
The two front desks were directly moved.

They have seen this kind of watch, and the market price is at least several hundred thousand!

To be able to give away so casually, the man with a wicked smile in front of him, I am afraid it is the same big and promising!

One of the silent openings:

"On the third floor, between the cat's eyes!"

"Okay, give me a room next door."


The two sisters were taken aback for a moment, but still did.

After everything was done, Wan Wu blinked at them immediately.

"Thanks, I will make an appointment with you another day!"

The two front desk sisters suddenly blushed.

Wan Wu restrained his breath, tried to make his footsteps a little more vacant, pretending to look like a normal person who could not martial arts, and entered the next room.

Zhou Ning's martial arts is not low, it has broken through tenth level. Although Wan Wu is not afraid, after all, this is the home court of Zhou's family, not Los Angeles. He must be careful.

Entering the room, Wan Wu directly turned on the indoor player, and the ethereal Chinese classical music suddenly sounded.

After doing all this, Wan Wu was calm, let go of his five senses, and eavesdropped on the next door.

However, when the first voice sounded next door, his heart shook fiercely!

That was the voice of Qiu Yuanfeng!

"...As far as I know from the Jiang family, the strongest is the worship of the two fourteenth-level peaks. It shouldn't be difficult to kill them."

Wan Wu was shocked!

Qiuyuan Mountain!

Why is he here?

What is he going to do?

He actually leaked the details of the Jiang family?

He, he is the Jiang family!

And Zhou Ning's voice also rang, but it was full of suspicion:

"The four hidden families, the Jiang family has only two fourteenth-level offerings, Qiu Yuanshan, are you right?"

"It should be correct."

At this moment, another strange voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was hoarse and low, with an unconcealable arrogance:

"Years ago, the Jiang family did have a lot of masters, but then it seemed that some accident happened and many people died... The two fourteenth-level offerings should be true."

"Accident? What accident?"

Qiu Yuanfeng's voice is full of curiosity.

"That has nothing to do with you."

The voice was indifferent.

Zhou Ning sneered:

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Jiang Jiajia is a paper tiger!"

"But don't be careless, if my master is right, there is another person who should be in Jiang's family!"

The man spoke slowly.


"You don't need to know, that person will be handled by us."

"Okay! Then please Mr. Pei."

Zhou Ning's voice was filled with unspeakable excitement:

"Since there are only two fourteenth-level offerings, it seems that there is no need to wait any longer. Once my Grandmaster Zhou makes a move..."

"Do not!"

The man suddenly spoke, in an extremely severe tone:

"Your Zhou family, never send a master!"


Not only Zhou Ning, but even Qiu Yuanfeng was taken aback.

The man also seems to feel that the intonation is a bit heavy, and his voice is much softer:

"I will do it myself, and your Zhou family will dispatch some level ten and above people to clean the battlefield. Also, it's not the time to do it. I have two friends who haven't arrived. I have to wait."

Zhou Ning was silent for a moment, and both seemed to calm down from that state of excitement.

Zhou Ning spoke again:

"Mr. Pei, it should not be difficult to win the Jiang family, but if we don't have a master, we are afraid of other families..."

"Don't worry, I promise to make a quick decision. As long as you don't disclose it in advance, this matter will never be exposed. It is only for you to mobilize level ten and above. It is also for low-key.

"What Mr. Pei said is, then our previous agreement..."

"As originally said, the Jiang family’s property in Los Angeles will be given to those of the Wang family. As for Mr. Qiu, the Jiang family’s overseas properties belong to you. Wait until the Zhou family digests and absorbs all the Jiang family’s internal industries in China. , And then will be allocated separately."


Qiu Yuanfeng was in a hurry. When the Zhou family had really finished absorbing it, how could he have anything to do with him?

But before he could speak, Zhou Ning smiled and said:

"Mr. Qiu, don't worry, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have the exact news inside the Jiang family. It should be yours, and you won't miss you!"

"Yes, if it weren't for your survey data, we wouldn't find the person hiding in Jiang's house. The benefits are indispensable for you!"

The man also followed.

Qiu Yuanfeng laughed twice:

"Hehe, since Ning Shao and Mr. Pei have both spoken, I certainly put one hundred and twenty hearts, but Mr. Pei, the Jiang family is such a big industry, you..."

The man sneered:

"Don't worry, I only want one thing from the Jiang family, those industries, we are not interested!"

Zhou Ning also spoke:

"Mr. Qiu, if you know the true identity of Mr. Pei, you will know the mere wealth, which is of no value to him! A big man like him, if he didn't have some friendship with my father, he wouldn't come to help us at all!"

"Ha ha……"

Wan Wu listening to these words in the next room, all the hairs on her body stood up!

too frightening!

Qiuyuanshan, you ungrateful dog!

Actually united with the Zhou family to harm us!

And Zhou Ning, the young master should have killed you back then!

No way!

I must tell the master!

Wan Wu was in a mess, suddenly stood up and was about to leave!

However, as soon as he moved, a voice rang directly from his ear!

"Little guy, after listening for so long, still want to leave?"

This voice is exactly that man's!

Wan Wu's expression changed drastically, and he rushed towards the door!

However, his footsteps were just moving, and a horrible aura was actually like a mountain, which actually crushed him to the spot!

He can't even move a finger!


This is definitely the aura that the master has!

The man next door turned out to be the Grand Master? !

At the same time, the door on his side has been gently pushed open.

Qiu Yuanfeng and Zhou Ning strode in with a tall man with a scar on his left neck.

"Wan Wu!"

When I saw Wan Wu, Qiu Yuanfeng's face suddenly sank!

"Wan Wu? Is he the Jiang family you mentioned?"

Zhou Ning's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, it's him!"

"Hmph, then kill it first!"

Mr. Pei rubbed his fingers and smiled coldly.

"and many more!"

Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly spoke:

"Mr. Pei, just help me stop him, this kid dares to eavesdrop, I will slowly clean him up!"

"you sure?"

Mr. Pei frowned.

"Relax, in my hands, he will never get out! Hehehe..."

Immediately afterwards, Wan Wu's head was dizzy and she didn't know anything.


After listening to Wan Wu's narration, Jiang Fan finally connected everything together!

Indeed, my previous speculation is correct!

This Mr. Pei, and the forces behind him, are the people behind Zhou Ning!

First, Qiu Yuanfeng was responsible for finding out the details of the Jiang family, and it was precisely because of Qiu Yuanfeng's investigation that the "master" of Mr. Pei knew of the existence of Uncle Xuan!

He told Zhou Ning that two friends hadn't come, wait, wait, it should be those two celestial realms!

With these two celestial beings, Uncle Xuan is useless no matter how strong it is!

As for what he said, as long as there is one thing in the Jiang family, it must be something in the secret room of the old house!

Not letting the master of the Zhou family take action, I am afraid that the master-level masters will discover their purpose!

But what exactly is in the secret room?

Actually let the two celestial and human realms not hesitate to shoot! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Mr. Pei in Chapter 1727) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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