand this thing to you!"


Jiang Fan opened it and saw that there was a tablet inside!

From the Sword of Thorns, your own exchange extension!

This thing is exactly the same as the fake one Liandel mailed him last time!

But Jiang Fan knew that this time it must be genuine!

In order to get Liander to take the bait, this thing was mailed to Dongying, and then transferred again, and now it is finally in Jiang Fan's hands!

As soon as he got it, Jiang Fan immediately turned it on proficiently!

I saw a pattern of the sword of thorns suddenly flashed on the screen, and then as the unlocking was completed, the exchange screen that Jiang Fan had seen before in the castle of thorns suddenly appeared!

However, Jiang Fan didn't bother to look at the items, and looked directly at his point balance!

At first glance, even though he was mentally prepared, his face sank!

In terms of points, it is directly a zero!

His own points of up to 200,000 were really transferred away!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

Now, even if you know that the points disappear, nothing can be done!

But this account, I have to get it back sooner or later!

Jiang Fan is about to shut down, but at this moment!


The bottom right corner of the tablet suddenly flashed!

This is someone speaking to him!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled, but still clicked on the voice!

Along with the sizzling sound, it didn't take long for a calm male voice to be heard on the opposite side:

"Mr. Jiang Fan, hello!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"who are you?"

The other side smiled, and then he spoke:

"You can call me, Weight!"


The moment Jiang Fan heard this name, another name that was closely related to it came into his mind.


Weights are just the measuring instruments of scales!

And if someone from the Isaac line is looking for himself, there is no need to contact himself through this!

This guy, in all likelihood, is a Libra person!

"Mr. Weight, haha, funny, in the Sword of Thorns, I don't remember a character like you!"

Jiang Fan remained silent, but smiled the same!

"Mr. Jiang is right. Strictly speaking, I am not the sword of thorns!"

"That's weird. Since you are not a member of the Sword of Thorns, how did you contact me? This thing is only available to those of the Sword of Thorns!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Weight smiled and said:

"I really don't belong to the Sword of Thorns, to be precise, I come from a higher level than the Sword of Thorns, Throne of Thorns!"


Jiang Fan was really stunned this time!

Higher than the Sword of Thorns, Throne of Thorns?

The strength of the sword of thorns is already a world-class organization, but listening to the other party's meaning is only a subordinate organization of the throne of thorns!

How is this possible!

Do not!

It's not impossible!

There is no doubt that Isaac is the true master of the Sword of Thorns!

However, this Libra dares to confront him, so obviously there is another force that can fight against the sword of thorns!

In other words, this Throne of Thorns really exists!

However, it is not necessarily higher than the sword of thorns!

If the other party is really a Libra person, then he will definitely exaggerate and beat Isaac's weight!

Jiang Fan thought about it, and immediately sneered:

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Jiang's temper is really straightforward, so let me make a long story short, your points have disappeared, right?"

"Fuck! How do you know?"

Jiang Fan directly "exclaimed"!

At the same time, it has been completely determined that the other party is a Libra person!

"It's very simple, because your points were taken by us!"

"Damn! So it's you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared:

"I don't care who you are, immediately return my points, otherwise I must let you..."

"Mr. Jiang, don't be impulsive. If you still want to get your points back, you'd better be honest and listen to what I have to say next!"

The weight chuckled softly, and the voice was full of the scent of playing with ants!

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