God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1702: Poor monk, Master Zhizheng at Foguang Temple in Mount Wutai

Zhizheng is going crazy!

Everything is ready this afternoon, and the monk will start collecting demons!

Sadako followed, and Zhizheng was so energetic!

"Sadako, I'm afraid this monster has a big background. After the poor monk chants the curse, she is afraid that she will suddenly jump out. Keep away from you and don't hurt yourself!"

Zhizheng smiled.

Sadako was also smiling:

"It's not in the way, Brother Zhizheng, you will definitely protect me, right?"

With that said, Sadako comes directly to wink!

Zhizheng shuddered, feeling like spring is here!


The poor monk has practiced for more than 20 years, and he is devoted to the Buddha. How can he feel this way!



Merely female, what the hell!

However, thinking about this in his heart, what Zhizheng said directly changed:

"Of course! Miss Zhenzi don't worry, there is a poor monk, even the ghost king will never want to hurt you!"

"Yeah! Then I'll leave it to Brother Jizheng for everything!"

"Hey hey! Don't worry!"

Zhizheng set up the incense burner, first lighted the incense, then sat cross-legged, and began to recite the scriptures.

As for Sadako, she squatted directly beside Zhizheng, dragged her chin and started looking straight at him!

The more Zhizheng thought, the smaller his voice became, and his face blushed at last!

"Ahem, Miss Sadako, that, you, why don't you stay away..."

"Huh? Brother Jizheng, don't you hate me?"

Sadako has a heartache on her face!

"No, no, no! The poor monk definitely doesn't mean that!"

"Then how do you prove it?"


"Would you give me a kiss?"


Zhizheng was sweating all over!

"Ahem, Miss Sadako, this is a joke, no joke!"

"No kidding! Come on~~~"

When Sadako changed her old style, she pouted and greeted Zhizheng!

Zhizheng was stunned!

A heart beats faster and faster!

Shaking and sweating!

He wanted to stay away, but he didn't know what was going on. He didn't listen to his orders, and he couldn't help but leaned towards Sadako!

I'm going to kiss it!


Suddenly, there was a flash of wind around me!

In the next moment, Sadako's face has suddenly turned into a terrifying blue-purple!

Those pale eyes, which contained endless resentment, stared at Zhizheng firmly!

The first second was still blazing red lips, the next second turned into Raksha Yasha!

The two layers of ice and fire directly caused Zhizheng's whole body to explode, and he suddenly screamed!

"A ghost!!"

However, as soon as the cry came up, Sadako had changed the way she was before!

And it's an arm that hugs Jizheng!

"Brother Zhizheng! Where is the ghost? I'm so scared!"

Zhizheng was stunned for a long time!


Not even a little bit ghostly!

Could it be an illusion just now?


Isn't this shameful?

However, my arm...


Is this how a woman feels?

Too, so amazing!

Zhizheng's heart suddenly aroused a sense of protection for no reason!

He suddenly lowered his head!

"Sadako! Don't worry, the poor monk will definitely protect..."

Before he finished speaking, Sadako suddenly looked up!

The dead white eyeballs have fixed Jizheng firmly:

"what did you say?"


Zhizheng jumped three feet high in fright!

The ring scars on the scalp are distorted!

However, when he looked again, Zhenzi was still the pitiful Zhenzi!

Damn it!


Something is causing trouble!

"Brother Jizheng, what's wrong with you?"

Sadako looked at Zhizheng with teary eyes dimly!

Zhizheng is even more angry!

This **** ghost actually scared Sadako's sister into tears!

"Miss Zhenzi, don't worry, this ghost looks a little docile, and the illusion cast has deceived the poor monks!"

Zhizheng looked annoyed:

"But it doesn't matter, watching the poor monk will save her!"

Zhizheng regrouped, took out a golden bowl with his backhand, and suddenly aimed at the well of evil spirits!

In an instant, a golden light suddenly enveloped the ancient well!

"Hey! That ghost! The poor monk is Master Zhizheng at the Foguang Temple of Mount Wutai! He hasn't appeared soon!"

What a Jizheng!

This sound was like a roar of a dragon and a tiger, full of momentum!

Even Sadako couldn't help but want to scream when she saw it!

It's a pity that the momentum is good, but that Jing fart has no reaction at all!

Zhizheng's face is dumbfounded!

"No, it's not right!"

"My bowl is a spiritual weapon given by Master!"

"Even if it's a ghost king, you have to react a little bit!"

How did Zhizheng know that the ghost in his mouth was behind him!

Especially the direction of the bowl is reversed, it's weird to have an effect!

Zhizheng turned his head and saw Sadako looked at himself with encouragement, and his face suddenly blushed!

"Ahem, this ghost should be sleeping, waiting for the poor monk to work harder!"

Zhizheng agitated the power of the Buddha, and once again took a photo of Gujing with the bowl!

"Hey! That ghost! The poor monk is Master Zhizheng at the Foguang Temple of Mount Wutai! He hasn't appeared soon!"

This time the light is more brilliant!

It's a pity, there's still nothing to do!

Jizheng opened his mouth wide!

its not right!

Is it wrong?

The ghost is not here?

He turned to look at Sadako:

"Miss Sadako... Damn!!"

As soon as he turned his head, Zhizheng saw that Sadako was glaring at him with those pale eyes!

The bowl in Zhizheng's scared hand flew out!

Like a helpless little girl!

Unfortunately, the scream is over, but Sadako is still lovely Sadako!

Zhizheng has been trapped!

He's almost hoarse after calling it now!

But I didn't even see the face of the ghost!

How could this ghost be so powerful!

Is it true that I have found the wrong place!


I can't be wrong with my own feelings!

Zhizheng cleans up his mood and regroups!

Pick up the bowl, ready to start the third wave of offensive!


Taking a deep breath, Zhizheng gritted his teeth and sent all the power of his body to the bowl!

This time, the light of the bowl is almost sparking!

"Hey! That ghost! The poor monk is Master Zhizheng at the Foguang Temple of Mount Wutai! He hasn't appeared soon!"

It's useless!

Still useless!

Zhizheng is about to collapse!

By the way, Sadako looked at herself hopefully!

For dignity!

For honor!

For the self-cultivation of a monk!

I fight it!

"Huh! The ghost comes out soon!"

"You come out for me!"

"Come out! Please!"


Zhizheng's voice went hoarse!

At the end, the bowls were all dropped!

Kneeling on the ground, crying!

"Sister! Come out so quickly!"

"I really have nothing else to do!"

"I beg you!"

"Ouuuuu, you let me meet somehow!"

This is a pitiful cry for Zhizheng!

Too frustrated!

It's fine if you can't beat it, the key is that you show your face anyway!

There are still people watching this!

With such a big battle, I didn't get anything out of it, and I can't afford to lose this person!

It's too awful!

Watching the lively Jiang Fan and others collectively shook their heads!

Take a look, what a good mage is like!

Sadako might as well kill him!

"Brother Zhizheng, don't worry, is it because you are in a bad state today?"

Sadako patted Zhizheng on the shoulder suddenly.

"Huh? The state...not good?"

Zhizheng raised his head blankly!

At this moment, his face was full of tears and nose, and his expression was extremely aggrieved, full of despair!

Sadako nodded, took out the tissue, and wiped his nose.

"Well! Look, it's dark now, and you wandered around for another afternoon. It must be a lot of consumption, or... come back tomorrow?"


Zhizheng suddenly reacted, his eyes full of fighting spirit again!

"Okay! Miss Zhenzi, don't worry, the poor monk will come back tomorrow, and he must take this monster to keep you safe... Damn!!!"

Sadako changed again. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1702 Poor Monk Wutai Mountain Foguang Temple Master Zhizheng is also) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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