Seeing Zhizheng leave pitifully, Jiang Fan and others suddenly sighed again!

Sadako hasn't played enough!

This monk, I am afraid that he will suffer from depression in the future!

"Wang Yi, call everyone here and prepare for the meeting."

Jiang Fan suddenly ordered.

Wang Yi immediately began to contact.

Jiang Fan thought for a while, then took out the phone and called Ding Xuan.

"Brother Jiang!"

The phone was picked up soon.

Jiang Fan is also welcome, and goes directly to the subject:

"Big Brother Ding, how is the Ding family now?"

When Jiang Fan asked this, Ding Xuan's voice suddenly became serious:

"Several people from the Ding's family have been here during this period, and they have all been dismissed. Those old guys are already in a hurry now."

"It's almost there, I will send you two masters later, ready to officially take over the Ding's family!"

"So fast!"

Ding Xuan's voice suddenly rose, and it was vaguely full of excitement!

"Well, my plan here is about to begin. I will help you take the Ding's house as soon as possible, which is also good for me."

"I see, Brother Jiang, don't worry, as long as the Ding family gets their hands, the surrounding areas of Huancheng are the days when you say you are the best!"

"Hehe, Big Brother Ding really understands me, that's it!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Fan hung up and dialed another number.

Soon, the call was connected!

"Brother! Thought you forgot me!"

Jin Deyan’s voice is full of excitement!

Before Jiang Fan accompanied Fang Ting to participate in the King of Chinese Songs in Shencheng, he didn't expect to forge a relationship with the Jin family. Not only did he save the old man's life, he finally worshipped him under the strong request of the old man!

"Lao Jin, how is the Jin family in Shencheng now?"

"Hey, what do you need to say? Last time you used that method, the whole Shencheng, who doesn't respect my Jin family?"

"to be frank!"

"Um, haha, I really can't hide it from Brother Jiang, the Hu family..."

"Tomorrow at the latest, I will send a master to help you. If the Hu family knows each other, I will give them a chance. If they are not sensible..."

Jin Deyan trembled all over!

"Brother, I get it!"

"Okay, contact me later!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone, pondered for a moment, and finally dialed the third one.

As soon as the ringtone rang, the call was picked up immediately!

"Mr. Jiang?"

On the opposite side, it turned out to be the last time Ruins No. 3, the voice of the leader of the dragon group Lin Guodong!

Since Ruins No. 3 left, the two have basically not contacted each other.

"Old Lin, how are you doing lately?"

"Hehe, fortunately, I would like to thank Mr. Jiang a lot, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't get what we want so easily."

"You're welcome, but although you have obtained things, it shouldn't be easy to interpret them?"

Lin Guodong's expression moved, and suddenly he said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Jiang, can you understand those ancient characters?"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

But Lin Guodong's complexion changed drastically!

The meaning of Jiang Fan's laughter is too obvious!

He can really decipher it!

In order to decipher this information, at present the Dragon Group, including Lin Jiaojiao, has a dozen ancient writing experts almost non-stop, and the computer has not been turned off!

But now, even one percent has not been interpreted!

According to optimistic estimates, the fastest speed will take three years!

If Jiang Fan can really read it right away, it would be a great achievement for the entire China!

"Mr. Jiang, really?"

Lin Guodong's tone was faintly trembling!

Jiang Fan was noncommittal, but instead said:

"I am from Huaxia, and it should be a matter of course to help you decipher it, but in my case, Team Dragon should also know..."

Lin Guodong was startled, and suddenly reacted:

"You mean, Zhou's family?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Old Lin, how about making a deal?"


"Yes! I will not only tell you the deciphered text, but also give you an extra culture stock solution from Relic No. 3!"


Lin Guodong's heart is pumping!

If Jiang Fan really took out these two things, it would simply...

Do not!

The value of these two things is too high. On the other hand, Jiang Fan's condition, is it—

His voice became more solemn:

"Mr. Jiang, you should know that Dragon Group never participates in disputes within China..."

"Don't worry, what I need is not the power of the dragon group, what I want is..."

Jiang Fan's voice gradually became lighter, but Lin Guodong's expression became more and more weird!

Until Jiang Fan finished speaking, Lin Guodong was almost unbelievable:

"That's it?"

"Yes! But before my order is given, no one can talk about this matter!"

"It's too simple, absolutely no problem!"

Lin Guodong laughed!

"That's it."

Jiang Fan was about to hang up, but he seemed to think of something.

"Old Lin, I heard that you are related to the Lin family?"

"Haha, there are so many people surnamed Lin in the world. If Mr. Jiang doesn't believe me, I can post all my household registration information to you!"

Lin Guodong laughed.

"That's good, Mr. Lin, let's talk next time!"

"Good! I look forward to Mr. Jiang's call!"

The phone hung up, and Jiang Fan's men were all gathered!

Jiang Fan was about to speak, just at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

As soon as he saw the caller ID, the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked.

As soon as the phone was picked up, Dou Yichang, the head of the Dou family, heard the voice:

"Mr. Jiang!"

"what's up?"

"Mr. Jiang, do you remember the Bai family?"

"The Bai family? Remember, what's wrong?"

After Jiang Fan took over the Xichuan Dou family last time, he happened to meet Bai Meng, a second-generation disciple of the Bai family in Miaozhou, who went to sell the puppet Gu.

This guy was asking for prices, and finally used Jiang Fan's longevity means, but Jiang Fan was beaten violently by Jiang Fan.

Bai Hongzhuo, the principal of the Bai family, arrived the next day, not only apologizing to Jiang Fan and others, but also hoping that Jiang Fan could save the ancestors of the Bai family.

But at that time, Qian Xiangchuan from the medicine gate was in trouble when he came to Sun Chuanyi. Before Jiang Fan could go to Miaozhou, he hurried back to Los Angeles.

And Dou Yichang called, and as expected, he still bridged the Bai family!

"Mr. Jiang, Bai Hongzhuo just came, he asked me to ask, when do you have time, the situation of the ancestors of the Bai family is not very good, continue to delay, afraid of trouble, as for the conditions, he said you just mention it."

To be honest, Jiang Fan doesn't care about the conditions of the Bai family, but the ancestor of the Bai family must be saved!

Because that old guy had given advice to one of the ten poles of Tianding, the Wangu Witch King!

Jiang Fan must have this favor!

"Tomorrow, let Bai Hongzhuo prepare!"

"Great! Then I'll go and inform him now! Oh, by the way, Mr. Jiang, I have already..."

"Wait until I go!"

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan glanced over a group of men, then pointed at the big and small pairs:

"Big double and little double, you two disguise yourself and go to the Jinjia in Shencheng tonight!"


Big and small eyes lit up!

Jiang Fan looked at Zhenzi again:

"Sadako, change her appearance and follow Ding Xuan to Huancheng tomorrow."


Shencheng wants to help Jin Deyan deal with the Hu family, and the big double and the small double can just be the masters of the Jin family, Tong Shan Tong Hai.

As for the Ding family, Sadako's illusion is promising!

After finishing the order, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled, and then waved his hand suddenly!

In an instant, several syringes filled with various liquids appeared directly on the coffee table!

Those liquids were all shining with a fascinating light, and when people looked at it, they could vaguely feel a kind of power that seemed to come from blood!

In fact, it is true!

These things are just the bloodline that Jiang Fan has accumulated! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (this is Chapter 1703) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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