When he saw Madam Yin who was crying, Jiang Fan's heart was cold!

"Madam, where is it?"

Jiang Fan barely spoke!

Madam Yin looked back, and was stunned!

"You, are you, Jiang Fan?"

But then, she was suddenly overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan! Great! With you, my son will be saved!"

As Mrs. Yin said, she had already handed the things in her arms to Jiang Fan!

It was a piece of mud-wood sculpture!

It seems that they are actually the eyes of the sculpture!

It's just that at this moment, around the woodcarving's eyes, there are all traces of scorched black after being burnt!

"Jiang Fan! This is the only thing left of my son's statue, and my son's soul is hidden here! But I'm afraid it won't last long!"

Mrs. Yin couldn't cry!

Jiang Fan bent down, took the statue carefully, and tried to call out:

"Nezha? Nezha?"

After a long time, a weak voice slowly came from the statue:

"Yes, it's the foster father, are you here?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were red in an instant!

"It's me! How are you?"

The statue trembled, and then, a little phantom about three inches appeared!

That phantom was wearing a bellyband, two buns, and a face that was extremely cute. It was Nezha!

It's just that this shadow is weak to the limit, and when the wind blows, it seems to be dissipated!

Jiang Fan hurriedly activated his ability to protect Nezha!

And my heart hurts even more like a needle stick!

This is Nezha!

Stir the world, slaughter the Yacha, cramp the dragon's tendons, beat the Dragon King outside the Nantian Gate, Nezha of the hard and strong Shiji Empress!

Such a tough child has now become a remnant soul that can't bear even a slight storm!

Jiang Fan's eyes were red, his nose was sour, and his tears were almost uncontrollable!

He tried his best to speak softly:

"Good boy, how did you become like this?"

"Foster father...uuuuu..."

Little Nezha hugged Jiang Fan's finger and burst into tears suddenly aggrieved!

"Foster father, me, it hurts so much..."

"I seem to be dying..."

"Woohoo, I don't want to die..."

Jiang Fan’s tears could no longer be controlled, he gently stroked Nezha’s phantom,

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the foster father is here!"

"Good boy, there is a foster father, these nine heavens and ten earths, no one wants to accept you!"


As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, a thunder suddenly exploded in the blue sky and white sun!

It seems that the world is warning Jiang Fan!

Those who speak wildly and deludedly will be condemned by God!

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

Then he stood up slowly and looked up at the sky!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely hideous!

It's like grinding teeth and allowing blood to give birth to a peerless beast that eats the flesh and blood of the heavens!

"Hehehe! Dissatisfied, are you?"

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed directly at the sky!

"Lao Tzu is so crazy! There is a kind of, your thunder will strike Lao Tzu!!"


"Well, who is this guy?"

"Too crazy! How dare to fight against the sky!"

"I just heard Madam Yin call him Jiang Fan. Could it be that the one who suddenly appeared in the Li Mansion seven years ago?"

"It's him!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

At the same time!


There was another thunder in the sky, but there was only thunder, no lightning!

Compared to the thunder before, it is almost like a dog barking without any momentum!

Everyone was stunned!

"what happened?"

"Does the world dare not hack him?"

"What the **** is this guy?"

"I'm afraid it's not as good as a true celestial being!"

"so amazing!"

And Nezha and Madam Yin are even more admired!

This, it would be great if it was my father!

Nezha's eyes were full of tears, and he was full of happiness from his father's love.

But Mrs. Yin sighed, people are more deadly than people, and they have to be thrown away!

Compared with Jiang Fan, Li Jing's stuff is inferior to rubbish!

"Huh! Since I don't have the guts to split, just hold on to the fuck!"

Jiang Fan sneered arrogantly, and suddenly backhand took out a verdant leaf full of vitality!

This was actually the first time he entered the world of the Lord of the Rings and got the leaf of the tree of life!

Leaf of the Tree of Life: Silver Item!

Introduction: This is the leaf from the Fairy Treasure Tree of Life. Its magic can only be experienced by the user!

Note: Using this item, you will be able to give life to any creature!

Reminder: The current life value is (56) years!

As soon as this thing came out, Nezha, who was already extremely weak, suddenly lifted his spirits!

But Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"Good boy, put your soul on this first!"


Nezha nodded, and the phantom floated in!

With the nourishment of the leaves of the tree of life, his phantom has gradually become solidified!

Mrs. Yin was overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan! Great! You really have a way!"

"This is only temporary. If you want Nezha to resurrect, you have to find Taiyi once!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

"You mean Nezha's master?"

"Yes! But before that..."

A frightening killing intent suddenly flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes!

"I have to ask for justice for my son first!"

Madam Yin's body trembled!

"Jiang Fan, you, shouldn't you..."

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan's face was extremely cold!

"Broken arm and laparotomy, gouging out the intestines and bones!"

"Madam, this kind of pain, can you imagine?"

"Nezha was originally the reincarnation of Lingzhu, reborn in Li Mansion, it was originally the good fortune of that animal!"

"It's just that when Nezha was born, the beast regarded him as a monster!"

"But Nezha was born as a son of man. If only the father is not kissing, then that's all!"

"But Nezha suffers such pain to save the beast, and that beast does not appreciate it!"

"Now he is actually burning his temple, ruining his last hope of reincarnation!"

"What I hate the most is that if I am in the future today, I am afraid that my son will have to be truly soulless! I will die!"

"In this world, you can't even leave a trace!"

"This kind of behavior, let alone your father, is a vengeance, you can't be afraid of it!"

"I, Jiang Fan, can't count on killing people, and I'm unscrupulous in order to get revenge!"

"But I also know that being a human being and staying a line will always give those people a chance to reincarnate!"

"But what about him?"

"Madam! You say, that beast, should I kill or not!"

Every time Jiang Fan said a sentence, his face became savage, and the last sentence was even more gritted!

It's like a peerless killer!

A murderous, and even the surrounding trees, are gradually withering!

Mrs. Yin was silent for a moment, and suddenly sighed:

"Jiang Fan, you can cut him a thousand times, I only ask you to keep him alive..."

"Foster father, I, I know you are all for me, but, then, that is my father after all..."

Nezha also spoke cautiously.

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Suddenly there was some grief in my heart!

Nezha is not his own son after all, after all...

But before the idea in his heart fell, he listened to Nezha to continue to speak:

"So, wait for the opportunity and let the child do it himself!"


Jiang Fan didn't control it, and his murderous aura was scattered all over!

Madam Yin opened her mouth even more, looking at Nezha dumbfounded!

Especially this kid really doesn't follow his relatives, just follow his godfather!

If it weren’t for Jiang Fan’s late appearance, the old lady would have been able to do it, maybe this is really his and Jiang Fan’s child! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1695 Should I Kill ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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