God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 174: There is no future for only using violence

Jiang Fan let go!

Huang Qian, suddenly screamed!

Pan Xiaoliu has a dull look!

The others were all shocked!


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded!

Then, there was no more sound!

"Too, too cruel!"

"Unexpectedly, really, don't give President Pan face!"

"Even Master Lu doesn't give up face!"

"This kid is really not afraid of death!"

The students in Class 3 were already stunned!

Teacher Jiang, it's not as simple as being overbearing anymore!

It's utterly defiant!

No one is used to it!

Boss Wu! Lord Lu!

These two names, for the rich second generation of Ban Sanban, are existences that even their parents can't afford to provoke!

However, Jiang Fan said that he would slap his face, completely, without any hesitation!

With this strength, the entire Los Angeles city can't find a second one!

Pan Xiaoliu's face was extremely pale!

He is absolutely dead!

If such a big incident has happened, let alone Mr. Lu, even Boss Wu can't spare him!

"Give me, kill him!"

Pan Xiaoliu pointed at Jiang Fan, gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with resentment!

A group of big guys rushed to Jiang Fan immediately!

"Teacher be careful!"

Yu Guo, several girls, screamed to remind!

Jiang Fan, but just disdainfully smiled!

When facing the attack from the big guys, he didn't even notice, as long as he rushed to his side, he picked it up with his hand and threw it directly downstairs!

For a time, there were screams all over the street!

Pan Xiaoliu was completely confused!

Is this the old Shao Jiang? This is simply the Murder King!

Pan Xiaoliu trembled in shock, turned around, and wanted to run!

However, Hong Lei, Lu He and others have already blocked the door!

"Pan, where do you want to go?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Jiang, Shao Jiang! Rao, forgive me!"

Pan Xiaoliu, crying bitterly, looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in such an ungrateful villain like you! Let's go!"

Jiang Fan, smile contemptuously!


Pan Xiaoliu was stunned, and the students in Class 3 were also stunned!

Pan Xiaoliu's eyes turned twice, and suddenly he ran away!

"Teacher, that's it, let him go?"


Jiang Fan sneered!

"Naturally someone will clean him up! Let's go and send you back!"

Jiang Fan said, leading a group of students out of Monopoly!

Along the way, no one dared to stop!

"Old, teacher..."

Lu He, looked at Jiang Fan with trepidation!

Obviously, everything that should be scrapped is scrapped, and the culprit of myself, surely, will end in even worse!


Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Okay, go home quickly! I really want to deal with me, think of a tricky way! People who only use violence have no future!"


Lu He, red eyes!

In my heart, I am full of admiration and admiration for Jiang Fan!

"Hahaha! I lied to you! Tomorrow everyone will hand in a five-thousand-word review book, not a single word is allowed! Who dares not write, I will let you taste the taste of beef balls!

Jiang Fan, laugh!

This, this bastard!

Is he a demon?

Really, I can't guess him!

A group of students, their complexion is more shocked than eating shit!

Seeing Jiang Fan got on the car and left, Lu He almost broke his teeth!

"Asshole Jiang Fan! You, you wait for me!"

Seeing a group of students violently violently behind him, Jiang Fan smiled in relief!

What happened tonight, if one cannot handle it well, it is easy to cultivate a wrong outlook on life for these children!

Especially for a few girls, if you don't quickly divert their attention, I'm afraid it will cause them a great psychological shadow!

Jiang Fan's move is to let them vent all their emotions!

However, Jiang Fan had just arrived near a restaurant and his expression suddenly changed!

That kind of intense hunger, unexpectedly, struck again!

What exactly is going on!

Jiang Fan frowned, this should never be the relationship between the Nine Suns!

Could it be--

Jiang Fan suddenly remembered the wound on his hand that was caught by the mutant creeper!

Could it be-T virus?

Can't control it!

Jiang Fan ran directly into the hotel!

"Waiter! It's served!"

As soon as Jiang Fan entered the hotel, he roared!

The waiter who greeted us was taken aback!

"First, sir, may I ask, what would you like to eat?"

"Whatever you want, fast, big volume!"

Jiang Fan now only felt that his entire stomach was going to be broken down by stomach acid, and there was a burst of dizziness in front of him!

Damn it!

How can this hunger become stronger every time?

Looking at his waiter who was stunned, Jiang Fan suddenly angrily said: "Hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The waiter turned and ran!

Jiang Fan sits casually and forcibly runs the Nine Suns Scriptures!

However, the surging true Qi couldn't calm the intense hunger!

Even, infuriating, unexpectedly, the more it runs, the less! It's like being eaten by something!

Jiang Fan only felt that Venus was rushing in front of him! Looking at the food on the table next door, he actually stretched out his hand, uncontrollably wanting to go over and eat it!

The guest next door, seeing Jiang Fan's eyes flashing blue, stretched out his hand again, scared, and yelled involuntarily!

When the three security guards heard the sound, they ran over!

"Hello, miss! What's the matter?"

"He He……"

The woman next door pointed to Jiang Fan, but was speechless!

The security guard saw Jiang Fan's dress clearly, his brows frowned, and Jiang Fan surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Came here to find something on purpose, right?"

"Do you know, where is this place?"

Jiang Fan reluctantly explained: "I am here to eat!"

"Eating? Don't look at who you are!"

"A takeaway guy actually came here to eat!"

"Our Haitian Hotel spends more than 10,000 yuan on average! Is it a place where people like you come to eat?"

"Hurry up! Tell you, this is the place of Xue's family!"

Xue family?

Jiang Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, directly, took out the white lotus card, and patted it on the table!

"Get out of here! Serve immediately!"

A group of guests all sneered at Jiang Fan!

"Is this man crazy?"

"No, I dare to be so arrogant when I arrive at the Haitian Hotel!"

"Now there is a good show! The last one who came to make trouble, is still calm in the Luosha River!"

"The Xue family dared to provoke it, really, knowing how to live or die!"

It's just beyond everyone's expectations!

Several security guards, read the card clearly, directly, kneel!

Even, if you are scared, the words are unsatisfactory!

"Mr. Jiang, Jiang, Jiang, Jiang?!"

"Stop the **** nonsense! Let's serve food!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several security guards crawled to the kitchen!

All the guests were shocked!

"Well, what's going on?"

"Then kid, what did you just do?"

"It seems, what kind of card was taken out!"

"Huh? That's..."

"Oh my God! It's Bailian Card! Xue family's Bailian Card! There are only five people in Los Angeles!"

"What?! Then this kid, isn't it, his status is extremely noble!"

The woman at the table next to Jiang Fan suddenly swallowed hard and foamed!

Then, put on a smiling face directly!

"Little brother, why don't you eat together?"

Jiang Fan is already starving at this moment!

Hearing that, apart from anything else, I picked up a roast goose on the table and ate it!

"Crack! Click!"

A whole roast goose, in less than a minute, was eaten by Jiang Fan, even the bones!

This is just the beginning!

As the kitchen continued to bring dishes, everyone was shocked!

Jiang Fan's stomach is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much food, it is not full!

Later, under Jiang Fan's order, the chef didn't care about the taste at all, as long as it was cooked, he would go out!

All the guests watched Jiang Fan ate food with a dazed expression!

However, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan?"

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