God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1771: Because i'm a takeaway

Night Demon!

The impression that this person left on Jiang Fan is really too deep!

The two didn't even meet for half an hour from meeting to fighting!

But just such a little time made Jiang Fan's memory still fresh!

Because this is the first one Jiang Fan has encountered. Among the same level, he is even more tyrannical than himself!

If it weren't for his rich cards, plus a dust with terrifying power with the "ten plagues", then in that battle, he must have died!

Why did the portrait of Night Demon appear in Gu Mancang's project book?

Gu Mancang is just an ordinary person, regardless of his image and temperament. This kind of person and the Night Demon are completely people from two worlds!

Jiang Fan never believed that he would have anything to do with the Night Demon!

The point is, the night demon is dead!

"Say! Who asked you to come!"

Jiang Fan's tone was calm, but at this moment Gu Mancang only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

He almost involuntarily spoke:

"Yes, it's a man with a mask. He, he said, as long as you put this piece of paper in the plan and let you see it yourself, no matter what I want to do, you will definitely invest..."

"Mask? What kind of mask?"

"Yes, it's a clown mask..."

"is her?!"

Jiang Fan stood up suddenly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes!

This portrait is so vivid, it must be the author who saw the night monster!

Seeing that the night demon deity is still alive, apart from his own "chosen" forces, there are only three subordinates of the night demon: Lorear, Berserker, and Renata! And, at the time, he and himself were fighting against the Night Demon together——

dust! !

Combined with the clown mask Gu Mancang said, the other party is actually dust? !

Is the dust coming?

At this moment, Jiang Fan's heart was full of joy!

The power of dust is too strong!

He wanted to recruit the dust into the ruins at the beginning, but unfortunately this woman was very mysterious. After killing the Night Demon, she parted ways with her. Although Tianxuan looked for her, she found nothing!

Unexpectedly, today, she actually showed up by herself!

"What else did she say?"

"No, no more."

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment and nodded:

"What are you going to let me invest in?"

When it comes to this, Gu Mancang suddenly feels vigorous!

He got up directly and said with excitement:

"Mr. Jiang, I want to make a new takeaway software, hoping to get your investment!"

"New takeaway software?"


Gu Mancang nodded:

"Mr. Jiang, I used to be the owner of a small company, but the partners ran away with money, and I paid off my debts and became nothing."

"At this time, the takeaway guy who often delivers us food told me jokingly, or he could deliver the food with him."

"At that time, because of the company's bankruptcy, I was greatly affected. I invested a lot of resumes, but there was no news. I was desperate, so I wanted to work for a while."

"Unexpectedly, not long after I entered this industry, I delivered a meal and met my current lover."

"At that time, I suddenly found myself in love with this industry."

"But, gradually, I found that this industry is not so good, customer complaints, upper-level squeeze, coupled with uneven riders, it is more and more difficult for us to really want to do a good job for the delivery staff!"

An unprecedented dignity suddenly appeared on Gu Mancang's face. He stared at Jiang Fan and said seriously:

"Mr. Jiang, I want to make a new takeaway software, a software that truly belongs to our takeaways and treats us as real people, not tools!"

Gu Mancang looked at Jiang Fan expectantly!

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"Have you heard a word, the boy who slayed dragons in the past has also become a giant dragon! Gu Mancang, how do I know if you will also become like that?"

"Will not!"

Gu Mancang shook his head vigorously:

"Mr. Jiang, all my thoughts are written here! According to my vision, the delivery staff will no longer be separate individuals in the future, but real employees of our company!"

"We will share shares. In addition to drawing a certain amount of profit to maintain operations, any formal employee owns the shares!"

"We are no longer migrant workers, but real vested interests!"

"And if they no longer want to deliver food, we can also make low-interest loans to help them start a catering business!"

"The catering industry they started up can join our software seller system again!"


The granary is in an orderly manner, and a beautiful picture is constantly unfolding!

However, Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Let's not talk about it. Just take your eyes. How do you expand your business? Don't forget, the rest of the takeaway software has almost monopolized the entire market!"

"Maybe there are some merchants who are happy to settle in, but don't forget, most of them signed with them are exclusive!"

"This matter can't be solved, and it's also difficult for you to recruit takeaways. After all, everyone is to make money. No matter how good your pie is drawn, you will never be able to make a profit with ten orders!"

"Or let me talk more about the development of software, the operation of the company, the communication with the merchants, advertising, recruitment...too much!"

"Guan Mancang, normal people will not vote for you!"

The excitement on Gu Mancang's face gradually faded, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul!

"But, but..."

He trembled all over, clenching his fists tightly!

There was even a hint of despair on his face!

Jiang Fan walked to him, patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly smiled:

"But fortunately, I am not a normal person!"


Gu Mancang was taken aback!

Jiang Fan raised his hand and took out a bank card and put it in his pocket:

"There are 50 million in it, and the password is six and six, which is part of the early stage. If you do it well, I will continue to add it!"

Gu Mancang was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Mr. Jiang, you, you know the difficulty of this matter, why, why do you still help me?"

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself!"

Jiang Fan's face was full of memories:

"Because I am also a takeaway!"


Lumingyuan was built along the Chunshui River, but except for the banks of the river, there are verdant forests on both sides.

Yin Jae-jung, who was flew away by Jiang Fan, hung half-dead on a tree branch!

At this moment, his eyes rolled white, like a dead fish, and his whole body twitched from time to time!

Look at it like this, even if you save it back, I'm afraid it will have to be abandoned!

And a few hundred meters away from here, a group of Li Zailie's men are looking for him!

This product was pumped too far by Jiang Fan, and it is hard to find it!

"Ho ho~~"

Yin Jae-jung's throat rang, reluctantly trying to call those Li Zaiyeol's men.

But he just made a sound, in the darkness, he suddenly stretched out a big hand behind him, and suddenly pinched the back of his neck!

And the next moment!


Yin Jae-jung only felt as if he had fallen into a black hole, and the energy, blood, and blood all over his body seemed to be opening the gate, frantically rushing toward that big hand!

At this moment, Yoon Jae-jung was horrified!

He reluctantly turned around and finally saw the guy who was devouring himself madly!

That was a man whose face was burned by the fire and with a terrifying expression!

"You, who are you...who...you, don't you know, the rules..."

Yun Jaejeong asked desperately.

However, the other party smiled gloomily:

"Relax, I know very well..."

As the other party spoke, Yin Jae-jung felt that his whole body was up and down, and even the bone marrow was emptied alive!

He never dreamed that he, who was like a **** in Goryeo, would not even survive a day in Huaxia! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1771 because I am a takeaway ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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