Seeing Bai Tongshan's 180-degree turn, the others did not show any mocking expressions.

Nonsense, if you change them, it might be more exaggerated!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Old Patriarch..."

"Don't! Call me Ashan!"

Bai Tongshan hurriedly spoke!

"Cough cough cough!"

Bai Hongzhuo and others didn't hold back, they were choked directly!

Jiang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth and called A Shan, an over 180-year-old man. This was really a bit bullying.

He finally shook his head:

"Your age..."

"Then, how old are you, the old man, you are one hundred and eighty-eight this year, forgive me for entrusting you, you just call me old brother Bai!"

Bai Tongshan is unambiguous at all!

"Cough cough cough..."

Before Bai Hongzhuo and the others were relieved, they choked even harder!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Don't blame me for not respecting the old and loving the young, this is a requirement of others!

"Ahem, Brother Bai, let's talk about Gu worms first!"

"Ah! Yes! Everything is decided by Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Since you are called, more! I will spend twenty years of my life to help you transform this Gu worm!"

In fact, if you want to kill this Gu worm, it may be difficult for others to do it, because once you do it, Bai Tongshan might die together!

But for Jiang Fan, it was too easy!

If that item is shot, this Gu worm will undoubtedly die!

But since this thing can survive for so many years, Jiang Fan also wants to see what this thing will become!

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone's complexion changed!

Twenty years of life!

Is Jiang Fan going to use his longevity to reach the sky again?

Bai Tongshan looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"Mr. Jiang..."

Twenty years!

Even if the Gu worm is completely transformed, he may not be able to live another twenty years!

But Jiang Fan did not hesitate at all!

This courage!

Bai Tongshan suddenly changed his mind and just wanted to call Jiang Fan a big brother!

After saying this, Jiang Fan has clasped Bai Tongshan's wrist again!

At the same time, a mental fluctuation has been transmitted to Gu worm:

"Suck my Shouyuan and help you complete your transformation!"

The leaf of the tree of life was made directly by the godson!

Now I can only use my life!

For Jiang Fan, who owns sunflowers and has an extra five hundred years of life, twenty years is really a drop in the bucket!

Feeling the message from Jiang Fan, the Gu worm suddenly trembled, and then he took a small mouth, and suddenly took a tentative breath!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan's body essence and Shouyuan suddenly flowed into the little monster's mouth along the meridians of Bai Tongshan!

The little monster smacked his mouth and was immediately excited!

You're welcome!

In an instant, in Bai Tongshan's dantian, it was like a black hole opened, and Jiang Fan's longevity was kept in continuously!

And with the inflow of countless Shou Yuan, the Gu worm suddenly spewed countless strands of silk thread from the lower abdomen, and began to tightly entangle itself!

The transformation begins!

The people around can clearly feel that Jiang Fan's life is madly lost!

And Jiang Fan's face was even more "pain"!

Even his face was pale and his head was sweaty!

Everyone changes color for a while!

Bai Tongshan's eyes flushed even more moved!

"Mr. Jiang! Me, I..."

"Don't make a sound, just a little lifespan, it is your long-cherished wish to let this Gu worm metamorphose, you and my brother, don't see you outside!"

Jiang Fan "reluctantly" smiled, but his expression became more "painful"!


Bai Tongshan was moved by tears!

"No matter what happens in the future, brother, even if I fight this old life, I will definitely help you!"

"My brother is polite, it's not counted..."

Jiang Fan moved his fingers without a trace!

next moment!

"Master! You forgot that you still have the Zhou family's feud! It costs your life so much, in case you have a family..."

Curtis is full of grief!

"My lord! Let your subordinates take your place!"

Kristen was crying even more!

"Shut up! I'm helping brother! How can I let others do it for you!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

But Bai Tongshan's complexion changed!

"Brother, do you have an enemy with the Zhou family?"

"More than that! The Zhou family was tyrannical and innocent, and coveted the Jiang family's large fortune. It was actually the joint Xiaoxiao to plot against the Jiang family. Only Mr. Jiang survived the huge Jiang family! It's miserable!"

"Moreover, the Zhou family hasn't given up until now, and I will assassinate Mr. Jiang again and again!"

Dou Yichang sighed:

"It's a pity that the Zhou family is so powerful. If the Jiang family had a Tianding Shiji, how could such a thing happen!"

Jiang Fan calmly gave Dou Yichang a thumb!

Good job!

It's not in vain that I will give you your birthday, and you will be promoted to the master level again!

Sure enough, Bai Tongshan was stunned when he heard Dou Yichang's words!

"Brother, are you from the Jiang family in Luocheng?"


Jiang Fan's face is heavy!

"So daring! Zhou's family!"

Bai Tongshan's eyes are fierce!

"Brother, although my Bai family is down and down, I don't even have a master, but fortunately, brother, I haven't lived in vain for so many years!"

"That day, the Ten Thousand Gu Witch King, who was taught by me when he was young, only broke through the tenth level and owed me a favor from the Bai family!"

"He once swore to the natal Gu, he will promise my Bai family a condition!"

"Brother! I will let the disciples in the clan continue to go deep into the 100,000 mountains in a while, and I will find the Witch King and avenge you!"

Damn it? !

Jiang Fan was pleasantly surprised!

I originally thought that the Witch King just owed the Bai family a favor, but I didn't expect it to be more ruthless than a favor!

Swearing to the natal Gu, this is no joke!

The consequences of backlash, Tianding couldn't bear it!

That said, as long as you find the Witch King, this guy will definitely help!


Jiang Fan laughed up to the sky in his heart, but the "pain" on his face became more and more serious!

"My brother is interested, but for revenge, I don't want to involve the Bai family, Jiang Fan, I must do it myself!"

"Oh! Brother! The Zhou family is one of the four largest families! Don't be brave! Hongzhuo, immediately arrange for the disciples to find the Witch King!"


Bai Hongzhuo suddenly agreed!

But Bai Tongshan thought for a while, and suddenly continued to speak!

"and many more!"

"What else does the ancestor have to say?"

Bai Hongzhuo stopped.

"Last time, that plant of Ambergris changed the favor of that lady from the Wen family?"

"Yes it is!"

"Contact the eldest lady secretly, I don't want her to save me, let her give her favor to Brother Jiang! If Brother Jiang encounters difficulties in the future, I want her grandfather to take action once to save Brother Jiang!"


Bai Hongzhuo was stunned!

Then he nodded suddenly!


And Jiang Fan's heart moved, that Miss Wen, needless to say, must be gentle!

But gentle grandpa?

There is absolutely no surname Wen among the seven giants and the four great families!

Tianding ten poles?

Not even more!

But in China, apart from these forces, who else can pretend to keep people from the Zhou family?

"Ancestor, who is Miss Wen? Who is his grandfather?"

Dou Yichang asked actively.

Jiang Fan’s enemy is the Zhou family. If Jiang Fan can be kept in front of the Zhou family, the opponent must have a huge background!

However, Bai Tongshan laughed:

"This is a secret, the old man dare not talk nonsense!"

He looked at Jiang Fan again:

"Brother, rest assured, when you want revenge, tell me directly!"


Jiang Fan was about to make a polite sentence, but at this moment!


In Bai Tongshan, a muffled sound like a drumming suddenly sounded!

Gu worm has already absorbed enough lifespan and has begun to transform! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1712 Tears) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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