Wan Wu is waking up?

Jiang Fan was overjoyed.

A group of people drove straight to the mountain villa on the outskirts.

Jiang Fan was very excited. If Wan Wu woke up, he would have another confidant with unlimited potential, and his strength would rise again!

Soon, the convoy came to the mountain villa.

Lu Zhenglong had already been waiting here, seeing Jiang Fan and others coming over, he immediately led a few people into the room.

This room is Chaoyang's master bedroom, very spacious.

At this moment, Wan Wu was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her fists kept squeezing and releasing.

And Yu Guangzi was controlling a mirror, and there was light in the mirror shining continuously on Wan Wu's forehead.

As soon as Jiang Fan walked to Wan Wu's side, he saw Wan Wu roar suddenly!

Suddenly sit up!


Wan Wu's eyes were bloodshot, sweating profusely, and panting violently!

for a long time!

"Little, master?!"

Wan Wu looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

Then, as if remembering something, he shouted in a hurry!

"Master! The **** Qiuyuanshan conspired with the Zhou family to plot against our Jiang family! Please inform the master quickly!"

"Master? Why are you unresponsive?"

"Uncle Zhong? Go!"

"No! You, why are you so old? Uncle Xuan? You, why are you all changed?"

"Where am I?"

Wan Wu's face was dazed, even with a bit of panic.

"Wan Wu, the previous Jiang family is gone..."

Uncle Zhong spoke slowly.


Wan Wu was stunned.

"Yes, you have been controlled by Qiu Yuanfeng for more than a year, and the Jiang family has... been destroyed by the Zhou family."

"what did you say?!"

Wan Wu's mouth twitched, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile:

"Uncle Zhong, this, this joke, is not funny."

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Zhong didn't lie to you, Jiang Family, it's gone."

Wan Wu opened his mouth, but then looked at the crowd nervously:

"Then, what about the master? Where is my master? Xiaolin and the others? You are all here, they should be fine, right?"

Everyone was silent.

Or Uncle Zhong said slowly:

"Xiao Lin is missing, Master and they... are all dead."


For a moment, Wan Wu seemed to be drawn out of his soul, and his whole body was lost and collapsed on the bed weakly, and tears continued to shed silently:

"It's me, it's me who hurt everyone, if I can get the news back soon..."

"Little Five! Don't blame you, it's over."

Jiang Fan spoke softly.

But Wan Wu slumped on the bed.

The Jiang family is gone?

Master, master... are all dead?

Not true, this is not true...

An indescribable pain and guilt suddenly came to my heart.

If, if you can send the news back, will all those people be saved? Is the Jiang family all right?

It was my fault!

it's all my fault!

I am useless!

I am a trash!

Master, Master, Xiaolin...

Me, how can I still have a face to live! !

Wan Wu's eyes were fierce, and his right hand suddenly slammed into his head!

"Asshole! You are crazy!"

As soon as Jiang Fan grasped Wan Wu's fist, he suddenly roared!


Wan Wu was stunned, how could the young master squeeze his fist?

But he immediately raised his other hand, and suddenly pointed towards his heart!

He wanted to die!

However, as soon as he moved his fingers, Jiang Fan had already lifted him up suddenly, hitting his heart with a fierce punch!


Wan Wu only felt that her heart, liver, spleen and lungs were almost smashed out, and her whole body was convulsing with pain!

And Jiang Fan has stared at him firmly!

"Lao Tzu finally saved you, why are you going to commit suicide?"

"Master, I, I'm sorry Jiang Family... let me make atonement!"

Wan Wu suddenly wailed!

Jiang Fan's expression turned cold, and he stared at Wan Wu indifferently.

After a long time.

"Wan Wu, listen to me!"

"The last thing Xiao Lin said to me was to let me live no matter what!"

"For that sentence, I learned how to bark a dog and lay down on the dung pile, just to let Wang Wenjie spare my life!"

"The Jiang family is gone, no one will help me. I have nowhere to go with Uncle Zhong on my back, and I even have to find something to eat in the trash can!"

"It's so difficult, I survived it all alive!"

"I am for Xiaolin, for all the living people in the Jiang family, and even more for the dead! I want revenge!"

"Now, it's the last step, are you **** dying? Who are you worthy of!"

"I tell you, even if you want to die, you are not qualified now!"

"Your life is not yours, it belongs to the people who died in the entire Jiang family!"

"If you don't take revenge, you have the face to die? Are you worthy to die?"

Jiang Fan's words were like sharp swords, and they were engraved into Wan Wu's heart every word!

Wan Wu trembled and sweated!

Jiang Fan took out his mobile phone and found the photos that killed the two worshippers of the Jiang family:

"This person killed your master, remember him! Before slaughtering him, give me a good life!"

Wan Wu trembled all over!

Jiang Fan's words rekindled his motivation to live!


I want to live!

I want revenge!

Wan Wu suddenly raised his head!

But, seeing the person in the photo clearly, his eyes widened suddenly!

"It's him!"

Everyone's complexion changed!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled even more:

"You know him?"

"Yes! At that time, Zhou Ning, the secret meeting of the Qiuyuan Mountain, was smashed by me. It was this person who stopped me!"


Over a year ago!


Emerald Pavilion.

This is a certain teahouse in the capital. It is not too big or small. There are no one thousand and eight hundred teahouses of this kind in the capital, which is very unobtrusive.

When the car stopped in the parking space of the Jade Pavilion, Qiu Yuanfeng in the back seat suddenly spoke:

"Little Five, you stay."

"it is good."

Wan Wu nodded.

According to today's itinerary, Qiu Yuanfeng came here to meet a customer from the capital. These days when he came to the capital with Qiu Yuanfeng, he was basically busy with these things every day, and he was too lazy to pass.

But people have three urgency, Wan Wu is playing with her mobile phone, and it feels like it's coming.

No way, he can only rush to the teahouse.

Coming out in a relaxed manner, Wan Wu was about to return to the car, but suddenly heard the two sisters chatting at the front desk:

"Hey, hey, did you see that little brother just now is so handsome!"

"Don't be nympho, you can't climb the kind of big people!"

"Do you know who it is?"

"Nonsense, that's Shao Ning! Who doesn't know?"

"Which Ning Shao?"

"Which one can I have, Zhou Ning from the Zhou family!"

"Ah! Is it him?"


Wan Wu, who had already reached the door, stopped suddenly!

Zhou family? Zhou Ning?

How could he come here?

Wan Wu thought about it, and suddenly looked at the two front desks with a bright smile:

"Two beauties, inquire about something?"

"Sir, please."

When I saw another handsome guy, the two younger sisters were suddenly excited!

"Which room is that young master Ning just now?"

"Sorry sir, we..."

The faces of the two front desks changed, and they immediately refused!

But Wan Wu shook his wrist and handed it a valuable Patek Philippe directly.

"Two beauties, it's convenient. I have something to ask Ning Shao. Don't worry, no one knows that you told me!"

Wan Wu smiled brighter and brighter. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1726 I actually met) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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