The two didn't seem to find Jiang Fan inside. From breaking open the door to coming to the sofa, the kiss was a choking!

Jiang Fan had to cough, and the other party reacted!

The two looked at Jiang Fan at the same time and were silent for three seconds!



The woman screamed suddenly!

Jiang Fan was startled, but the man seemed even more frightened. He suddenly stretched out his hand and directly covered the woman's mouth!

"Young Master Jiang, what a coincidence?"

The man looked around and laughed.

Jiang Fan was also a little embarrassed to disturb the other party’s good things:

"Hehe, it's a coincidence, you go on, go on!"

Saying goodbye to each other, Jiang Fan finally left the small reception room.

The parties outside were in full swing, and some people even signed large orders worth hundreds of millions on the spot!

A few big shots were whispering in the corner, discussing to start with a big company!

Others are introducing their children to each other, seemingly planning to get married!

In the midst of the enthusiasm, Jiang Fan really found a lot of acquaintances, including the last time he went to Ruins No. 3, the leader of the super team, and the McKinsey of the Supernatural Institute!

In addition, some large families in Europe have also come.

However, Jiang Fan did not intend to contact them. The purpose of coming to Luming Academy had been achieved, and there was no need to continue staying.

Jiang Fan found Long Yan, who was still eating and drinking, and Yue Jianhan, who was hiding in the corner, and they were preparing to leave, but at this moment, Yue Jianhan suddenly turned his head and stared at the direction to the west. !

Long Yan sneered and said:

"Brother Fan, someone is staring at us."

Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"It's normal, but this, killing intent is very serious!"

Just now, a beam of murderous sight suddenly fell on the three of them!

"Master, the other party is weird, my perception swept over there and suddenly disappeared."

Yue Jianhan suddenly spoke.


Jiang Fan frowned, also exuding perception!

If Yue Jianhan's perception is a big net, then Jiang Fan's perception is simply a radar!

Almost instantly, Jiang Fan's perception has enveloped the entire Luming Academy!

It is brushed from every guest!

The strength does not surpass Jiang Fan, and he has no sense of his perception!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly snorted, and then took a step back!


"What's wrong with Brother Fan?"

The expressions of Yue Jianhan and Long Yan changed.

Jiang Fan stood firm, and then spoke:

"Someone cut off my perception!"


When Long Yan and Yue see Han, their expressions changed drastically!

Jiang Fan's strength at the moment absolutely surpassed the 19th-level elementary!

Even if the perception is slightly worse, it will definitely not be lower than the eighteenth level!

In the Luming Academy, there is actually someone who can cut off Jiang Fan's perception. What kind of strength does that have to be?

Jiang Fan exhaled a foul breath, but suddenly looked towards an open bar to the east.

There are not many people around the bar. Almost all the others are joking and laughing with those around them, but there is only one old man in an old Chinese tunic suit with a short stature and a rickety waist. He is pouring spirits on his own!

It stands to reason that with this kind of attire, I am afraid that you will not even be able to enter the gate of Lumingyuan, let alone drink so presumptuously!

But strangely, the people around seemed to be unable to see him at all!

Even when the bartender was wiping the table, the rag was obviously curved in front of the old man, but he didn't realize it was wrong!

Feeling Jiang Fan's gaze, the old man finally turned around lazily.

The old man seemed to be over seventy years old, his wrinkles were like countless ditches left by the flooding of the river, his gray beard looked like he hadn't been trimmed for a long time, it was a mess, and there was a lot of alcohol on it.

Seeing Jiang Fan look over, the old man suddenly barely opened his drunken and dim eyes, and then smiled at Jiang Fan.

At the next moment, a voice appeared in Jiang Fan's mind clearly:

"Little guy, you're so messy, it's very impolite! The old man's pants are going to be seen clearly by you!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

This kind of method, this is not Taoism, nor is it magic, and it is not the communication of spiritual power. This is only for the martial artist.

Vivid and vivid! !

This is really something that can only be mastered by reaching the microscopic state, it can be called a magical method, and it is vivid and vivid! !

Different from the master's beaming line, it goes a step further!

The beam of sound becomes a line, and in essence it still condenses the sound through infuriating energy and sends it to the other party's ears!

However, it is through the subtle horror control power to vibrate the vitality of the world, and directly transfer what you want to say, or even what you see, through the way of micro-frequency vibration, directly to the other person's mind!

The other party is actually a super power in the realm of heaven and human!

And he is also a super power in the heaven and human realm who has mastered the microcosm!

There is such a character in Luming Academy? !

However, Jiang Fan's determination is so amazing, he only reacted in an instant!

He smiled at the old man, and the sound became a string:

"Sorry, I was looking for someone just now."

The old man's drunk face became slightly stiff, and his dim eyes suddenly regained his clarity in an instant, and he took a serious look at Jiang Fan.

The opponent's perception is so strong, there is no reason to not know his realm, but it is a bit interesting to be so calm!

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid."

"Okay, okay! You can still be so calm in the face of the heavens and humans, your kid has a future!"

The old man suddenly laughed!

With this smile, his whole body was full of unspeakable domineering!

The point is that when he said this sentence, he didn't use subtle and vivid means!

What's weird is that the people around still don't seem to see him, and there are no people even looking in his direction!

Long Yan and Yue Jianhan were shocked!

What means must this be?

Jiang Fan was calm. At the beginning, he relied on the mask of the evil **** and once briefly entered the realm of heaven and human. Knowing that this realm has surpassed the realm of mortals, it is not surprising that there are any means.

He only smiled at the old man:

"You praised, don't know how to call it?"

The old man seemed to be a little tangled, hesitated for a moment and shook his head:

"I won't tell you, your kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I don't want to be like Nangong Jinghai's unlucky person. The apprentice planted in your hands, maybe I have to wipe your **** in the future!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

This old man obviously knows who he is!

However, this is not the point, the point is -

To speak these words, the identity of the other party is almost ready to be revealed!

Tianding ten poles!

This old man must be one of the ten poles of Tianding!

Jiang Fan never expected that it would be this kind of occasion to meet the top powerhouse of Tianding for the first time!

Trap him!

Be sure to trap him!

In the depths of Jiang Fan's eyes, a beam of ambition suddenly lit up!

"Hehe, you..."

The old man rolled his eyes:

"Shut up! I know you too well, once you speak up, the dead can make you live! Little guy, I'm here to drink wine!"

He sighed:

"I knew it was you, I shouldn't have done it..."

While talking, the old man patted his butt, turned and left!


Jiang Fan had just spoken, but when the old man stepped on it, his whole person had completely disappeared!

Long Yan and Yue Jianhan on one side were confused!

Ran, ran? !

The dignified Tianding Shiji, facing Jiang Fan, went away? !

This is so special that Jiang Fan is regarded as a plague god!

How stinky is Fan's reputation in the top circles! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1779) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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