God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1674: Grandson, wait for me

"Run separately!!"

Jiang Fan didn't even think about it, suddenly he let out a low voice!

next moment!

"Swish swish swish!!"

The crowd tried their best to restrain their breath and fled in all directions!

Just a few seconds later!


The huge flying centipede has suddenly arrived!

Sniffing the surrounding air forcefully, Flying Centipede suddenly roared violently!

"Humans! There are still humans!"

It shook its huge head, stared in one direction suddenly, and then suddenly rushed out!

It's not dead, the person it chased is actually Jiang Fan!


Flying centipede's speed is almost like streamer, almost instantly chasing after Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan's complexion changed!

Never expected that the speed of this monster would actually be so fast!

And Feiwu had a big mouth, directly facing the frantically fleeing Jiang Fan, and took a bite!


A whole large piece of turf was swallowed by the flying centipede!

"Um... the smell of human beings--huh?!"

Suddenly Feiwu felt that his mouth was empty, there was nothing but the smell of earth!

And when it looked up, it found that the human being swallowed by itself had actually rushed out for a full kilometer!

I just missed it!


Feihu roared, his figure moved, and he appeared behind Jiang Fan again!

Then, another bite!


A crisp sound of teeth closing suddenly sounded!

But this time, Feiwu's mouth was still empty!


Flying centipede was stunned!

And Jiang Fan had already taken advantage of the moment of flying centipede, rushing out for a full kilometer!

He even patted his **** provocatively!


Flying centipede looked at Jiang Fan who was going away, the whole strange thing was not good!

But immediately, it has reacted!


"Damn it! What a cunning human!"

"But since I saw it through, this time, you don't want to run away again!"

With this roar, it has chased Jiang Fan again!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan was scolding his mother in his heart while running!

Damn it!

This flying centipede does not chase others, but instead sticks to himself!

That guy Long Yan is so fat, five-of-a-kind. Go chasing him, soul light!

Even if Long Yan and the others died, killing them by themselves can still get experience points!

But if I die, with their strength, this time I am afraid it will be a waste of play!

But Feiwu didn't care about Jiang Fan's broken thoughts. At this moment, he had crossed a distance of thousands of meters and suddenly appeared behind Jiang Fan!


Seeing the flying centipede rushed forward, Jiang Fan immediately used the old trick again, and the wind teleport was used again!

However, this time, he just appeared from a few hundred meters away, but was shocked to find that Feiwu's big mouth was in front of his own eyes!

Flying centipede unexpectedly predicted where he would fall after teleporting!

Not only is this guy huge in size, but his combat consciousness is also so amazing!

Seeing that Feihu's big mouth had fallen, and it was too late to get out of his body, Jiang Fan simply gritted his teeth and suddenly yelled!

At this moment, the three-headed six-arms and the Diamond Curse have been completely excited!

And Feiwu's cold fangs have also been bitten down!


A crisp sound!

The moment the fangs of the flying centipede contacted Jiang Fan, a large swath of Mars sprang out of Jiang Fan's body!


Flying centipede was taken aback!

I just felt like I had bitten into an alloy of amazing hardness!

However, in front of his nineteenth level of strength, even if it is a space alloy, it is just a little bit more strength!

Normal creatures chew, and if they bite a slightly harder object, they will subconsciously pause for a while, and then continue to exert force!

The same is true for flying centipedes!

But at the moment it paused!

Jiang Fan had expected the same a long time ago, and he took a deep breath!

"You want to eat Laozi, right? Don't think about it!"

In the next moment, under the defensive blessings of the Diamond Curse and three heads and six arms, Jiang Fan suddenly burst out all his strength!

In an instant, his right arm seemed to be inflated, and it skyrocketed three times!

Spread the skin on the whole arm!

Even because the accumulated power was too terrifying, the blood that had just flowed over the entire arm boiled and evaporated, and a large swath of **** smoke was evaporated!

At this moment, Feiwu suddenly felt his heart beat!

Inexplicably, it actually gave birth to the idea of ​​wanting to retreat!

And just as this thought came up, Jiang Fan had already exploded with a hoarse roar!

"Five times! Give it to Lao Tzu-burst!!"

This is amazingly what Jiang Fan has to do with everything, burst out, super level, five times, charged to detonate!


This fist gathered Jiang Fan's strongest blow ever, and it was already like a roaring meteorite, and it suddenly hit Fei's teeth in the middle of the heavy blast!


The whole land was like an earthquake, and it shook suddenly!

And as soon as this punch fell on Feiwu's teeth, Jiang Fan's entire arm suddenly exploded into a **** mist!

This is that his body can't bear such a blow at all, and the energy that is directly detonated by the accumulation of force is bursting alive!

And not only the arm, but the flesh and blood of Jiang Fan's entire right shoulder was also shaken into meat sauce!

Even half of his body was ripped apart, and the gums on his right cheek were exposed!

The backlash that was detonated by this charge was simply terrifying to the extreme!

However, paying so much price is also doomed to Jiang Fan's blow, inevitable, shocking! !

Just as Jiang Fan's arm exploded!


A sound like a meteorite bombarding the ground suddenly resounded through the sky!

Immediately afterwards, in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, Fei's huge body was directly blasted hundreds of meters away!

And its teeth, whose hardness is terrifying to the extreme, are directly exploded into pieces in the sky amidst the harsh, crisp sound!

And the power of this blow is not over yet!

The invisible fist smashed Fei's teeth, and then drove straight in. On the Fei's upper jaw, it blasted a horrible wound with a diameter of one meter and pierced the entire upper jaw!


Flying centipede howls desperately in pain!

The harsh sound actually shook the trees and buildings around the ruins into dust in the sky!

"Asshole! Asshole!! I want to kill you!! I must kill you!!"

Flying centipede is rolling all over the floor in pain!

"Boom! Boom!"

Under the shaking of its huge body, the surrounding area is almost like an earthquake!

And along with the thick black mist constantly gushing out of its wound, it is visible to the naked eye that its wound is healing quickly!

Just a dozen seconds later, the wound on its upper jaw that was blasted by Jiang Fan was as good as ever!

Even the teeth have grown back!

Until this time, Feiwu looked at Jiang Fan fiercely again!

Just looking at it, it suddenly laughed wildly!

Jiang Fan at this moment is really miserable!

The burst of five times the charge to detonate, in itself caused half of his body to suffer, and it was already horrible!

And because the body was bitten by the flying centipede before, the force of Jiang Fan's punch was too terrifying, so while flying the flying centipede, he actually caused the flying centipede to tear off his legs alive!

Except for a head, Jiang Fan has only one left arm!

And seeing that Fei Fu can heal itself, Jiang Fan will not even have the mood to scold his mother!

He raised his left hand, pointed at Flying Centipede, and finally gritted his teeth and said the last sentence!

"Grandson! Are you waiting for me!"

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