Jiang Fan is here!

The moment Jiang Fan walked to the door, the atmosphere that was a little noisy, suddenly quiet!

As early as when I learned that Jiang Fan would come to participate in the auction of strange objects, no matter what kind of force, as long as they are in Huayang, they all sent Jiang Fan's photos to all his subordinates and family members at the first time!

The principal of any force has only one sentence--

Remember this person for me, even if you run naked in Lumingyuan, but never provoke him!

A lot of guys who are used to being rampant, at the beginning, they didn't take the words of their power leaders seriously!

But when they saw Jiang Fan's brilliant resume that accompanied the photos, everyone was shocked!

The key is that Jiang Fan's resume, the more amazing it gets in the back!

After everyone weighed their own weights, they all immediately imprinted Jiang Fan's appearance in their heads!

Perhaps among the various forces, there are those idiots who are not clear-headed and only think that they are the number one in the world, but there will be absolutely no fools who can come to the Lumingyuan party!

They dare to reason with the sane wealthy family, but absolutely don't want to deal with a lunatic who can destroy themselves at any time!

"This madman is really here!"

"Want to say hello?"

"Don't be nonsense, dare to contact him, do you have the background of a wealthy family?"

"Yes, this guy is a time bomb, don't touch it!"

"What should we do now?"

"Pretend it's okay and step back slowly!"

A group of people exchanged their eyes silently, and then they raised their feet at the same time, and backed a few steps together!


In an instant, amidst the crowds that were originally slightly crowded, a spacious avenue leading directly to the center appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Coincidentally, at the end of this avenue, it is Zhou Jing!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Seeing Jiang Fan, Zhou Jing took a deep breath!

But Jiang Fan laughed. To him, the crowds on both sides seemed to be like rocks that were visible on the ground. They couldn't attract him at all. His eyes were just looking at Zhou Jing rather fixedly!

next moment!


Everyone didn't see anything clearly, Jiang Fan had already arrived in front of Zhou Jing!

"what happened?"


"This, this is Jiang Fan?"

"So handsome!"

The crowd was dumbfounded!

Song Tongda next to Zhou Jing screamed in fright and sat down on the ground!

Although Zhou Jing's face was as usual, his heart was twitching!

"Young Master Jing, it's been a long time."

Jiang Fan spoke first.

"Young Master Jiang, don't come here unharmed!"

Zhou Jing said coldly.

"I heard that Young Master Jing went to Jiang's house two days ago, but it's a pity that I'm not there and the hospitality is not good. Why don't you make up today?"

Jiang Fan said with a chuckle, but there was a dangerous gleam in his eyes!

The corner of Zhou Jing's eyes twitched. Last time they went there, Zhou Ling said that it was a discussion, but the real purpose was to destroy the Jiang family, but Xia Houxuan was unexpectedly killed!

According to Jiang Fangai's indispensable character, this matter is definitely endless!

Going to Zhou's other hospital to make trouble in the morning is just a foreplay!

The real revenge will never be that simple disgusting and disgusting Zhou family!

However, Zhou Jing was not afraid. After all, the rules of the auction were placed here, and the two sides were about to fight a decisive battle. Jiang Fan would not be fainted to break the rules and make enemies out of thin air!

"Jiang Shao’s kindness, my heart received it. But the Lu Mingyuan gathering is the host of the Lu family. Isn’t Jiang Shao afraid of overwhelming guests?"

"Hehe, that's what I said, but it's strange that Young Master Jing was not with the Lu family!"

Jiang Fan's smile is meaningful!

Zhou Jing frowned!

As expected of Jiang Fan, he seems to have understood the Zhou family's plan!

But since Jiang Fan knew, he actually came back, so to speak...

Zhou Jing also smiled:

"Shao Jiang said and laughed, isn't the Lu family right there?"

As he spoke, he pointed directly at the side not far away!

There, several young people, like Song Tongda, all looked at this side with trepidation!

"That's... Lu Hongbei? That Lu Clam?"

Jiang Fan was startled.

Lu Hongbei, Lin Xiaomao, Song Tongda...These are all famously timid as a mouse from a wealthy family!

Just listen to the nickname!

Clams, cats, rabbits!

"Song Tuer! The representative of your Song family, wouldn't it be you?"

Jiang Fan looked at Song Tongda, who had just gotten up, and asked directly.

Song Tongda shuddered all over, and suddenly smiled all over his face:

"Yes, it's me, Shao Jiang, it's me!"


Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Sure enough, no one is a fool!

Zhou Jing's calculations and his own calculations have all been seen through!

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Jing also smiled.

for a long time.

"Young Master Jiang, shall I be separated first?"

Zhou Jing narrowed his smile and spoke coldly.

The plan is bankrupt, and the two sides continue to fight today, which has no meaning.

Jiang Fan's smile remained unchanged:

"Go go, oh, yes, don't forget to give Zhou Ling the old immortal dog for me when you go back, say hello!"


Zhou Jing snorted coldly, turned around and left!

Seeing the two separate, a group of guests breathed a sigh of relief!

"Brother Fan, just let this kid go like this?"

Long Yan and the others didn't know when they would come, so they asked in a low voice.


Jiang Fan nodded.

"It's a pity, I still want to use the Lu family's hand to pit the Zhou family back, but I didn't expect the guys here to be more shrewd! Come here for nothing!"

Long Yan sighed unwillingly.

"Not in vain."

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"At least I know now that the Lu Yan family have not yet stood by the Zhou family! Otherwise, the Zhou family would not have thought of this way and force them to stand in line!"

Long Yan and Yue Jianhan's eyes suddenly brightened!

That's right!

It is worthy of Jiang Fan, this kind of derivation of reverse thinking, even if they learn, they can't learn it!

But with Jiang Fan's reminder, the two looked at each other and spoke immediately!

"Four great families, Zhou, Qin, Chen, and Lin, seven giants, Qi, Chu, Wei, Yu, Lu, Song, Yan!"

"The Chen family is a hidden son, and the Yu family is an alliance. Qi and Wei have the handle in our hands. The Song family wants to be a oriole, but Lu Yan is undecided. Now only the Qin, Lin, and Chu families have unknown intentions!"

"No! The Qin family has always been low-key, and may not be involved in this kind of thing! After all, only the Lin and Chu two families are not in control now!"

"Even if both Lin and Chu are in alliance with Zhou's family, three to three, we still have a big win!"

The two talked quickly, and there was an expression of excitement in their eyes!

But Jiang Fan shook his head:

"No! These are all on the bright side. The rich family does not have a simple role. No one knows how it will end until the last minute!"


The hearts of the two were shocked!

"Brother Fan, should we also fight for the Lu Yan family?"

Long Yan tentatively spoke.

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"No! At this time, whoever fights for them means that whoever has no confidence! This step of the Zhou family today, although it is due to the situation, is still a faint move. I think it should not be an expert move, but the old Zhou Ling. Guys on a whim!"

"Brother Fan Wise! Then what shall we do next?"

"Lu's family is the owner. It's impossible that no one will be there. It's just not showing up. Next, let's talk to them!"


Both of them were taken aback!

"Brother Fan, didn't you just say that someone fighting for them would backfire?"

"Hehe... When did I say I would fight for them?"

Jiang Fan smiled, the smile was meaningful. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1767)儿) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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