God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1772: Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomato in 2000

Jiang Fan, who had just walked out of the small reception room, suddenly looked to the west of Lumingyuan.

Just now, there was obviously some kind of energy that flashed away!

However, he immediately shook his head and almost forgot. Yun Jae-jung, who was slapped by himself, seemed to be there!

That kind of small role, do whatever he wants!

What matters now is the dust!

"Dust... what are you doing here?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

Since Dust came to him, he obviously already knew his true identity!

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly felt empty!

In the presence of the three polymath scholars, I directly gave the Dad the dead slamming pot of the night demon. Shouldn't the dust-back man come over to make a claim?

Jiang Fan is thinking about it, just now!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Yueqi does not change the light, sword folding does not change the steel!"

"Yue lacks the soul and is easy to be full, and the sword breaks back and forth!"

"Snobbery overwhelms the mountains, it's hard to bend the heart of lofty people!"

"Men have a dead festival, you can kill it!"

As soon as this poem came out, Jiang Fan's eyes widened!

The author of this poem is named Luo Guanzhong!

And what he wrote is the loyal and righteous, unparalleled Wu Sheng——

"Ding! Please present Guan Yu with a powerful tomato stewed beef brisket!"

Guan Yu!

This is really Guan Yu's order!

As a well-known Chinese character, there is no need to introduce more!

Jiang Fan was so excited that he completely threw the dust behind his head and pulled a waiter directly!

"Tomato stew sirloin! Come on! Tomato stew sirloin!"

The waiter fully showed good professionalism, and he came back to his senses after just being stunned for three seconds!

"Mr. Jiang wait a minute, I'll arrange it right away!"

With that said, he has already taken out the walkie-talkie:

"The chef! Make a tomato stew sirloin, a big portion! Urgent!!"

"I don't care how many orders you have! This one must be expedited!"

"Mr. Jiang wants!"

"Which Mr. Jiang are you asking? Luocheng Jiang Fan!! That desperate mad-cough cough, that very noble gentleman!"


A portion of tomato stewed beef brisket has been brought before Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan picked up the pot of vegetables and subconsciously wanted to turn to the toilet, but thought that the other party was Guan Yu, and finally stepped into a small reception room with no one!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! It's about to enter-200 AD!"

200 AD?

Why is this year again?

It was also this time last time!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan had already arrived outside a military camp lined with banners!

What made him bewildered was that on the banner of the barracks, all embroidered with the character "Cao"!

Isn't it just a delivery for Guan Yu?

Why did you get to Cao Cao?

"System, your teleportation is too unreliable this time! This is especially intended for me to run from the north of China to the south!"

"Ding! The system is the most reliable! Trouble the host to use his brain!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

Is Guan Yu nearby?

With this thought, Jiang Fan suddenly widened his eyes!

Guan Yu, indeed, spent some time with Cao Cao!

As soon as the clothes and imperial incident happened, Liu Bei was beaten by Cao Cao and fled in embarrassment. His wife and Guan Yu were all captured by Cao Cao!

Cao Cao admired Guan Yu, and the senior officials treated him generously. However, Cao Cao knew that Guan Yu was Gao Yi and would not stay for long, so he asked Zhang Liao to ask Guan Yu as a personal friend.

Guan Yu said that I know the great love Cao Gong has for me, but I was so kind to Liu Bei that I must live and die together and never abandon it. After helping Cao Gong to build a career, I will leave.

Zhang Liao was afraid that saying this would make Cao Cao murderous. He struggled for a long time. He thought that Cao Cao was a monarch and a minister. Finally, he said it. At the same time, he pledged his life, and Guan Yu would definitely repay him.

Cao Cao's gratitude for Guan Yu's loyalty, on the contrary, became more respectful and loyal.

In the end, Guan Yu really helped Cao Cao to do a big thing, and before the battle, he slashed Yuan Shao's first fierce general, Yan Liang!

And this incident happened in 200 AD!

The battle to behead Yan Liang was also the first battle that Cao Cao won in the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao for hegemony!

And that battle was exactly--

Battle of Guandu! !

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

The battle of Guandu lasted for one year before and after the battle of Guandu. Looking at the current scenery, it should be around April. In other words, the time when I arrived was the early stage of the battle of Guandu!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan took out the bicycle and rushed towards the barracks!

Seeing a figure galloping over, the soldiers at the entrance of the camp suddenly panicked and raised their spears at Jiang Fan!


"Who is the one! Report your name!"

However, seeing Jiang Fan getting closer, one of them was slightly older, but the man who looked like a leader suddenly changed his expression!

"Hurry up and put away your weapons! This is Mr. Jiang!"


"Mr. Jiang?"

"Yes! The magic weapon he rides is unique in the whole world!"

Several soldiers hurriedly put away their weapons and bowed in salute!

"Where is your prime minister?"

Jiang Fan asked directly.

"The prime minister is in the handsome account!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Fan kicked his feet and rushed directly towards the center of the camp!

Many people along the road bowed and saluted when they saw his bicycle!


Jiang Fan has come to the handsome account!

The two guards at the door were Cao Cao's personal guards, and they were surprised when they saw Jiang Fan!

But before they say hello, Jiang Fan has already strode into the handsome account!

At this moment, among the handsome accounts, Cao Cao is sitting at the head, and Zhang Liao, Guo Jia and others are gathered together!

Seeing Jiang Fan break in, many military commanders immediately yelled!

However, seeing Jiang Fan's appearance clearly, a group of people quickly closed their mouths and backed away a few steps with horror!

But Cao Cao, seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appear, couldn't believe his eyes!

He blinked his eyes vigorously, and then stood up with a look of ecstasy!

"Brother virtuous! Why are you here? Good! Great! It's heaven helping me too!"

Guo Jia on one side was also pleasantly surprised, and nodded again and again:

"With Mr. Jiang in, today's battle will surely do his best!"

Jiang Fan didn't understand what they were talking about, but it didn't matter!

"Brother Cao, is Guan Yu with you?"

"Chang Yun? Brother Xian, what are you looking for Yun Chang for?"

Cao Cao panicked!

Isn't Jiang Fan here to help Liu Bei with someone?


Liu Bei, a white-eyed wolf!

Especially the bilateral agreements have been signed, and they promised that they would never call Jiang Fan first!

This old boy brought Jiang Fan with his backhand!

Big ear thief!

Sure enough, there is no word!

Jiang Fan didn't expect the two to have this agreement. He just smiled slightly:

"So, is he really there?"

"This one……"

Cao Cao has a difficult face.

Zhang Liao took the initiative to speak:

"It's true, Mr. Jiang, Yun Chang is indeed here, but he is sick!"


"Yes, Yun Chang has been weak and weak recently. The prime minister has looked for many doctors, but he couldn't find out the cause of the disease!"

"Yes, I heard that Hua Tuo is Ji Shiliang doctor. I have sent someone to look for it, but there is no news yet!"

Cao Cao also followed.

Jiang Fan frowned:

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