God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1757: You will always be a security guard if the plane is not in the sky


"and also?"

When the crowd heard Saul's words, they were all startled!

But Jiang Fan shook his head:

"No! My name is Jiang Fan, I'm just a takeaway!"


Saul was taken aback, but immediately burst into laughter.

He patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder:

"Jiang Fan, thank you! If it weren't for you, I would definitely be scrapped!"

"Now, I have the desire to live again!"

"I am going to travel the whole earth and taste good food!"

"Go to the special fitness! Go to the special battle!"

"I want to become a big fat man who can eat countless delicacies!"

Saul's face is full of excitement!

I rely on!

Why is this going wrong?

"No, Brother Hammer, you are Thor! You have to cheer up! Can you imagine yourself having a big belly and rubbing a raccoon against your belly?"

Jiang Fan persuaded.

"never mind."

Sol chuckled:

"I have lost the hammer, and I have become a mortal. What if I don't pursue good food?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled, this scene was a bit like the third one!

A picture flashed through his mind and suddenly he smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

Sol was startled.

Jiang Fan remembered that line and suddenly spoke:

"Sol, are you the **** of hammers?"


Sol was taken aback.

Something seemed to be moving in my heart!

Ruzi can teach!

Jiang Fan subconsciously stimulated a skill that he hadn't used for a long time!

The teacher of a century!

A group of holy light slowly radiated!

And Jiang Fan has continued to smile and speak:

"You are Thor, that hammer just allows you to focus on using your power!"

"You will become the most powerful man in Asgard and even this world in the future!"

"What you have to rely on should not be a hammer, but yourself!"

Thor's heartbeat increased, and he even vaguely felt that something in his body was awakening!

That power is obviously even more amazing than himself holding a hammer!

The most important thing is that he looked at Jiang Fan who was smiling now, and he didn't know why, but he felt as if he had seen his father in a trance!

Yes it is!

Jiang Fan's tone and words are exactly the same as his father!

And compared to his father's sternness, Jiang Fan has an inexplicable affinity!

Let countless warm currents flow in his heart!

Sol stared at Jiang Fan blankly, for a moment, he was stunned!

"Sol! Your future is destined to be extraordinary!"

"You have to persist! Don't abandon! Don't give up!"

"No matter how many times you fail, success is always ahead!"

"Easy to achieve, it is not a dream! If you give up lightly, it is not a promise! To succeed, you have to dare to challenge! If a plane can't fly into the sky, you will always be a security guard!"

Jiang Fan's golden sentences are thrown around here!

But gradually, everyone's eyes are not right!

Even Sol, the crowd stared wide-eyed, looking at him in disbelief!

Jiang Fan is a little confused, overstatement?

It seems that the lines of Yang Shulin have been done!


He was about to collect it, but found that there seemed to be something extra in his hand!

Jiang Fan looked down and was stunned!

He was so excited just now that he actually leaned on the hammer behind him!

And he held it easily!

Speaking of excitement, he waved his hand casually, is it really special—

Take the hammer up!

At this moment, this meow hammer is so light and fluttering, as if it was lifted in the air by himself without the slightest weight!

"No, it's impossible!"

"The space around this hammer seems to be frozen!"

"The crane that we used with the highest power didn't shake a bit!"

"This thing can be picked up by humans at all!"

Coulson, Hawkeye and others are going crazy!

They tried all kinds of methods, let alone get it up, just let it shake a little and didn't do it!

Jiang Fan, he didn't blush or pant, he picked it up like a leaf?

Even more shocked was Sol!

I drop my god!

Well, that is Thor's Hammer!

The hammer body is made of Asgard's unique Ulu metal, and the hammer handle is a section of the trunk of the world tree, and then forged in the core of a declining star!

The key is that there is a spell of God the Father on it!

Unless it is recognized or the power surpasses God the Father, it is impossible for anyone to pick it up!

Jiang Fan, who is it?

so horrible!

Not only were they shocked, but countless light years away, on the Asgard Rainbow Bridge far away!

Heimdall, who was observing here, was stunned!

Open mouth and face shocked!

Pick it up!

This mysterious man named Jiang Fan actually picked up the hammer!

I have a big grass!

Who the **** is this guy!

Nima is too exaggerated!

Tell God Father!

You have to tell this news to God Father!

Heimdall panicked and ran to Odin's palace in a hurry!

It was only halfway through that he remembered that Odin fell asleep!

But it doesn't matter, tell the queen the same!

In the palace, Rocky, who is holding Odin's eternal gun, Gunnier, also opened his mouth wide!


Your uncle!

I just wanted to go over and try, but you actually lifted it up!


Rocky's face was savage, and he was angry!

He moved directly towards the Rainbow Bridge!

He hurriedly came to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, and he inserted the eternal gunner Gangnier on it, directly activating the passage to the earth!

In the next moment, Loki has disappeared without a trace!

On the earth, Jiang Fan was still looking at the hammer in a daze!

Can I lift it up?

I really am a good baby with a pure heart!

"Ding! Host, don't you feel impure in your heart?"

The system finally couldn't hold back.


Jiang Fan finally understood that it was all due to the system!

The power of the system inevitably surpasses Odin. It's not surprising to pick it up by yourself, but without system identification, this hammer can't exert its true power!

In other words, this thing is a display in Jiang Fan's hands!

For a while, Jiang Fan was completely out of interest!

He patted Sol on the shoulder casually:

"Brother Hammer, remember what I said before, and be sure to go on a diet!"


Saul hadn't recovered from the shock yet.

And Jiang Fan waved his hand to everyone, ready to leave!

"System! Back—"

But at this moment!


A beam of light shining with seven colors, like a rainbow-like beam of light suddenly fell from the sky!

Directly rushing to the place where everyone is, directly blasted down!

"Oh my God!"

Everyone exclaimed!

"It's the Rainbow Bridge! Get away!"

Saul finally reacted and screamed!

However, the speed of the Rainbow Bridge bombardment is too fast!

Seeing, everyone will be bombarded!

at this time!


Jiang Fan waved his hand, and a storm rose from the ground, knocking everyone out!

At the next moment, the beam of light had already smashed to the ground!


The ground trembled suddenly!

The strong light made everyone close their eyes!

Until the light dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that a huge circle was printed on the ground!

In the circle, there are countless incantations that look like branding!

And just in the center of this circle, there was a strange man unexpectedly!

This man wears a golden horned helmet, a golden battle armor, and a green cloak behind his back!

The whole person's face is evil!


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