Reluctantly, Daisy finally put her hands away.

Jiang Fan directly lifted his steps and walked towards the base.

Seeing a few people coming over, the guard at the door suddenly changed his face and pointed his guns directly at the few people!

"Stop! No entry!"

Eric was shocked!

However, Jiang Fan took out something and threw it directly!

This thing, surprisingly, Jiang Fan was presented by Coulson last time in the Iron Man World, and it was proved by a third-level agent of SHIELD!

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent's three-level agent certificate: The authority of S.H.I. This is proof of belonging to the hired agent!

Note: With this item, you can get some help from SHIELD in a world with SHIELD!

When the guard saw the badge, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his hand to salute!

"Sorry sir!"

"It doesn't matter, is Phil Coulson here?"

"The sir is inside!"


Jiang Fan put away the proof and took a few people straight ahead!

Eric was stunned!

Who is Jiang Fan anyway?

Let’s not talk about the black technology bikes before, but now they can even be eaten here!

The takeaway is so fierce now?

At this moment, the base is the innermost!

It's all surrounded by pipelines, leaving only a small open space!

In the clearing, a square-shaped hammer stood alone.

This hammer has a simple shape, but it carries an invisible domineering!

Beside the hammer, a tall and burly man kneeled on the ground in despair!

He was covered with mud, and his eyes on the hammer were filled with despair.


I finally came here, and finally saw you, but why can't I pick it up?

Did you abandon me, or am I no longer worthy to own you?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

We have been together for thousands of years!

The man was heartbroken, and finally closed his eyes helplessly.

Standing in the stands, looking at Coulson here quietly, he finally sighed, picking up the communicator to order.

But at this moment, the voice of the guard at the door suddenly came from the communicator:

"Sir, a gentleman outside came in with a certificate of a third-level agent."


Coulson frowned.

The third-level agents are generally agents hired by the organization. According to his memory, there should be no agents of this level in the current location.

"By the way, sir, the other party also asked if you were there."

ask me?

Is that acquaintance?

Hiring a third-level agent, and knowing himself... it seems that there are only a few people, right?

And he just rushed over from Tony's side, those few people shouldn't know themselves...

and many more!


Could it be that person?

Coulson's face changed!

And the next moment.

"Hi! Phil, long time no see!"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind him!

Coulson looked back suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly:

"Jiang Fan?!"


It's really Jiang Fan!

He will never forget the scene where Jiang Fan shot Obadiah with one arrow!

In his heart, Jiang Fan is just like the God of War!

And hearing Coulson's words, on the landing gear in the distance, a man with an inch head and a bow and arrow frowned!

Jiang Fan?

He has heard Coulson say this name no less than a hundred times!

What an arrow shot Obadiah, ha ha, how could that be possible!

Even if there is that kind of archer, it will only be yourself!

He had long wanted to see this person in Coulson's mouth, but he did not expect to meet him today!

Find a chance to try him!

Bow and arrow, my eagle eye is the most awesome!

After Coulson was shocked, he immediately smiled:

"Jiang Fan, why are you here?"


"Delivery? To whom?"


Jiang Fan said, pointing at the man below!

Sol, finally met!

"He? This lunatic?"

Coulson laughed:

"Mr. Jiang, this person has been abandoned. He just pulled out the hammer and didn't pull it out. After that, he collapsed on the ground like this."

"In my experience, he has a nervous breakdown."

"I have already contacted the doctor and will send him to a mental hospital at that time!"

But Jiang Fan shook his head!

"No! He doesn't need a doctor, what he needs is takeaway!"

As Jiang Fan said, he jumped directly from the stands a few meters high!

"Be careful!"

Daisy exclaimed!

But in the next scene, everyone was stunned!

When Jiang Fan fell, his feet seemed to be stepping on an invisible cloud, and he fell to the ground lightly!

Do not!

He didn't fall to the ground at all!

The soles of his shoes did not touch the ground at all!

He is flying!

"I! Buy! Karma!!"

"Is this guy Superman?"

"He can fly!"

Everyone's eyes widened!

Coulson is even more incredible!

The last time we met, Jiang Fan had already shocked him enough, but he didn't expect that this time he just met, he was even more exaggerated!

Hawkeye is twitching at the corner of his eye!

When Jiang Fan was falling, he glanced at him lightly!

Hawkeye couldn't describe that feeling, but just that glance made him feel that his heart was about to explode!

I can't remember any more thoughts about challenging Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan walked to Sol:

"Brother Jinjiang, no, Mr. Saul! Your takeaway is here!"

But Sol did not react at all!

In the eyes, there is no anger at all!

Only the mouth was muttering something.

Treasure's heart is sour, so be a person, how to say it is to waste?

Ai Rui and Daisy were not happy either.

Sol should be a very cheerful and simple, how did he become like this?

"It's over, look like this, it's really useless."

"Don't you just didn't pick up the hammer?"

"It should be a paranoid patient. I knew I wouldn't let him come."

"Oh! Take it to the hospital!"

"Mr. Jiang, let's go in for a cup of coffee, this man is hopeless!"

Including Coulson, several people shook their heads.

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly. In this world, no takeaway can't heal wounds!

Spiritually, it's the same!


Jiang Fan directly took out the pot of stewed lamb!

In an instant, a strong scent filled the entire base in an instant!

Even the cold drizzle became warmer!

The crowd was shocked!

"What does it taste like? It smells good!"

"It's Chinese food!"

"I have heard Stark say that Mr. Jiang's takeaway is super delicious. I didn't expect that just the taste is so amazing!"

"Smell it, I feel energetic all over!"

And even more amazing, it is Sol!

As soon as the takeout came out, Sol's eyes unexpectedly showed uncontrollable emotions!


The craving for good food!

Almost involuntarily, Sol directly faced the pot of stewed lamb and stretched out his hand!

next moment!

"Grumbling! Grumbling! Grumbling!"

Sol actually ate it straight away!

And the more you eat, the more excited you are!

The more you eat, the brighter your eyes!

"So delicious! So warm!"

"It's like entering the arms of the fire giant Sirtel!"

"Ah! There is such a delicious food in this world!"

"I think I have found the motivation to live again!"

"Yes! No need for a hammer! What I need is good food!"

After eating a pot of stewed lamb, Thor suddenly jumped up!

The whole body is full of fighting spirit again!

Coulson and others were stunned!

A takeaway actually saved all patients with mental breakdown?

Chinese cuisine is so amazing!

Could it be that this is the legendary, medicated diet?

Sure enough!

Saul wiped his mouth, and looked at Jiang Fan gratefully!

"thanks, thanks--"

He was bowing to thank him, but his eyes suddenly caught Jiang Fan's floating body!

Sol's face changed directly, and he looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Are you also a god?!"The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: /down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the first Chapter 1756 people have been abandoned) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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