Lumingyuan meets once every three years, and many international celebrities will also participate. It can be said to be the most important gathering among the wealthy family!

In previous years, no matter which company was the host, they would not be too worried, but this year is different!

Because of Jiang Fan!

The hatred between this guy and the Zhou family is too deep, and he is not in harmony with the rest of the family. The point is that this kid is too crazy and completely out of control!

If something happens to him, not only will the Lu family's face be lost, but the Yan family's face will also not look good!

"Jiang Fan hasn't appeared yet, nor have the rest of the family."

A powerful figure in the Yan family and Yan Yuqin's cousin, Yan Jizhong said.

"It's all the trouble caused by the Yu family! If you stand Jiang Fan, just stand yours. Give him any invitations!"

Lu Changqing of the Lu family couldn't help but complain.

"The invitation from the Yu family is only for others. Jiang Fan came over today, but it has nothing to do with the Yu family."

Lu Changyun finally spoke.


Everyone was taken aback.

And Yan Jiye, the owner of the Yan family, also nodded:

"Indeed, Jiang Fan's first invitation was given by the Zhou family!"


"Zhou's family?!"

"Zhou Yuanwang eats too much brain fragments?"

"Fuck it! He Zhou's family troubles Jiang Fan. Go anywhere, what does it mean to come to Lumingyuan!"

"It's so obvious that it's causing us trouble!"

A group of people were shocked, but then they scolded one after another!

Only Lu Changyun and Yan Jiye glanced at each other.

Yan Jiye laughed:

"The Zhou family did this not to trouble us, but to turn us into trouble for Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he spoke, everyone was taken aback, but these people were elite figures in the Lu Yan family, and they immediately reacted, and all of them suddenly sank!

"What a Zhou family!"

"Zhou Yuanwang, this **** thing is clearly causing trouble!"

"Yes, let Jiang Fan come to Luming Academy. His Zhou family will look for another opportunity to create a conflict between us and Jiang Fan. If we don't do anything to Jiang Fan, we will undoubtedly lose our face!"

"And if we do anything, with Jiang Fan's character that must be repaid, it must be endless!"

"Hehe, the Zhou family has a good calculation. It seems that it was because we wanted to unite us against Jiang Fan last time. We didn't say anything, so they took the initiative!"

"This is to force us to stand on his side!"

"Although Zhou Yuanwang is cunning, he doesn't have such courage!"

"Zhou Ning, who had such courage, is dead."

"Is it the ancestor of the Zhou family who came up with this idea?"

A group of people sneered again and again, and quickly restored everything!

Lu Changyun nodded:

"Now that the Zhou family's intentions have been estimated, the next step is to deal with it. What do you think?"

All of them frowned slightly.

It's one thing to understand, but it's another thing to do it!

They can't always guard against the Zhou family, let alone drive away the Zhou family or Jiang Fan!

If you really did that, you would simply offend the two parties together!

"Damn! Zhou's family! Now I can only hope that Jiang Fan will not come!"

Lu Changqing scolded angrily!

Yan Yuqin, who had been silent, suddenly laughed.

Everyone was taken aback!

"Madam, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Changyun looked curious.

Yan Yuqin said while wiping her nails with a handkerchief:

"The possibility of Jiang Fan not coming, I'm afraid it is not high!"

"Yuqin, what do you mean by this?"

Yan Jiye frowned and asked.

Yan Yuqin looked at her fingers, but her eyes seemed to float beyond Lumingyuan:

"You said, is there such a possibility...that is, Jiang Fan knows what the Zhou family wants to do, and then, he wants to do that too?"

This is a bit awkward, but everyone here understands it!

For a time, everyone's complexion changed!

Lu Changyun took a deep breath:

"You mean, Jiang Fan is going to use Zhou's family to find things, and against General Yijun, let us stand by him?"

"I just guessed that, but according to Jiang Fan's calculated character, it is very possible!"

Yan Yuqin smiled slightly.

"Yes, this kid Jiang Fan can indeed do such a thing!"

The others nodded.

"As long as Jiang Fan comes, it will prove that he really has such a plan. The key is, what are we going to do?"

Yan Jiye spoke slowly.

"We don't have to do anything!"

Lu Changyun suddenly smiled.

Yan Jiye's eyes lit up and he also laughed:

"Yes, the Zhou family wants to bring disaster to the east, so there are talents in the east! The same goes for Jiang Fan!"

"That's it! Aristocratic family, but we are not the only two families, Lu and Yan, the owner does not come forward, of course some people can't help but want to preside over the overall situation!"

"Haha, wonderful!"

A group of people all laughed.

The Lu Yan family has made up their minds that they will never show up in the next time. Whether the Zhou family or Jiang Fan is good, let them get others to the bait!

As time skipped eight o'clock, gradually, the rest of the wealthy family also arrived.

But without exception, all the young people came!

The most ruthless one is the Song family, and the coward and fearful Song Tongda came here!

Although Song Tongda is Song Yue's cousin, he doesn't have the habit of acting like Song Yue. He has been courageous since he was a child, and even if the leaves fell, he was afraid of hitting his head!

He can almost scare him when others speak louder!

It was even given the nickname "Song Tuer" by young children in Beijing!

Although the people from the other families are not so exaggerated, they are not bad, none of them have the courage to cause trouble!

No one from a wealthy family is a fool. After learning about the Zhou family’s invitation to Jiang Fan, they all guessed everything in it, so they didn’t show up at all!

When Zhou Jing came to Lumingyuan, her face was immediately full of doubts, why are all the leaders of the wealthy family not there?

He rarely shows up, and most people don't know him, so no one comes to talk to him.

Zhou Jing frowned, but then suddenly saw a young man with his back arched and his eyes flickering, like a frightened mouse!

"Song Tuer!"

Zhou Jing spoke directly!

Song Tongda trembled all over, turned around to look at Du Zhou Jing, then patted his heart:

"Brother Jing, you, you almost scared me to death."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, where is the representative of the rich family?"

"Ah, it's all over there!"

Song Tongda said, carefully pointing at a distance!

"Aren't they Lin Xiaomao? They are representatives?"

Zhou Jing was taken aback.


Song Tongda nodded hurriedly.

"Then, the representative of your Song family, shouldn't it be—"

"Hey, it's me, it's me!"

Seeing Song Tongda who was full of smiles, Zhou Jing's entire face froze!

The Zhou family's plan is indeed exactly the same as Lu Changyun and others said!

But seeing these representatives of the wealthy family, it is obvious that these people have clearly seen their plans!

Good guys!

Now that you know the plan of my Zhou family and think of a way to live up to the face, what is it like to find such a bunch of timid second-generation young people?

Especially the Song family, even if you send a sideline principal, what do you mean by calling "Song Tuer"?

When the boy was fifteen years old, when he heard the sound of firecrackers, he was scared to pee his pants, and the entire capital became famous!

The other people are no better than him. Even if they say that Jiang Fan scolded them, they would have to nod their heads and bow their waists and say-"Okay"!


This plan is completely discounted!

Zhou Jing suffocated his stomach. He was about to ask the Lu family. After all, the Lu family is the host of the Lu family today. How can they not even have enough weight?

But at this moment, the direction of the door suddenly quieted down! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (there is no fool in Chapter 1766). Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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