Qi Family Courtyard.

Compared with the Zhou family's antique house, the Qi family's other courtyard is more than one grade higher!

Because this is not an antique, but a house with a history of hundreds of years!

Brick by brick is full of traces of time.

In the lobby of the other courtyard, several powerful figures from the Qi family gathered together!

"Jiang Fan has arrived in Huayang, do we have contact with our family?"

This is raised by Qi Huaifang, and it is also something that everyone cares about.

Since listening to Qi Wei's words, the Qi family's assessment of Jiang Fan has been raised to a new level, and the attitude towards Jiang Fan has also changed again.

Before Qi Wei came into contact with Jiang Fan, the Qi family only wanted to do a one-off deal with Jiang Fan!

But now, some people are moved.

Not only did Yu Zhengming see that there was a storm in the capital sooner or later, the rest of the family almost understood this!

It's just that like Yu Zhengming, there are too few courageous people!

Most of them are like the current Qi family, vacillating!

Qi Huaichen looked at several family elites around him, and suddenly asked:

"What do you think?"

Several people looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

The relationship between Jiang Fan and the Zhou family is endless. Although they promised Jiang Fan to help him guard against possible allies in the Zhou family, it was just a deal!

As long as the Qi family holds onto this point, others have nothing to say.

But once you come into contact with Jiang Fanming, the nature is completely different!

If it is the former Qi family, then they are not afraid of anything!

But now, the Qi family is also in trouble.

Therefore, no one dared to speak without permission.

Qi Huaichen was not in a hurry, just drinking tea quietly.

On the contrary, Qi Wei hesitated to speak, but in front of a few real powerful elders, she still did not speak.

for a long time.

Qi Huaichen finally put down the cup:

"not in contact!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they were a little unwilling.

Help Jiang Fan, the risk is not small, but the reward is also great!

Just a Yue Jianhan is enough to make people's hearts excited!

Even if Yue Jianhan cannot enter the Heaven and Human Realm in the future, he must be able to enter the nineteenth level!

The master of the nineteenth limit!

Except for the Lin family, this is the ancestor-level combat power among all the wealthy families! It is also the most extreme combat power!

But now that the owner of the family has decided, it is too late to say anything.

Qi Huaifang and others struggled for a while, and finally nodded.

But at this moment!

Qi Huaichen took a sip of tea, and unexpectedly spoke again:

"Also, spread the matter of Jiang Fan killing Qi Yan!"


Everyone was stunned!


Qi Huaifang just spoke, but at this moment, his expression changed!

The other powerful figures in the Qi family also moved their eyes!

"What the Patriarch meant, we built the plank road in the dark and kept it secretly?"

Qi Huaichen nodded:

"It's true that Jiang Fan killed Qi Yan. As for what others think, it's their business."

"But in case Jiang Fan misunderstands..."

"will not!"

Qi Huaichen didn't speak, Qi Wei spoke directly:

"Jiang Fan is thoughtful, as long as this news is released, Jiang Fan will definitely understand what it means!"

Everyone took a deep breath.

At this moment, Qi Huaifeng spoke tentatively:

"Patriarch, Qi Yan's aunt is afraid that she won't let it go!"

Qi Huaifang also nodded:

"Qi Lian is indeed a trouble, Patriarch, if she goes to Jiang Fan to seek revenge..."

"Isn't that better?"

Qi Min smiled coldly:

"As long as she does it, the enmity between the Qi family and Jiang Fan will be settled. No one can think of it. In the end, our Qi family will help Jiang Fan instead?"

"Do not!"

Qi Huaichen shook his head:

"Whether he will have any hatred with Jiang Fan depends on how he fights with the Zhou family!"

"If Jiang Fan really can't fight the Zhou family, then this hatred is true!"

"If Jiang Fan wins more than 40%, Qi Jia, will spare no effort to help him!"

Everyone took a deep breath!

Qi Huaichen is right. At the level of aristocratic family, he has never talked about integrity and shame, but interest!

Only Qi Wei frowned slightly, she inexplicably remembered the scene of the conversation with Jiang Fan, vaguely, she always felt a kind of feeling, Qi family's every move, perhaps all Jiang Fan's expectation.

Whether it is the Yu family or the Qi family, they are just the epitome of the attitude of the wealthy family towards Jiang Fan.

At this moment, Jiang Fan was staring at the scenery outside the car window in a daze.

Zhao Xiaochuan on one side didn't bother him anymore, just chatting gossip with Long Yan.

A group of people spent more than an hour in the city, before Jiang Fan finally spoke:

"Is the Zhou family here?"

"Here, not only the Zhou family, but also wealthy families, including several foreign chaebol families, have all arrived."

Zhao Xiaochuan hurriedly spoke.

"Okay, go to Zhou's house!"


Zhao Xiaochuan was taken aback.

"Go, go to Zhou's house?"

Jiang Fan looked at Zhao Xiaochuan:

"have opinions?"

"No, no, no! Mr. Jiang, you, you and the Zhou family..."

"Where is your kid so much nonsense! Hurry up!"

Long Yan spoke impatiently.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhao Xiaochuan hurriedly greeted the driver.

The car turned around and headed straight to the Zhou family courtyard!


As the car stopped steadily, an antique house appeared in front of everyone.

This is the Zhou Family Courtyard!

In the car, Zhao Xiaochuan was sweating profusely:

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

"You care about me?"

Jiang Fan smiled and looked at Zhao Xiaochuan.

"Yes, yes! You are a guest of our Fengnian auction house! In case..."

"Nothing in case, don't worry, it's too late for the Zhou family to welcome me!"

Jiang Fan got out of the car and swayed directly into it.

Seeing Jiang Fan entering, Zhao Xiaochuan gritted his teeth, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly chased after him.

There are three entrances to the Zhou Family Courtyard. The front one is the hall, the second entrance is the guest room, and the third entrance is the place where Zhou Ling sits in meditation.

Seeing Jiang Fan and others come in, the two children of the Zhou family frowned.

"Who let you in? I don't know where this is? Get out!"

Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"Tell Zhou Yuanwang, Jiang Fan is here!"

"Jiang Fan?"

The two Zhou's children were stunned, took a closer look at Jiang Fan, and then suddenly exclaimed:

"Jiang Fan?!!!"

The two of them ran away just like they had seen a ghost!

"It's not good! Jiang Fan is here to kill!"


"Security! Security!!"

"Patriarch! Jiang Fan is here!!"

The two cried and howled for a while.

Zhao Xiaochuan was dumbfounded!

Is this the Zhou family in particular?

The first family of China!

Meeting Jiang Fan is the same as seeing the Great Demon King!

At this time, if Jiang Fan frightened again, he would make sure that both of them would be able to pee!

It's too fierce!

To scare the Zhou family into this, Tianding Shiji didn't have this ability!

The rumors about Jiang Fan are really low!

The two Zhou's children yelled and yelled, and the whole other courtyard was panicked!

"what happened?"

"Jiang Fan came here?"

"Didn't it have been negotiated!"

"Damn it! Go call the ancestor!"

at this time!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

An angry shout suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yuanwang had walked out of the front hall in strides! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1748 is true or false) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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