
Accompanied by a horrible whistle, in the distant sky, there has been an extremely hideous monster with a body that looks like a centipede, which is more than 30 meters long and has four wings on its back!

Just a few breaths, this monster has almost reached Jiang Fan and the others!

"Flying centipede!!"

Everyone's heart shuddered!

Like last time, in front of Flying Centipede, they only feel that they are weak and look like ants!

Even Lu Bu, who was promoted to the seventeenth level by Jiang Fan, is the same!

The gap between the two sides is too big!

Only Jiang Fan has murderous expression on his face!

It was this **** who killed himself three times before!

Now, the chance of revenge has finally arrived!

As soon as Feiwu appeared, he looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

"Human! It's you again!"

"Yes! It's Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile, and his whole body has already risen into the sky!

Feiwu's six blood-red eyes flickered, and suddenly burst into a deep laugh:

"It turns out that you have improved again, no wonder you dare to show up!"

next moment!


Feiwu didn't even say hello, and the tail behind it looked like a streamer, and it caught Jiang Fan in an instant!


Jiang Fan's body directly turned into a white light!

Jiang Fan, die!


Returning to the temple, Jiang Fan's expression was still a bit dazed!

Yourself, hung up again?



Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped wildly on his forehead, and his whole body was almost exploded!

"Flying centipede!! Fuck you XXXXXXXXXXXX!!!"

Jiang Fan looked up to the sky and roared, cursing for ten minutes!

It didn't stop until everyone came back!

It's so **** shameless!

Sneak attack has always been his method!

How did Jiang Fan know that Feiwu was so scared of being beaten by Jiang Fan!

Five times the charge to detonate will not kill him, but it hurts!

Especially last time, Jiang Fan's punch almost destroyed half of its head!

That kind of pain made Feiwu feel trembling when he recalled it!

Therefore, its first thought after seeing Jiang Fan was that it must first act to be strong and kill him!

"Master, the so-called failure is success..."

Curtis was bold and opened his mouth cautiously.

Including him, it is the first time that everyone has seen Jiang Fan become so angry!

That twisted and hideous man is even more exaggerated than **** evil spirits!

"It's okay!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

He has stared at the direction of the flying centipede!

"Dare to play yin with Laozi, today, it must die!"

With a roar, Jiang Fan rushed out of the temple in an instant, and rushed directly in the direction of Feiwu!

Feiwu had just killed Jiang Fan on this side, and he was satisfied!

It slowly flew towards its lair, but just after flying out for a few miles, a ghastly sound suddenly rang out from behind!

"Flying centipede! Get out of me!!"

Feiwu trembled all over, and when he turned his head, he saw Jiang Fan rushing towards him like lightning!

"Why is this guy alive?"

Flying centipede was startled, and then furious!

This **** bug!

How could he not die!

This time, this time, he must be destroyed! !


With a sudden roar, Feiwu rushed towards Jiang Fan!

In just one breath, the two sides have already met again!

And Feihu's tail is full of spikes, like a mace, it has blasted towards Jiang Fan again like a streamer!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan had already prepared this time!

Although he was unprepared before, his physical body was difficult to damage even at the nineteenth level!

This can only prove one point, the strength of the flying centipede, I am afraid that it has reached the nineteenth peak!

Surpassed Jiang Fan's four levels!

Facing such an opponent, at the moment when Feiwu's tail moved, Jiang Fan had already fully fired!

Skill, Diamond Curse! Great power!

Title, dry wood and raging fire!

Ability, wind defense!

True Qi, one-third return to Yuan, Zhen Qi protects the body!

After stacking the armor, Jiang Fan still didn't think it was enough!


In the next moment, a pair of ferocious steel armor appeared on his body!

This thing is from the world of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it can increase its power by 20%.

Jiang Fan's breath at this moment is almost like a volcanic eruption!

He reached the nineteenth elementary level in an instant!

Feiwu's face is unbelievable!

But this is not over yet!

"Three heads-eight arms!!"

With Jiang Fan's last roar, his left and right shoulders had already burst out of two heads!

And there are six more arms behind the back and under the ribs!


Compared with three heads and six arms, the improvement of these three heads and eight arms is even more terrifying!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's aura was soaring again!

Directly broke through the 19th Intermediate!

For the first time since the Rank 3 mission, Jiang Fan has completely exploded, the strongest combat power!


At the same time, the tail of the flying centipede finally blasted!

But Jiang Fan smiled grimly and suddenly raised his hand!



A white wave of air suddenly spread in all directions like a sea wave!

In the midst of the air wave, Jiang Fan used two arms to buckle the tail of the flying centipede!


Flying centipede suddenly screamed!

Shock and disbelief were written on that huge head!

But Jiang Fan smiled grimly!

"I like your look!"

"Five times! Accumulate power to detonate!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan's arm suddenly swelled, and as the pores opened up, the atomized innocence gushed out, smog!

"Do not!!"

Seeing this trick, Feiwu suddenly screamed!

Desperate to take back the tail!

But it's too late!

next moment!

Jiang Fan's fist already resembles a meteorite piercing through the clouds, with a muffled sound like thunder, blasting out!


There was a thunderstorm over the entire ruins!

The moment the huge tail of Feihu hit Jiang Fan's fist, it looked like a weathered wall, and the flesh and blood disappeared instantly!

Under the flesh and blood, the white and miserable bones were first covered with fine cracks, and then they fell apart likewise!

In just an instant, the tail of Flying Centipede was completely blasted into ashes by Jiang Fan's blow!

The same five times the charge to detonate, Jiang Fan's armour was folded, and this blow with full firepower was more than several times more powerful than before!


Flying centipede suddenly howled in pain!

The whole body was convulsed suddenly!

"Bastard!! I must kill you!"

"Kill me? You can save your life first!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, and he was already in front of Feiwu's eyes, and suddenly punched again!

His defense is amazing now, even if he detonates with five times the charge, he can hit three more punches!


Seeing Jiang Fan bang again, Fei Xuan's six eyes suddenly lit up with a thrilling **** light!

next moment!


Six red lights suddenly burst out from those six eyes, which suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

The distance between the two was too close, and the six red lights came in an instant, and they slammed Jiang Fan firmly!


A loud noise!


Jiang Fan suddenly spit out blood!

Half of the body is slightly sunken!

The whole person was beaten and withdrew a full 100 meters!

Even the nose and ears are full of blood!

After all, the opponent is the pinnacle of level 19, even if Jiang Fan finishes his armour, it is absolutely impossible to be truly unharmed!

"Hey hey, human, you are dead—"

Flying centipede laughed wildly!

But then, it was stunned directly!

Seeing that the castration was stopped just now, Jiang Fan actually smiled grimly again, and rushed towards it again! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1705 Crazy Armor) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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