Seeing the fierce light flashing in Jiang Fan's eyes, Pampas was taken aback!

When the opponent was at level fourteen, he could kill the fierce Night Demon. He couldn't feel the aura at all, he had clearly broken through to the realm of Grandmaster!

Moreover, according to the latest news, Jiang Fan severely injured Zhou Yuanhe, who is at the seventeenth level of the Zhou family, with one punch!

Jiang Fan really wants to do it, he will definitely die!

Pampas could no longer pretend to be calm, and quickly spoke:

"Mr. Jiang! I have something to ask you for help!"

Jiang Fan forcibly suppressed the impulse to slap him, let him in first, and then asked:

"What can you please me?"

"Auction! We want something!"

"Huh? Then you can shoot, why are you looking for me?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised.

But Pampas was even more surprised:

"You do not know?"

"what do you know?"

"Your sword of thorns is here too!"


Jiang Fan was really taken aback.

Has the sword of thorns actually come?

Why didn't Isaac tell himself?

Seeing Jiang Fan's face blank, Pampston hurriedly spoke:

"It should be a certain lord-level figure who came, but he came by himself or was assigned by Isaac. I can't tell you!"

Jiang Fan thought!

If it were before, he would probably think that a certain lord came by himself, but since he knew the existence of the Throne of Thorns, his mind suddenly opened up a lot!

If someone from the Sword of Thorns comes, Isaac has no reason not to contact him!

Even if Isaac didn't say anything, Fiona should tell herself!

In this way, the other party is either one of the two lords that he doesn't know, or is... the one on the Throne of Thorns?

But it doesn't matter!

Since Pampas came to find himself, he must be the same as Thurmond, afraid of bidding against his family!

If that's the case, the last thing either bids for a sky-high price that both parties can't bear, or it's a pass!

The risk is too great!

But if you do it yourself, you will be sure of it!

Hehehe, this is to send business to your door!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Mr. Pampas, you should know that you want to ask for help, but you need to be paid!"

"Of course!"

Pampas laughed, he was not afraid of giving money, he was afraid that Jiang Fan would not agree!

After all, this is China, and the informants they have developed are simply not qualified to participate in this auction and can only rely on Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, if you can help us take the photo, we will pay double the price as your reward!"

It's a big organization after all, it's how!

But Solomon's Key is the opponent, Jiang Fan can't hold their thighs, this price is not so attractive to the greedy Jiang Fan!

So Jiang Fan just smiled and didn't speak.

Pampas frowned. Knowing the price, I was afraid that Jiang Fan would not be able to move Jiang Fan, so he took the initiative to speak:

"Mr. Jiang, what conditions do you have, why don't you just say it?"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan gently tapped his fingers on the handle of the sofa twice before speaking slowly:

"Mr. Pampas, how is the relationship between your dukes?"

Pampas's face changed directly!

"Mr. Jiang, you should know that your organization has a bottom line. If you cross this line, no matter you or me, there is only one dead end!"

"You misunderstood, I just asked about your relationship, but I didn't have the idea of ​​letting you lead to death!"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

That's strange!

The corners of Pampas's mouth twitch!

But he hesitated, and finally he spoke:


In just two words, Jiang Fan has fully understood the meaning!

"Mr. Pampas, do you know Angelina?"

Pampas was slightly startled:

"You are talking about the marquise of the Duke of Angus, Angelina?"

"Yes! She came to China some time ago and was caught by me."

Pampas was stunned!

How could Jiang Fan tell him this kind of news?

But Jiang Fan's next words almost made him jump up!

"I plan to let her go back some time later."

"you you……"

Pampas was stunned!

Good guys!

Jiang Fan actually told him in front of his face that he planned to bury a chess piece in Solomon's Key!

Is Jiang Fan a lunatic?


and many more!

Is this guy ready to silence his mouth?

Pampas's heart is chilling!

At the same time, I can't wait to smoke my own two big mouths!


I'm crazy!

Actually thought of coming to Jiang Fan to talk about a deal!

For a moment, he was gurgling with cold sweat!

But Jiang Fan smiled more warmly:

"Mr. Pampas, you seem to be very hot?"

"Hot? Ah! Yes, yes! Yes, or else, I'll go outside to cool off for a while, so I won't bother Mr. Jiang..."

Pampas said, he must stand up!


"Mr. Pampas, please, don't do such a rude thing."

Jiang Fan's voice is still warm, but I don't know why, when I say this, Pampas only feels a deep chill!

Poor Pampas can hardly cry now and have nowhere to cry!


Shouldn't come!

This is so much to take yourself in!

"Hehe, Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

"Don't be nervous, we are old friends! I heard that you and Angus have never dealt with each other, and one of the three stewards of the **** Grand Duke, Stuart, seems to be very important to you because of the cloned slate! If this time , Can you hit Angus again, maybe you can raise your status a little bit?"

Jiang Fan tapped his fingers and smiled.

But Pampas started to tremble all over!


Absolutely impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for Jiang Fan to know these things!

Not to mention Jiang Fan, even Isaac can't know it!

He, how could he...

But at this moment, Jiang Fan directly said a sentence that completely broke his defense line!

"Mr. Pampas, you seem to have given Stuart all the culture solution in your hand?"


Pampas fell directly onto the sofa!

The whole person looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

He dedicated to Stuart to cultivate the original solution, even if it is inside Solomon's Key, no one will know!

Jiang Fan was even clear about this incident! !

He, how did he do it?

Could it be that he already has his eyeliner by his side?

With this thought, Pampas's whole body trembled more violently, and at the same time he gasped as if lacking oxygen!

After a long time, Pampas looked at Jiang Fan in despair:

"You, what do you want?"

"Actually I don't want much!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Angelina and the others have summoned a demon **** named Grasia Labos, and lead me out of that demon god!"

That's right!

What Jiang Fan wants is Grasia Rabos!

Among the Solomon's 72 Pillar Demon God, the twenty-fifth fellow!

As long as you kill him, you can not only get a demon crystal of unimaginable quality, but the body of this guy can definitely be brought to the realm of comprehension and hold a grand auction!

At that time, not only can you earn a large amount of causal points, the advertising effect caused by it, but also promote the transaction of monsters again!

The return you will get will be beyond imagination!

Thinking of that kind of scene, Jiang Fan trembled with excitement!

Pampas's mind went blank for a while!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly wanted him to draw out a demon god? ! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1777 put yourself in ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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