God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1798: Appointed to Tianji Shou Yongchang

Ordered by the sky, it is longevity and Yongchang!

With passive skills such as master of calligraphy, master of archeology, and all the knowledge of ancient characters learned through the system, no one knows the meaning of these eight characters better than Jiang Fan!

And these eight characters plus the flawless jade seal on the other side, the name of the last lot is almost ready to come out——

Pass the country's jade seal!

It was cast by He's Bi, written by Li Si, carved by Sun Shou, a jade worker, and belonged to the emperor, the first emperor Yingzheng, who passed on the country's jade seal! !

This last lot turned out to be this priceless treasure! !

The point is that this is not the one used by later generations, but the real Jade Seal carved by He's Bi, the earliest one!

According to legend, in the twenty-eighth year of Emperor Qin's Zhengzheng (219 BC), Emperor Qin Shihuang took a dragon boat across Dongting Lake. The wind and waves rose suddenly, and the dragon boat would fall. Qin Shihuang prayed for the gods to calm the waves and threw the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom into the lake. The jade seal was lost because of this. .

Eight years later, someone in Huayin Pingshudao offered this seal of the ruling state again, and the ruling state jade seal returned to Qin.

In the winter of the first year of Qin Ziying (207 BC), Peigong Liu Bang garrisoned the army, and Ziying knelt and held a jade seal on Xianyang Daozuo. Qin died.

And the emperor Zhu Xiangyu, the emperor's seat, because of the imperial service of his seal, passed down from generation to generation, the name is Han Chuan Guoxi.

However, "Yingshi Hanguan" and "Huangfu Century" record the handwriting of "Han Chuan Guoyu Xi" as "Owned to heaven, longevity and prosperity"!

In other words, what Liu Bang got was not the earliest rumored jade seal!

Just a fake!

But today, the real Jade Seal that has disappeared for thousands of years has appeared here!

Just after Jiang Fan stood up abruptly, one of the buyers below also stood up abruptly, exclaiming with an incredible expression on his face:

"Ordered to the sky, Shou Yongchang...this, this is, Chuanguo Yuxi?!"


With his opening, all the buyers were boiling!

Even in all the boxes, there was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning!

Pass the country's jade seal!

The last lot is actually this treasure!

"Which Jade Seal is this?"

"Which one is the Chuanguo Yuxi?"

"Nonsense! The Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang, Red Eyebrow Army, Cao Cao, Jin Dynasty, and even later Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming all have the ancient jade seal!"

"In every dynasty, I feel that what I got is true. In fact, there is no special one with the eight words'destined to heaven, Jishou Yongchang'!"

"Even if it appeared, it was later proved to be a fake!"

"The value of the jade seals passed down in the past dynasties is of course different!"

"If this one is really the one carved by Chobi, then, that value..."

"Yes! If it is really the earliest Jade Seal, compare it with it, let alone a map of Avalon, even if it is a hundred, it is a fart!"

Everyone's eyes are red!

Staring fiercely at the jade seal in Wandian's hand!

Especially McKinsey has a color of extreme greed in his eyes!

There is a saying that the Chinese national fortune is closely related to the dragon veins, and the dragon veins are changeable. The real jade seal of the country was thrown down to suppress the water veins when Qin Shihuang visited Dongting Lake, and that water vein is the branch of the dragon vein. The Jade Seal of the Mai Chuan Kingdom has been moving with the dragon veins all the time!

If this legend is true, then the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, which has been conceived for so long by the dragon vein, represents an ethereal dragon vein, which can be forever in the mountains and rivers!

If it can be photographed, it will definitely affect the entire Chinese national fortune!

Although other organization families have never thought of ruining China's national fortune, if this thing is in hand, with the blessing of luck, it will inevitably make the fortune of their own forces unstoppable!

This kind of temptation, time is incomparable!

Everyone stared at that jade seal, just waiting for Wandian to speak!

"Brother Fan!"

Long Yan's eyes are full of anxiety!

As a Huaxia person, this thing must not be allowed to flow out!

Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly looked at Zhao Xiaochuan:

"Did you know that this treasure will also be auctioned?"

"do not know!"

Zhao Xiaochuan's eyes were cold, and his tone was more serious than ever!

If he knew this thing existed, even if he died, he would never let it show up!

Damn it!

With this kind of treasure, why didn't I get any wind?

"Brother Fan, what should I do? Can you think of a way to cancel the auction?"

Long Yan became more impatient.

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Impossible! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless everyone is killed!"

Jiang Fan's tone is gloomy!

If you want to stop these people, even if he takes out the Sky Shaking Arrow, it is useless, not to mention the rules of the auction, unless everyone is killed!

All of them gasped!

This is absolutely impossible!

They didn't doubt that Jiang Fan had the means to kill everyone, but if he did that, he would undoubtedly be an enemy of the whole world!

The current Jiang Fan, the current Jiang family, by no means have that kind of strength!

Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath:

"How much do we make?"

Zhao Xiaochuan's expression was solemn:

"The holy grail is 10 billion, the profound light furnace is 26 billion, the sun **** golden plate is 20 billion, the devil's horn is 37 billion, plus several other purchases in advance, minus the 30 billion spent by the corpse, It made a total of about 70 billion yuan!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then shook his head:

"There is your cost and share!"

"It doesn't matter! If Mr. Jiang wants to photograph the jade seal of the country, the money won't matter!"

"Thanks, what do we have?"

"The one with the highest value now available is a demon crystal, the silver flask of Dionysus, and the map of Avalon!"

Jiang Fan frowned:

"You can count the corpse of the gods, and even the map of Avalon can attack Arthur. As for the Holy Grail and the Horn of the Devil..."

Jiang Fan quickly calculated that the Council of Illumination and Solomon's Key all promised double compensation. The Holy Grail and the Demon's Horn are in hand, so you are not afraid that they will be wronged!

In other words, 100*2 plus 370*2 can be added to the funds in hand, that is, the funds that can be used at present can reach 164 billion!

If you count a few things on your hand, especially the Avalon map, plus the current capital of the Jiang family, it is enough to exceed 300 billion!

And Wandian on the stage finally spoke slowly:

"This treasure is the Jade Seal cast by He Shibi!"

Wandian’s introduction is only one sentence!

In fact, for this treasure, no amount of introduction is meaningless!

"The starting price is 30 billion yuan! Each bidding price must not be less than..."

Before Wan Dian had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already spoken abruptly:

"One hundred billion!!"


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

It's just that no one is talking about it!

Whether it is Westerners, the Middle East, or blacks, the eyes are full of indifference and ridicule!

And all the Huaxia people, their eyes flickered, as if they were thinking about something!

Within ten seconds of Jiang Fan's offer, the needle dropped unexpectedly!

And the next moment!

"One hundred and fifty billion!"

McKinsey looked at Jiang Fan triumphantly in a provocative tone!

Jiang Fan's face was cold:

"Three hundred billion!"


Everyone gasped!

This time, the ridicule in the eyes of many people has completely disappeared!

Instead, it was all shock and incredible!

Zhao Xiaochuan, who followed Jiang Fan, tried their best to keep their faces as normal, but their palms were sweating desperately!

God bless!

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