God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1713: Anyway, Niu X is right

At this moment, in Bai Tongshan's body, the Gu worm had disappeared.

Instead, there was a small golden worm pupa in the pubic area!

Above the chrysalis, the light circulated, and there was a muffled drum-like sound continuously in it!

It is as if there is a giant beast lurking in this little chrysalis!

And with the sound becoming more and more intense!


There was a crack on the chrysalis!

Immediately afterwards, the entire shell of the chrysalis exploded into a dazzling golden light!

This golden light is full of rich vitality and energy, and it is actually like a tide. Starting from the dantian of Baitongshan, it continuously breaks through the acupuncture points and meridians that he has long blocked!

"This, this is..."

Bai Tongshan was stunned!

My life span and strength have started to recover!

The rest are also dumbfounded!

Only Jiang Fan frowned!

"The acupoints are blocked for too long. This energy is more than flexible, but it is not overbearing. It may not be able to break through all of them!"

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, this energy was blocked near the Dazhui point, no matter how much it collided, it couldn't pass!

And as the energy accumulates more and more nearby, Bai Tongshan's entire back swells as if it is inflated!

Over time, it will inevitably only explode and die!

"Mr. Jiang!"

The expressions of Bai Hongzhuo and others changed drastically!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and hit Bai Tongshan's back with one palm!


In an instant, an incomparably pure, but domineering to the extreme, infuriating, suddenly ejected from Jiang Fan's palm, and instantly rushed into Bai Tongshan's body!

It was like a mountain, blocking the energy of Bai Tongshan at the occluded Dazhui point. Just being rushed by Jiang Fan's true energy, it was like encountering a giant collapsing mountain, and the "wave" opened instantly!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan's infuriating energy was already like a roaring tsunami, smashing through all the way, constantly breaking through all the acupoints and meridians of Baitong Mountain!

And that energy is like the surging river water that is being drained, following Jiang Fan's true energy, conquering the city all the way, and constantly filling and expanding to Bai Tongshan's body!

As the last acupoint was reopened, Bai Tongshan trembled suddenly!

A grandmaster-level aura suddenly spread to the audience!


Bai Tongshan is overjoyed!

But the surprise is more than that!

Over the years, Bai Tongshan has been absorbing energy from Gu worms and used it only for transformation. Now that the transformation is complete, this energy will give back!

Decades of accumulation, coupled with the fact that he has taken countless treasures of heaven and earth to continue his life over the years, the huge amount of energy has become exaggerated!

The breath of Baitong Mountain could not stop rising!

Fifteenth level!

Level sixteen!


Ascending so fast, but Bai Tongshan is full of panic!

This is not a good thing!

They are different from Jiang Fan, their realm has improved too fast, and their final fate is bound to be crazy!

When the time comes, the complete abolition of all skills is still secondary, and it may be lifeless!


Bai Tongshan suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Not afraid!"

Jiang Fan shot again!

However, what entered Bai Tongshan's body this time was an incomparably feminine, but equally terrifying vigor!

Bai Tongshan was shocked!

Two Qis of Yin and Yang? !

Hard and soft? !

My own brother can actually practice two completely different auras at the same time. This, this, this is a **** genius!

Never heard of it!

And Jiang Fan has already used Yin Jin to make a thousand catties four or two, and he has actually begun to guide Bai Tongshan's energy to flow back!

Continue to drive them back to Dantian!

Immediately after starting from the pubic field, slowly walk away!

Bai Tongshan was stunned!

Too tough!

In other people's bodies, and let others' true qi be so obedient, to be able to do this step requires at least ten times the true qi reserve!

But Jiang Fan's face didn't flush or pant, and Gent was okay. This was obviously the true energy content of his inner body, more than ten times more than his own!

However, he is still so young!

As far as he knows, before the collapse of the Jiang family, the entire Jiang family's direct line were ordinary people, who had practiced martial arts at all!

How long is this?

One year?

Let alone a year, even if you start practicing in the womb, you can't reach this level!

No genius!

My own brother, almost, almost...


Anyway, it's awesome!

When Bai Tongshan closed his eyes, he didn't even think about it!

With Jiang Fan's continuous guidance, the breath of Bai Tongshan finally stabilized!

In the end, he was completely stabilized at the 17th level pinnacle!

However, compared to the normal seventeenth level, the energy content in his body is definitely more than one level higher!

And in the future, promotion is bound to be easier than others!

At the same time!

His entire appearance has changed!

The body gradually straightened, the muscles began to plump, the hair turned black, the wrinkles were reduced, the turbidity of the eyes faded, and the clearness was being restored!

At this moment, Bai Tongshan is like a man in his forties!

Bai Tongshan looked at his hands in disbelief!


I recovered by myself!

And all this was brought to him by Jiang Fan!


Old Bai Tongshan burst into tears, and suddenly hugged Jiang Fan!

"Ahem, brother, it's not like..."

Jiang Fan was slightly embarrassed.

Fortunately, Bai Tongshan let go of Jiang Fan later.

"Brother! Great grace does not speak..."

He hasn't finished speaking.


A golden bug suddenly burst out of his mouth!

This little worm is like a little snake, with two golden wings on its back, and two round eyes with a spirit of spirit.

After the little thing flew out, it seemed to want to lean against Jiang Fan, but it seemed a little afraid, and it simply stopped in Bai Tongshan's hand.

Everyone's eyes moved when they saw the bug!

This is the gu worm that almost killed Bai Tongshan and spent a lot of lifespan before it was conceived?

It seems, nothing special!

Jiang Fan stared at the bug for a moment, then suddenly hooked his finger:


"Ah bumble~~!"

There was a weird sound from the little insect's mouth, and then its wings shook and it actually flew to Jiang Fan's hand!

Bai Tongshan and others were stunned!

Gu worms are different from other creatures, they only recognize one master in their lifetime!

Its owner is undoubtedly the Baitong Mountain that gave birth to it!

But this little bug is actually getting close to Jiang Fan?

Jiang Fan gently touched the Gu worm with his fingers.

Feeling of touch gave the approximate data of Gu worm in an instant!

The body of this little thing is actually harder than a pure fifteenth-level physical body!

Not to mention anything else, relying on this kind of hardness, once it penetrates into the opponent's body, unless you have the ability to restrain it, you will undoubtedly die!

Moreover, the Gu worm family had other methods. As far as Jiang Fan knew, the Bai family had the ability to bless the Gu worm's defenses to the body.

In other words, after Bai Tongshan not only has the 17th-level peak combat power, but also has at least 15th-level physical defense!

"Little guy, don't cheat anymore!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and with a flick of his finger, the little thing has returned to Bai Tongshan's hand!

But this time it wasn't swaying, it nodded quite spiritually, opened Bai Tongshan's mouth, and went straight in, never coming out again.

Bai Tongshan was already grateful at this moment and didn't know what to say, so he simply waved his hand:

"Banquet! Looking for the best hotel, I want to thank Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Fan did not refuse, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

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