God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1747: Don't be a spectator and be a poker player

Zhou Yuanwang was taken aback, but immediately shook his head:

"No, we and Jiang Fan are now at the time of your death and life. Sending invitations to Jiang Fan is undoubtedly slapping our Zhou family in the face. Although those companies are eager for our Zhou family to be unlucky, they are not proactive!"


Zhou Ling sneered:

"Send Jiang Fan an invitation, inviting him to Lumingyuan!"


Zhou Yuanwang didn't react for a while.

Zhou Jing smiled slightly:

"Old ancestor Yingming! Although we have talked to those companies before, we can’t believe what they say! Let Jiang Fan pass, just to test the sincerity of those companies! Try Jiang Fan, besides Yu Jia, is there any more? Other allies!"

Zhou Ling's plan is the same as Jiang Fan's real purpose for participating in this auction!

Zhou Yuanwang's eyes lit up!

"Yes! I will go now!"


"Jiang Fan is here?"

Among the villas of the Yu family, the head of the family Yu Zhengming's eyes lit up!

Sitting opposite him, Yu Xiaoze, who had just received the news, nodded:

"Yes, when he first arrived, the people from the Harvest Auction House picked him up."

"Where to live?"

"It should have been arranged at the Haitang Hotel, but Jiang Fan didn't go. He is now wandering around Huayang!"

"Hehe, it should be the first time for him to come to Huayang. If it were me, he would turn around first."

Yu Zhengming nodded.


"Dad, his purpose is probably different from yours."

Yu Xiaoze didn't know what was going on. When he heard the news, there was always a feeling that Jiang Fan was preparing to run away.

Yu Zhengming ignored him and turned to look at another person sitting not far from Yu Xiaoze:

"Yu Hui, please inform the people in Huayang, if you meet Jiang Fan, please treat him well."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I have already ordered to go down."

Yu Hui is a middle-aged man in his forties with a fat figure and small eyes. He looks as if he is always smiling.

But in Huayang, no one would dare to underestimate him, no, to be precise, no one would dare to provoke him easily!

The nickname of the smiling tiger is definitely not for nothing!

After saying this, Yu Hui suddenly spoke again:

"Patriarch, there is something I dare not call the shots without authorization, so you have to make your own decision."


Yu Zhengming was taken aback.

He has always used people without any doubt. Yu Hui is not a family member, but a friend that Yu Zhengming met accidentally. After Yu Zhengming took over as the head of the family, he directly put Yu Hui in charge of Huayang.

There are many opposition voices in the family, but Yu Zhengming has resisted.

Facts have proved that Yu Zhengming's vision is far enough, and Yu Hui is even better enough. In just five years, Yu Jia has annexed all of Huayang's retail industry!

And radiated a surveillance network all over Huayang!

You know, this is not the rest of the first-tier cities, but Huayang, with many forces and complicated relationships!

Yu Hui is called the smiling tiger because he was still smiling at you in the last second, and you might lose everything in the next second!

And people like Hui, Yu Jia, there are many more!

This is also the second difference between the four big families and the seven giants, and the ordinary first-class families, after their strength-talent reserve!

Jiang Fan once had a headache with this problem. The Jiang family has no shortage of thugs, but there are too few people like Hui!

"Doesn't Huayang's affairs let you be fully responsible, and there are still things that can't be the master?"

Yu Zhengming asked with a smile.

"Yes, Lumingyuan invitation card, do you...give it to Jiang Fan?"

Yu Hui asked.

Yu Zhengming looked straight up:


The smile on Yu Hui's face disappeared, and for the first time he put on a solemn look:

"Patriarch, once Lumingyuan's invitation card is sent out, we at the Yu family are equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the Zhou family!"

"I know that Jiang Fan is very capable. At his age, this kind of achievement can be said to be unprecedented!"

"But as the saying goes, prosperity must decline, Jiang Fan can't go on so smoothly forever!"

"For a genius who may die halfway, it is too risky to confront the Zhou family head-on!"

After listening to Yu Hui patiently, Yu Zhengming spoke:

"Yu Hui, do you know the pattern of aristocratic families, how long have they existed?"

Yu Hui was taken aback, not understanding why Yu Zhengming said this.

But Yu Zhengming did not wait for him to answer, and continued:

"Fifty years!"

"In the past fifty years, all families have worked hard to govern, and by now, they have reached their limits!"

"Any one has reached a bottleneck!"

"If you want to go up, there are only two ways!"

"Either, annex all first-rate, second-rate, or even third-rate families!"

"Either, between the rich family...internal war!"

Both Yu Hui and Yu Xiaoze's expressions changed!

They vaguely understood what Yu Zhengming was going to do!

Yu Zhengming was expressionless:

"No one dares to do the first. This is offending the public, and no one can afford the consequences!"

"The second one, but someone has already done it!"

Yu Hui and Yu Xiaoze took a deep breath:

"Zhou's family!"


Yu Zhengming nodded:

"The Zhou family has annexed the Jiang family and their strength has skyrocketed, and until today, they have not digested the Jiang family's industry!"

"The Zhou family's actions have rekindled the ambitions of the rest of the family. Even if Jiang Fan does not appear, the apparent peace will not last long!"

Yu Hui has thoroughly understood what Yu Zhengming meant!

There will be a battle between the wealthy families in the capital sooner or later!

The protagonists of the future battle, or the fuse, must be Jiang Fan and Zhou's family!

Those who don't want to be aggressive will naturally choose neutrality!

Anyone who is a little ambitious will definitely choose to stand in line!

All the thoughtful families are still waiting and watching, but Yu Zhengming is actually ready to show his attitude and completely stand on Jiang Fan's side!

"Patriarch, the situation is still unclear. It is too early to show your attitude. In case Jiang Fan loses, the Zhou family and their allies will never let us go!"

Yu Hui was sweating all over his head!

This bet is too big!

This is a completely overwhelming gamble on the whole family!

Yu Hui couldn't imagine the consequences of losing!


"If you want to make a big thing, you have to place a big bet!"

Yu Zhengming's face is grim:

"Between Jiang Fan and Zhou's family, it's a game of cards!"

"And the matchup in this game will definitely come sooner than everyone imagined!"

"Those who are wobbly don't even have the chance to go to the table, they can only be outside spectators!"

"I don't want to be a spectator at home, I want to be a poker player!"

"Be more to be a player who influences the game!"

Yu Hui was stunned!

Yu Xiaoze is full of admiration!

No wonder his father was optimistic about Jiang Fan from the beginning, this is entirely because they are all the same kind of people!

Have vision, and have more courage!

At this moment, even he burst out a kind of pride!

My Yu family dare to suppress all gambling on Jiang Fan, those who are optimistic about the Zhou family, dare you! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1747 is not a spectator to do Players) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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