God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1673: It's so impossible to fight

As early as when hundreds of monsters appeared, everyone just felt chilly!

According to the length of the sharp horns on their heads, these monsters have different strengths!

Some have actually reached level sixteen!

And four or five of them with bone spurs on their backs have reached level seventeen!

Hundreds of existences above level fifteen appeared at the same time!

This is a scene that is impossible to see on earth!

Except for Jiang Fan, Lu Bu, and Zhenzi, everyone is only at level 15!

Although their strength is far superior to their peers, if the opponent rushes forward, they won't even be left with scum!

More exaggerated, but the shadow on the head!

As soon as this shadow appeared, everyone just felt depressed in their hearts!

After the depression, it was the kind of fear that emerged from the bone marrow!

Everyone looked up!

Then, they were all stunned!

This is actually a huge monster with a length of more than 30 meters and a body like a centipede!

It has four skin wings on its body, and its whole body is covered with a black carapace that shimmers with black light!

The head of this thing is extremely hideous, covered with threaded sharp horns, and three pairs of blood-red eyes, standing side by side on both sides of the head!

Along with its breathing, black smoke was continuously spitting out of its mouth!

Its tail is densely covered with the same spikes, coupled with dozens of pairs of sharp feet, it is simply the ultimate monster that only the most frenzied scientist can study!

However, all of this is nothing compared to its breath!

The breath of this ghost is actually extremely exaggerated, reaching the nineteenth level!

And this guy is definitely not an ordinary nineteenth level!

The female monarch is already strong enough, but compared to this monster, she is simply a scum!

At this moment, this monster was staring at Jiang Fan and the others with those six blood-red eyes!


Curtis and others swallowed directly!

"Lord, master, what should I do?"

The Necromancer stammered Xiang Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's face was extremely gloomy!

This is so impossible to fight!

The gap between the gold-level trial grounds and the silver-level ones is too big!

At this moment, the monster suddenly licked its teeth!

"Human? Hey, what a rare thing!"

"Come on, give your body and soul!"

"You will become immortal in my body!"

As the monster said, he opened his mouth and rushed directly to Jiang Fan and the others!

"the host!"

Curtis screamed in fright!

"What is it? Prepare to go back to the city!"

Jiang Fan yelled angrily!

"Back to the city?"

Everyone was taken aback!

And the next moment!

The monster's body has suddenly fallen down!


"Swipe, brush, brush, brush!"

With a few white lights flashing, Jiang Fan and others have reappeared in the temple!

At this time, everyone knew what the so-called return to the city meant!

This is what was killed back!

And just after the resurrection, Jiang Fan looked at the system prompt!

"Ding! You were killed by Feiwu, a gold-class powerhouse of the Demon Race! There are 2 remaining resurrection times!"

Flying centipede? waste?


Is this saying that Lao Tzu is not as good as a trash?

Oh shit!

The harm is not high, it is too insulting!

Flying centipede, right? I remember you!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth!

In fact, it is not impossible to kill Feiwu, but how could Jiang Fan waste props in such a place?

"Master, what should I do?"

Yue Jianhan also leaned forward at this time.

"That road can't be taken anymore, wait until the strength is strong before doing it! Change direction!"

Jiang Fan said, he has walked out of the temple again!

This time everyone did not dare to go deep into the ruins of the city, just wandering along the periphery of the city!

And in order to prevent the breath from leaking, Jiang Fan didn't dare to release his breath to perceive the surroundings with great fanfare this time, so the work of path finding was simply handed over to the skeleton summoned by Curtis!

On the road, I encountered several fifteenth-level monsters, all of which were smoothly killed by Jiang Fan and others!

And among them, a golden core was actually dropped!

Ten golden cores can enter Alcatraz once, but Alcatraz belongs to the reward map. You can explode props and other rewards. Jiang Fan immediately put it away carefully!

A group of people sneaked forward for a while, and at this moment, Curtis, who was in charge of driving the skull to explore the way, suddenly made a gesture!

A group of people hurriedly stopped!

I saw that this is an abandoned playground. Although the huge Ferris wheel is still standing, but looking at the wind blowing and shaking constantly, it is estimated that it will collapse in the next second!

Many of the rest of the amusement facilities are also rusty.

At this moment, the two skeletons summoned by Curtis were beside a merry-go-round.

It's just that the two skeletons looked around, but their movements were full of anxiety.

Curtis issued an order to let the two skeletons continue forward.

Unexpectedly, the two skeletons had just taken a step, and the next moment, they had directly exploded into dust in the sky!

Curtis was stunned!

He didn't even see what happened!

And immediately after, he only felt that his neck was tight, and the next moment, he was thrown out by Jiang Fan!

And at the moment he rose into the air, a jet-black bone spur sprang out from the ground where he used to stand!

When he saw this thing, Curtis just felt cold in his crotch!

Had it not been for Jiang Fan just now, he would have been killed by this thing now!

Seeing a miss, the bone spurs will be retracted!

But Jiang Fan suddenly made a move and grabbed this bone spur in one hand!

Then, he suddenly tugged!

next moment!


Amidst a roar, a monster was suddenly pulled out by Jiang Fan!

This thing is almost a human-shaped scorpion magnified countless times!

It has six arms, and its body is covered with a jet black carapace, and its head is just like those monsters, with two extremely strong sharp horns!

Behind it, there is a tail that is two meters long and with sharp bone spurs!

Just smashed two skeletons and almost gave Curtis to the chrysanthemum. This is the thing!

And just after being pulled out of the ground by Jiang Fan, this monster had already roared suddenly and flicked its tail!


A sound like the bounce of steel wire suddenly sounded!

The monster's tail stretched almost to the extreme!

However, Jiang Fan didn't move at all!

The monster was startled, never expected Jiang Fan's strength to be so exaggerated!

However, he immediately roared again, and the six sharp claws grabbed Jiang Fan directly!

It's a pity that its paws just moved!


In Jiang Fan's hand, a sword light suddenly flashed!

In the next moment, this monster with a level of seventeen, that hideous head, has soared into the sky!


Still in the air, the head and body of this monster have all exploded into a handful of black smoke!

With a breeze blowing, the black smoke dissipated, leaving only a golden core floating in the air!

This thing is the core of gold!

Putting away the golden core, Jiang Fan was about to move forward again, but at this moment!


An overwhelming atmosphere of terror suddenly struck from a distance!

As soon as I felt this breath, all the complexions suddenly changed!

This breath is too familiar!

It is the flying centipede!

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