God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1778: Not because of bone setting

Demon God!

For the people of Solomon's Key, that is the supreme existence!

And Jiang Fan asked himself to lead him out, obviously unkind!

Pampas opened his mouth and wanted to say something to reject this, but when he reached his lips, he actually said a word he couldn't believe:


What's even stranger is that the tone of this "yes" is full of surrender and respect!

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction:

"Very good! Pampas, rest assured, as long as you cooperate with me, I promise that soon, Angus will never be a threat to you again!"


"Oh, by the way, Angelina will give it to you at that time, I believe she will definitely help you a lot!"

Pampas' heart moved!

On the Duke of Angus's side, Angelina is highly regarded. With Angelina as a hidden son, it is absolutely beneficial to defeat Angus!

However, when I thought that I was going to lead Grasia Rabos to him, the hapless Pampaston had no mood at all!


Watching Pampas leave, Jiang Fan's smiling eyes narrowed.

With Angelina as Angus' hidden son, Pampas will definitely cooperate with herself before Angus suffers a big loss!

And once the purpose is achieved, this product will surely turn over!

He might even cleanse his own subordinates!

But a pity, when he really wants to do that...hehe!

After some calculations, Jiang Fan finally stood up and was about to leave!

But at this moment!


The knock on the door actually rang again!

Jiang Fan was stunned.

Is it because there is another business coming to the door?

It is said that Guan Yu is the God of Wealth, and he made a huge fortune today, so he just took off!

Thank you brother!

Jiang Fan opened the door with a look of excitement!

Then, all the enthusiasm was extinguished, and replaced by bursts of toothache!

Standing outside the door was a man with a thin body, a shredded hair and a mask.

The mask is extremely hideous, and the most eye-catching thing is a blood-red, grinning mouth!

clown mask!

Wearing such a mask, with such a special temperament, Jiang Fan only knew one person!


What comes here is actually dust!

That has become the dust of being a bearer for oneself!

As if not seeing Jiang Fan's weird expression, Chen Ai still spoke with that hoarse and dull voice:

"Day...No, maybe I should call you Jiang Fan?"

"Hehe, the name is just a code name, whatever you call it."

Jiang Fan chuckled, and directly made a gesture of inviting in.

There was no emotion in the dust's eyes, but he walked slowly into the reception room.

"Miss Dust, it's been a long time since I saw you, recently..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, but Chen Ai suddenly turned around, staring at Jiang Fan firmly:


Jiang Fan's heart jumped!

Called wrong!

If he was just letting Dust carry the pot, then he would not have much psychological burden. The point is that he had stripped away other people's clothes in order to fix the bones to Dust!

That's really a magnanimous mind!

Although the other party said it is relatively barren, but the shape is really beautiful!

That's a fan...

Jiang Fan can't wait to slap himself, so what kind of gods are you going to take at this time!

"Mr, it's not Miss, sorry, my English is not good, I made a mistake!"

Dust's eyes flickered, but he didn't continue to ask.

She sat down and spoke slowly:

"Mr. Jiang, what did you do after killing the Night Demon at Ruins Three?"

"Nothing! Nothing!"

Jiang Fan insisted!

"is it?"

Dust's eyes are full of penetrating power!

Jiang Fan was startled, only then did he discover that the other party had actually broken through!

The dust now is also the master!

As expected to be a person with the ten plagues, the speed of breakthrough is so fast!

"Mr. Jiang, if you really didn't do anything, then why did they start chasing me when I left the ruins and raged?"


It's not because of bone setting!

Jiang Fan was completely relieved, and his face was full of surprise:

"Raging them to chase you?"

Dust stared at Jiang Fan coldly, but it was a pity that the actor-level acting skills weren't covered. After watching Dust for a long time, he didn't find any flaws!

However, I don't know why, but the dust snorted coldly:

"Mr. Jiang, the acting is really good! If I didn't know the truth, I'm afraid you would really be fooled by it!"

Jiang Fan's face was innocent:

"What did I lie to you for?"

There is no emotion in the dust's voice:

"What if I told you, I asked to raging them?"

Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"Ha ha……"

He didn't believe the words of the dust!

The dust suddenly threw a mobile phone over!

Jiang Fan caught it smoothly, and the expression on his face suddenly became incomparably wonderful!

In the photo, there are three people, Rabid, Renata, and Polymath who are **** by the five flowers!

Seeing the three people with blue noses and swollen faces, all of them in tatters, they were obviously beaten by the dust!

This girl didn't lie!

She really caught the violent them!

Jiang Fan was wondering how to change the subject, but Chen said coldly:

"Help me take a picture of something, these three people, I will give it to you!"

Jiang Fan's eyes moved, and he laughed twice:

"Hehe, what do I want them to do?"

The dust's voice still has no fluctuations:

"You deceived them that I killed the Night Demon, just because you took a fancy to their potential and didn’t want to let things go. I have already admitted to them that I killed the Night Demon. If you don’t want to exchange it, I can kill it. They, solve the trouble completely!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The last time they played against Night Demon, the two didn't communicate much. I didn't expect that the dust was not only powerful, but also had enough brains!

Continue to cover up, or even bargain, no longer makes sense.

Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"what do you want?"

The dust seemed to be relieved:

"In the phone album, slide one to the left, which is what I want."

Jiang Fan flicked his finger, and the moment he saw the photo, his brow frowned!

He looked at the dust with a weird expression:

"You...want this?"


The dust voice faintly trembled:

"Change, or not change!"

Jiang Fan was silent.

Dust's eyes finally changed a little, and there was a hint of anxiety in it.

At this moment, Jiang Fan smiled:



The dust exhaled insignificantly, and then he spoke coldly:

"By the way, I have no money."

"It doesn't matter, it shouldn't cost much to photograph this thing."

"That's not necessarily!"

As the dust spoke, he walked directly to the door.

But when she reached the door, she stopped:

"Jiang Fan, last time you saved my life, I said that I owe you a favor. This time it's just a deal. Your favor will not be counted."

"What is unkind, everyone is friends, do you have a place to live at night? Why don't you be with me..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, and the dust had disappeared!

"Damn! I didn't say hug you to sleep, why are you running so fast?"

Jiang Fan shrugged, but left in no hurry this time!

This small reception room is simply a treasure of geomantic omen. In such a while, three deals have come!

Will there be any unexpected gains if we continue to wait?

Jiang Fan waited for ten minutes, but there was no surprise, but a pair of men and women who were doing firewood came in! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1778 is not due to bone orthopedics) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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