God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 175: He can't afford to kneel and I'm also very upset

"Jiang Fan? Why are you here?"

The master of this voice is actually Xue Ningyu!

Next to Xue Ningyu, there was another person, exactly, at noon today, the young man who provoked Jiang Fan at the gate of Lanying!

"Huh? This is Xue Ningyu, the eldest of the Xue family?"

"I have long heard that Miss Xue Jia is beautiful, she is indeed a stunning beauty!"

"Yeah! It's so beautiful!"

"Hey? The person next to her, why is he so familiar?"

"It seems to belong to the Wu family, young master!"

"What? The Wu Family?! The Wu Family of the Seven Great Families?"

In an instant, everyone looked at Xue Ningyu and the young man with awe!

Xue Ningyu and the young man suddenly showed a hint of pride when they heard everyone's discussion! High above, look at Jiang Fan!

It's just that Jiang Fan's attention is on food at the moment, and he is not in the mood to take care of them at all!

Wu Sicheng's complexion suddenly became gloomy!

He is the heir to the martial arts of the seven major families in Los Angeles! Moreover, he is still Xue Ningyu's suitor!

Although Xue Ningyu has never agreed to his pursuit, he has long regarded Xue Ningyu as his exclusive item!

Jiang Fan dared to ignore Xue Ningyu, that is, not giving him face!

"Hey! Jiang Fan! Are you deaf? Didn't hear that, is Ningyu talking to you?"

Wu Sicheng, with an arrogant expression, reprimanded Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan didn't speak at all! Just eating!

Wu Sicheng smiled disdainfully!

I thought that Jiang Fan was afraid of himself and deliberately used this method to escape!

"Eating is so ugly, it really loses the face of our seven big families! Fortunately, the Jiang family has already been expelled!"

Wu Sicheng looked at Jiang Fan with contempt!

"Ningyu, there is nothing to say about this kind of garbage, let's go!"

Xue Ningyu frowned, but he was a little bit unwilling!

Last time, I wanted to teach Jiang Fan a lesson, but was forcibly dragged away by Cai Xiaojing. This time, Jiang Fan must not be let go!

It’s just that, here, after all, is Xue’s hotel, there are so many guests onlookers, this kind of thing is said to affect, it is really bad!

After hesitating again and again, Xue Ningyu finally reluctantly agreed!

However, she was about to leave, but suddenly she saw the white lotus card on the table!

"Jiang Fan! Where did this card come from?"

Xue Ningyu's complexion changed!

But Jiang Fan didn't speak at all! It’s just that I’ve been eating!

Wu Sicheng was furious immediately!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be shameless!"

He said two steps forward, he was going to pull Jiang Fan's collar!

But, feeling someone coming, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head subconsciously!

In the eyes, the cold is overflowing, full of murderous intent!

It's like a tyrannosaurus looking at the ants invading its territory!


Wu Sicheng was so frightened that he directly knelt down!

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar!

"The eldest master of the Wu family, unexpectedly, kneeled?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's impossible!"

"The Wu family is so strong, how could the young master kneel to a deliveryman?"

Wu Sicheng's face flushed, and the next moment, a strong sense of shame finally replaced fear!

He is now, but is pursuing the critical moment of Xue Ningyu! Never, lose face in front of Xue Ningyu!

He got up quickly and pointed at the waiter suddenly!

"Why do you mop the floor? So slippery, do you want to kill me?"

Humph! Fortunately I am clever!

"It turned out to be slippery!"

The crowd suddenly showed a stunned look!

Seeing that Wu Sicheng wasn't trying to grab food, Jiang Fan didn't care about him and continued to eat!

"Damn! Dare to eat! See how I clean up you today!"

Jiang Fan's attitude, thoroughly, made Wu Sicheng angry!

He took a step forward, raised his arm, and drew it against Jiang Fan's face fiercely!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became cold!

"court death!"


Wu Sicheng, unexpectedly, knelt down again!

"This, shouldn't it, is the ground slippery again?"

"Probably, right?"

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

Moreover, this time, Jiang Fan's momentum is like a big mountain, firmly pressing on Wu Sicheng! Even though he struggled desperately, he couldn't get up!

At this moment, everyone could see that Wu Sicheng was indeed frightened by Jiang Fan!

But, this is incredible!

Who is this takeaway? How is it possible to have such a strong momentum!

Xue Ningyu was also stunned!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, so powerful?

Swallowing the last piece of meat into his stomach, Jiang Fan finally sighed comfortably!

This hunger is too bad! When eating, even though I know everything around me, my body simply doesn't listen to it!

If this happens when Wanjie orders later, it will be a bit troublesome!

Waiting for the waiter to check out, Jiang Fan suddenly saw Wu Sicheng, kneeling at his feet!

"Hey? A beggar? You're welcome, just eat if you want!"

Jiang Fan picked up a plate of fried spring rolls and handed it to Wu Sicheng!


What a shame!

Wu Sicheng gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Fan, his eyes almost bursting into flames!

"Jiang Fan! Don't go too far! Let go of Wu Sicheng!"

Xue Ningyu finally spoke!

"Joke! I didn't put the knife on his neck again! He can't afford to kneel, I am also very distressed!"

Jiang Fan looked jokingly!


Xue Ningyu glared at Jiang Fan! At the same time, in my heart, there was a trace of contempt for Wu Sicheng!

It's as timid as a mouse!

When he bullied others, he was quite powerful. When Jiang Fan stared at him, he knelt down!

"Are you all dead? Don't hesitate to help Young Master Wu up!"

Xue Ningyu glared at the security guards on one side coldly!

Several security guards immediately raised Wu Sicheng in a hurry!

And Jiang Fan lazily looked at the hotel manager who had been staying beside him and did not dare to speak!

"Bill, please!"

"Mr. Jiang, you are too polite! With the Bailian card, you are the most distinguished guest of our Xue family. It is my honour for you to come to the Haitian Hotel to spend money! How can there be any reason for you to spend money!"

"Oh? All right, thank you!"

Jiang Fan said, turned around and left!


Xue Ningyu looked at Jiang Fan with enthusiasm, and suddenly sneered!

"Manager Liu, you can see clearly! This card, isn't it fake?"

Manager Liu's complexion changed, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat for an instant!

What a fool knows that every time the Xue family issues a white lotus card, it will notify each industry to which it belongs!

Especially Jiang Fan, which was sent to the person in charge of the subordinate industry, and Jiang Fan's photo!

This is not a problem with the card, but, the eldest wants to find Mr. Jiang's trouble herself!

Manager Liu swallowed and spit, and looked at Xue Ningyu pleadingly!

"Miss, this..."

"What's this? In this world, maybe someone has got a fake card, come here to eat and drink!"


At this moment, Wu Sicheng finally slowed down! Hearing this, Jiang Fan suddenly stared at Jiang Fan with resentment!

"This kind of stuff is worthy of Xue's white lotus card? I think it must have been stolen!"

Faced with the provocation of the two, Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully!

Then, turn around and leave!

He wouldn't, wasting his time arguing about this kind of shit!

To him, Xue Ningyu is just a little girl who is so angry!

And Wu Sicheng is just a younger brother!

"Stop! Don't even think about leaving!"

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