God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1704: Re-enter the Golden Trial

There are five blood unites:

[Alien Mother Emperor Bloodline]: Silver-level bloodline!

Remarks: Injecting this bloodline will give you alien talents such as strong acid blood, killing instinct, and even spawning! And transform into an alien!

Transformation: Transformation once every twenty-four hours, the transformation effect lasts for ten minutes!

Tip: After injection, there is a small chance of deformity! Or gender disorder!

[Namek Star (lower)]: Gold rank (bad)!

Remarks: Injecting this bloodline will instantly increase one hundred years of life! He also has the ability to rebirth from a severed limb, to be sensitive to the five senses, to become huge, to stretch the limbs, to control light weight, and to change clothes!

Tip: Injecting this bloodline will eliminate the need for additional energy intake, as long as you drink 50ml of clean water every day, you can maintain your life!

[Vampire Blood]: Silver Level (Enhanced)

Lineage description: Inject this tube of reagents, and you will have all the abilities of a silver-level vampire such as rapid healing, increased movement speed, and ignorance of gravity!

Additional status: You will no longer be afraid of the sun, and have certain resistance to holy water and holy light!

System reminder: This bloodline is an intermediate bloodline. In a world with bloodlines, it is possible to get a higher bloodline!

[Hulk blood]: This is a tube of blood full of infinite power!

Grade: Gold

Function: After injection, it can greatly improve the physique and basic attributes of all power levels, and is immune to most poisons and viruses, and has strong recovery and defense capabilities, and can adapt to any environment under normal conditions!

Active skills:

1. Transformation: Transform into a Hulk, all invincible! This ability can be used once every twenty-four hours, and it takes ten minutes to transform each time!

2. Rage: After injecting blood, you can continuously accumulate rage value. In the state of transformation, your strength will continue to increase with rage value, up to the gold limit!

Remarks: The power of the Hulk bloodline is much more than that. In the future, the host can try to obtain a higher level Hulk bloodline!

[Heaven Protoss Blood]: Gold level!

Description: Inject this bloodline, the host can use any forbidden move belonging to the heavenly gods except for the serpent!

Additional status: God blood runaway!

God blood runaway: The host can enter a crazy state by burning blood, and in the crazy state, the strength will be explosively improved!

Remarks: Kill the serpent to get a higher level of the blood of the gods of the kingdom!

Jiang Fan first explained the five bloodlines in detail, and then said:

"You can understand these things as divine blood after refining and purifying. This is something that can greatly enhance your strength. Next, choose!"

According to Jiang Fan's vision, everyone wants this thing!

But the reality is just the opposite!

Faced with these pedigrees that can greatly improve their strength, everyone looked at each other and they all seemed a little bit too cold.

"You guys are all out of interest?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"Ahem, Master, these things can only be injected once?"


Jiang Fan nodded.

"Is there any chance to get it after that?"

Curtis asked again.

"Yes! And in the future, it may become stronger and stronger!"

Jiang Fan told the truth.

A group of people looked at each other, and No. 2 spoke actively:

"My lord, to be honest, although these things are powerful, they don't match our abilities."

"No. 2 is right. We are not like you. We are omnipotent. After the injection, the improvement may be obvious in a short time, but in the long run, it may not be a good thing."

"Also, taking the green bloodline as an example, it can reach the nineteenth level after the outbreak. This is indeed tempting, but that kind of combat mode is not suitable for us.

"Besides, everyone has only one injection opportunity!"

"Of course, the most important thing is that the nineteenth level is a fart! Following the adults, it is not a dream to hang Tianding Tenji in the future!"

A group of people talked about each other, and finally Long Yan spoke:

"Brother Fan, when I was in the Dragon Team, I would give some benefits according to my mission contribution. After Tianxuan is getting bigger and bigger, I also need to give them some incentives!"

Christine interface:

"Brother Long Yan is right. We can imitate the sword of thorns and price these things according to the points. For these good things, don't worry about them not selling their lives!"

These people became more excited as they talked, and even started to figure out how much points they would give for what tasks and how much they were priced!

Jiang Fan's face gradually became a smile, but he underestimated them!

Following myself for so long, the vision of these people finally opened up!

"Okay, just do what you said!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"Kristin, you are more careful, so you will take the lead and draw up a points system. Also, if there will be blood in the future, I will keep a part of it and use it as a reward."


Christine looked excited!

"That's it for today. After a while, I will have a good night's rest. As for tomorrow..."

Jiang Fan put away a few bloodlines and spoke slowly.

"Ah! By the way, I have to go to Miaozhou tomorrow! My lord! Take us there!"

Everyone is excited!

Following Jiang Fan out, the benefits have always been a lot!

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"Miaozhou is not in a hurry, I have one more thing to do tomorrow!"

"Huh? What else?"

"Flying centipede!!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!


After dinner, Jiang Fan fell asleep!

Today is a long day of tossing, and he is also tired.

The next day I slept until the sun went three poles before Jiang Fan got up!

After washing, after breakfast, Jiang Fan directly called Yue Jianhan, Long Yan, No.2, No.13, Curtis, and Christine.

So far, apart from Lu Bu and Zhenzi, they are the strongest team in the Jiang family!

Seeing that the manpower is available, Jiang Fan will not be delayed!

Choose directly to enter the gold trial site!


White light flashed, and everyone had appeared in that huge temple again!

Looking at the ruins of the city outside, everyone involuntarily showed a lingering expression.

It was terrible last time!

The group was destroyed three times!

Especially Jiang Fan, obviously the strongest, but he was the first to rush out and come back!

The key is that there are three in a row, all of them died in the hands of a stranger!

This situation is simply unprecedented!

It's no wonder that he just came over to visit Feiwu just after he leveled up.


Jiang Fan first laughed sullenly, and then it was like Luo Laowi who was angry and Qingxi in Xiangxi, and waved his arrogant hand!


So a group of people went straight to the center of the ruins!

Different from last time, seeing Jiang Fan's strength soaring again this time, a group of people are confident!

All the monsters who dared to appear along the road, no matter how strange their shapes, were all rushed into the crowd, and they were all scummed!

A group of people are crossing the border like locusts, with great momentum!


Jiang Fan smashed a monster with a full eighteenth level with one fist!

With the devil's explosion into black energy, there was only a golden core in the air left in the same place!

And just at the moment when Jiang Fan just put away this golden core!


A surging weather field suddenly appeared from the front!

The moment he felt this aura, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head, and the hideous color flashed past his eyes!

Flying centipede!

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