God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1694: Godson's order

"Master! The Zhou family is here!"

Wang Yi's voice was slightly cautious, but he was not panicked!

Jiang Fan paused, was silent for a second, and suddenly smiled:

"Is it here to give gifts?"

"Master has a brilliant plan, it is indeed!"

"Who sent it?"

"Zhou Yantang! There are five more people from Zhou's family!"

"I see, let them wait!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

After negotiating with the Zhou family last time, the Zhou family promised a large amount of benefits. It seems that now it has finally been sorted out and delivered to himself!

Jiang Fan looked at Ma Donglai:

"Patriarch Ma, there is still something going on in Los Angeles, I have to go back first."

"Huh? But Mr. Jiang, you finally came here, and now you help me Ma's family..."

"Patriarch Ma, if you really want to return my favor, it's not a meal!"

Jiang Fan laughed and joked.

"Haha, yes, what Mr. Jiang said is, then I'm not welcome, please feel free to tell me if you have anything!"

Ma Donglai also laughed.

"Well, guys, I'll leave first."

As Jiang Fan said, he was about to leave.

"Jiang Fan!"

Ma Dongmei suddenly spoke.

"what's happenin?"


Ma Dongmei hesitated to speak but stopped.

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and he suddenly walked to Ma Dongmei and patted her on the shoulder lightly:

"Dongmei, you are a good woman, don't think too much!"

After speaking, Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and he rose into the air, disappearing to the horizon in an instant!

But Ma Dongmei looked at the direction Jiang Fan was leaving, her cheeks flushed!

He, he said I am a good woman?

Could it be that he meant...


This, why is this so embarrassing!

My wife's dowry is not ready yet!

It's fine if you marry someone else, but marry Jiang Fan, eh!

In a moment, I will ask Big Brother to change the names of all Ma family properties to Jiang Fan's!

Ma Dongmei's eyes are full of stars!

Ma Donglai and others just glanced at her and knew that she had committed an idiotic disease again!


Ma Donglai shook his head and wanted to climb up with Jiang's family. If it was the case, his Ma family could still think about it. As for now, I'm afraid it's not such a blessing!

And Jiang Fan was flying in the air, trying to find a spacious place to put down the iron-blooded spacecraft, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Order is coming!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

If this list gives you more experience, plus a super double, it will be enough to upgrade!

"It's him, it's him, it's him, it's him!"

"Our friend Little Nezha~~"

"It's him, it's him, it's him, it's him!"

"Young hero, little Nezha~~"

"God is taller than the sky~~"

"Under the sea, he is bigger than the sea~~ah~~"

"Wisdom fights monsters~~you drop ghosts~~"

"Young Hero~~It's Little Nezha~~"

The system is actually singing again!

Jiang Fan looked blank!

Then I was overjoyed!

This is little Nezha!

Unexpectedly this time it was a godson's order!

"Ding! Please give Nezha a refreshing fresh lotus root!"

Haha, this kid actually wants to eat lotus root, isn't it because he's been upset recently?

Don't bring him more bottles...

Jiang Fan's face suddenly stiffened!

Lotus root?

Could it be...

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan suddenly rushed downward!

Qingjiang Comprehensive Market!

After Jiang Fan came in, he went straight to the vegetable area!

Soon, he stopped in front of a vegetable stall!

"Boss, is your lotus root a jade arm lotus root?"

"Oh? Little brother expert! This is Hanshou's jade arm lotus root! And it's still fresh! It was shipped this morning!"

The boss laughed.

"Okay, I want it all! And you lotus and lotus flower!"


The boss was taken aback!

Jiang Fan threw a wad of renminbi at random, and then with a wave of his right hand, all the lotus roots on the vegetable stall had disappeared!

"Oh my God!"

The boss sat on the ground in shock!

A group of customers shopping for groceries are even more stunned and their eyes widened!

"This, is this magic?"

"No, the magic must have something to hold!"

"This is just like the universe in the myth!"

"It's amazing! Brother, take me as a disciple!"

"Little brother..."

The crowd roared.

But Jiang Fan turned around and left!


Jiang Fan has come to the roof of a building!

Unleashing the invisible iron-blooded spacecraft, Jiang Fan strode in!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds is on! It is about to enter the age of myth!"



With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan had already appeared at the foot of a mountain!

This mountain is not high, but the surrounding vegetation is lush and lush!

Looking up, you can faintly see thick smoke coming out of the mountainside!

Stone roads are leading to the mountainside!

At this moment, countless pedestrians are wiping their tears, coming down from above!

Jiang Fan stopped one person:

"Uncle, where is this?"

"Here? This is Cuiping Mountain!"

"Cuiping Mountain?!"

Jiang Fan's complexion changed suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, he rose into the air and rushed towards the mountain!

If he remembers well, Nezha at the moment, I'm afraid it is here!

Just when he came to the mountainside, he was taken aback!

I saw that the mountainside was extremely spacious, and there was also a building that looked like a temple.

However, at this moment the temple has been completely burnt to ruins!

And there are many people around who are shaking their heads and sighing!

"Oh! A good temple for manifestation!"

"such a pity!"

"Master Li is too ruthless and unjust!"

"Yeah! How can I get it done!"

"A sin, that's his own son!"

All the comments from the people around us came to Jiang Fan's ears!

But Jiang Fan only felt cold!

He suddenly fell from the sky and pointed at the temple!

"Here, but Nezha Temple?"

"Yes! You are..."

Jiang Fan was stunned!

There is a Nezha Temple in Cuiping Mountain, and that can only prove one thing!


died! !

Nezha splashed in the East China Sea, killed Xunhai Yacha, and convulsed Ao Bing’s dragon tendons, causing the Dragon King of the Four Seas to be furious. He told the emperor that he wanted Nezha’s parents to blame!

In order to protect his parents, Nezha broke his arm and cut his belly, cut his intestines and eviscerated his bones, and lost his soul!

Later, it was his master Taiyi who asked him to ask his mother, Mrs. Yin, in a dream, that as long as he builds a temple, he can be reincarnated in the heavens again in three years!

To prevent Li Jing from discovering, Mrs. Yin secretly built Nezha Temple on Cuiping Mountain.

Nezha manifested the saints on Cuiping Mountain, protected one party, and attracted the people to worship!

It's a pity that Li Jing knew about this, and he cursed Nezha: beast! Harassing parents before death, and fooling the people after death!

Then there was a big fire and the temple was burned!

Let Nezha have no hope of reincarnation!

This Li Jing's heart-hearted, frenzied heart is evident!

Although there was a real Taiyi who rebuilt the lotus body for Ne Zha, but he has all come, obviously something went wrong!

Shaking all over, Jiang Fan suddenly separated the crowd and rushed towards the ruins of the temple!

Just when he came to the front of the ruins, he saw a glamorous woman holding something and crying!

And this woman is Mrs. Yin! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1694 Godson’s order) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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