When Li Zailie spoke, the crowd suddenly became angry!


"Damn my temper!"

"So shameless!"

"Come on! Kill me these bastards!"

The crowd is violent!

Even Song Tuer can't stand it anymore!

Jiang Fan was expressionless, just glanced at Li Zailie coldly:

"Do it!"

"At this?"

Yoon Jaejeong frowned!

"It's here!"

"Hmph, our master's shot is so powerful that you are not afraid of hurting others by mistake?"

Yoon Jaejeong smiled proudly!

"Why don't you have so much nonsense! Don't force it, hurry up!"

Jiang Fan is finally impatient!

"you wanna die!"

Yin Zaizheng's face sank, a fierce light flashed in his small eyes, and he kicked Jiang Fan suddenly!

However, just as he lifted his footsteps, Jiang Fan had already arrived in front of him!

Then, in Yin Zaizheng's eyes, he clearly saw that Jiang Fan's arm suddenly stretched three times, and then, the slap with a deafening sound, almost like a falling meteor, suddenly drew on his face!


A layer of blast exploded directly between the two!

At this moment, Yoon Jae-jeong only felt like his head was trampled on by a group of elephants for three days and three nights, then thrown into the Mariana Trench where the water pressure was as high as the limit, and then drilled with an electric drill. For five days and five nights, the whole person only felt that the brains became paste!

The rest only saw that Yin Jae-jung had just raised his foot, and Jiang Fan slapped it up!

In their eyes, Yin Jae-jung’s face was almost like a cracked ground, and it was **** and **** in an instant, and then Yin Jae-jung's mouth was sprayed clean and clean!

The nosebleeds spurted out, and the eyeballs protruded by two centimeters!

Even some **** white pulp gushing out of the ears!

This picture seemed to be still, clearly before everyone's eyes!

Then, the whole still picture flashed quickly for an instant, and the next moment, Yin Jae-jeong had already let out a miserable howl, and his whole person was like a small stone shot by a slingshot, suddenly flying to the sky, until he disappeared!

Everyone was stunned!

"This, this slap is so dazzling!"

"This strength is simply the power of the legendary dragon elephant!"

"It is said that Jiang Fan's slap in the face is unparalleled in the world, and I have seen it today!"

"That idiot's brains seem to be fanned out!"

"Too fierce!"

But after the crowd was shocked, they all clapped!

"Young Master Jiang! Awesome!"

"Young Master Jiang is so handsome!"

"well played!"

"Young Master Jiang, I want to give birth to a monkey!"

"Jiang Fan Jiang Fan, I love you! Just like a mouse loves rice!"

The crowd was all excited!

Li Zailie is dumbfounded!

Looking at Yoon Jae-jeong who flew to the sky with an incredulous face!

Well, that's the master!

That is their No. 1 master in Korea!

Goryeo is the strongest!

Exist like a god!

But, Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan, this monster, slapped him away?

And as the crowd said, the brains seem to be drawn out!

This is definitely the end!

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, Jiang Fan, you, you, you..."

Li Zailie's face was pale, and his small eyes were full of horror!

"Li Zailie, don't forget your and my bet, if you dare to shame, I promise you will let your brain burst out without any leaks!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Li Zailie on the shoulder.

Li Zailie trembled all over!

I just feel that an indescribable horror is coming!

In an instant, the bladder and chrysanthemum loosened together!


Not only did he pee, but he pulled his pants!

Including Jiang Fan, a group of people suddenly looked terrified and took three steps back together!

No one can stand up to things like feces and urine, as long as they are still individuals!

From this point of view, Li Zailie did scare Jiang Fan back!

Suffice to name "shit"!

The name of Li Zailie, the prince of pull pants, will surely resound all over the world from today!

A big mouth smashed Yin Jae-jeong, and the atmosphere of Luming Academy reached its peak in an instant!

The people who were fearful of Jiang Fan before, also boldly began to communicate with Jiang Fan tentatively.

Gradually, everyone discovered that Jiang Fan was not the same as the rumored ones, at least not that kind of lunatic!

When communicating, Jiang Fan appeared modest and polite, full of sunshine!

Many people are moved!

Especially women!

In just a few minutes, Jiang Fan had at least a dozen small notes in his hand!

All of them are beautiful phones coveting Jiangfan's beauty!

Yue Jianhan was not too cold for this kind of occasion, so he simply found a chair and closed his eyes to rest up his mind, while Long Yan worked **** the food on the table far away!

Jiang Fan communicated with a group of guests and got a lot of news.

For example, in this auction, there seems to be someone from the four hidden families!

The four hidden families, Jiang, Feng, Fish, and Fire!

The Jiang family’s money, the Feng family’s knife, the Yu family’s boat, and the Huo family’s punch!

The Jiang family is already a yellow flower yesterday, if it weren't for Jiang Fan to be alive, I'm afraid it would have become the three major hidden families.

For the other three, Jiang Fan is also very curious!

He was eager to see what the other three companies that were as famous as the Jiang family would look like.

Just when Jiang Fan was in deep thought!

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, my name is Gu Mancang, yes..."

Jiang Fan looked up and saw a young man standing in front of him.

He is dressed ordinary, with a pair of thick glasses, holding a stack of paper in his hand, looking at himself expectantly.

This young man's dress really didn't look like a guest of Lumingyuan.

The big boss of a listed group next to Jiang Fan frowned when he saw the young man:

"Who asked you to come here? You can also interrupt Mr. Jiang? Hurry up!"

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Fan flatly:

"Excuse me, Mr. Jiang, this kind of opportunistic guys often appear at Luming Academy gatherings, holding the so-called plan book, and deceiving everyone to invest."

Jiang Fan nodded.

The boss beckoned directly, and the two waiters ran over immediately to drag the young man away.

"Mr. Jiang! Please, give me a chance! I am also a takeaway!"

Jiang Fan's expression moved, and suddenly he raised his hand slightly.

The two waiters retreated immediately.

Jiang Fan looked at Gu Mancang:

"three minutes!"

"Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Gu Mancang was overjoyed and passed the stack of paper directly:

"Mr. Jiang, please have a look!"

Jiang Fan frowned, and the boss was even more annoyed:

"Boy, do you know the skills? Who will have time to read this thing about you, just talk about it briefly!"

"I can't tell, Mr. Jiang, you must watch this by yourself!"

Gu Mancang has a serious face!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

However, seeing the above things, he suddenly closed the paper, then waved to the barn, turned around and left!

The boss was dumbfounded!

Gu Mancang smiled, and immediately followed Jiang Fan!

The two came to a small reception room, Jiang Fan sat down on the sofa, took a deep look at Gu Mancang, and then spoke:

"Who asked you to come!"

Gu Mancang was taken aback!

"Mr. Jiang, I don't understand what you mean..."


Jiang Fan casually threw the stack of paper at him, and one of the pages, like a blade, plunged deeply into the ground at the foot of Gumancang!

Gu Mancang shivered all over, and sat on the ground in shock!

On that page, there is a clear picture of a man whose eyes are covered by a black cloth!

The author's painting skills are a bit rough, but the man on the paper is very vivid!

A combination of elegance and domineering temperament, almost on the paper!

Jiang Fan will never forget this man!

Because of his name, Ye Mo! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1770 Pull Pants Prince) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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