God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1799: I'm in Baoding

The atmosphere was dull for a while!

However, the silence was finally broken!

"Three hundred fifty billion!"

It turned out to be Arthur!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled. Sure enough, in the face of these people's greed, 300 billion is too little!

And follow up!

"400 billion!"

"Forty-five hundred billion!"

"Forty-eightty billion!"

"Five hundred billion!"

Including the Council of Light, the Supernatural Institute, Solomon's Key, the William family, and the George family... actually all followed suit!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and a faint golden light appeared in the palm of his hand!

His whole body trembled even more undetectably!

He turned out to be actively shaking his muscles, he was warming up!

Both Long Yan and Yue Jianhan were shocked!


"Don't yell, follow me for a while, keep it up today, you're going to kill everyone!"

Although Jiang Fan's tone was light, the murderous intent of the coldness in it caused the goose bumps on both of them to appear!

Jiang Fan was empty, obviously he was going to take the last step!

But at this moment!


The screen in front of Jiang Fan suddenly lit up, and it turned out to be a video sent by Yu Zhengming!

Jiang Fan frowned and picked it up directly. The opposite Yu Zhengming was not wordy:

"Jiang Fan, this treasure must not be allowed to go out!"

"I understand, but I'm at my limit!"

"It's okay! The limit fund that Yu's emergency drew out can reach 500 billion, you can use it at will! I can adjust more if I delay it!"

Jiang Fan loosened his body:


Yu Zhengming looked serious:

"State affairs, don't say thank you!"

Jiang Fan nodded heavily!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Qingxuan from the Chen family actually sent a message:

"Jiang Fan, you know the situation of the Chen family, the limit of funds that can be used is 300 billion! Hold it on, I have already asked people to continue to pool money!"

"Old man Chen, thank you!"

And the one who sent the news immediately was the Song family in Box 9!

This is also the first time Jiang Fan has met Song Hexuan, the head of the Song family!

"Jiang Fan, no matter how you and my family were before, they are all personal grievances. Although the Song family has produced two **** wastes, there is more than a guilty death! The Song family's current funds are 430 billion yuan, which is holding the situation!"

"Thank you!"

Later, including the Lu Yan family, and even the Qin family, who had never met before, actually sent a message!

The Qin family doesn’t know who it is, and the information is very simple:

"800 billion, if it's not enough, grab it!"

This is obviously prepared to disregard the rhythm of the rules!

And during the short period of time he was talking to various companies, many of the Chinese buyers below actually all looked at Jiang Fan and made a thumbs-up gesture!

Through the corners of their mouths that kept opening and closing, Jiang Fan could clearly see that these people were actually making offers to themselves!

Report the limits of the funds they can use!

Jiang Fan's mouth curled up, his eyes were a little fuzzy for some reason!

He looked at these people seriously, only that the blood was boiling!

In these crises, the patriots who dare to shed their wealth, China National Fortune, how can the younger generation covet it!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and looked at the auction stand suddenly:

"one trillion!!"


All foreign buyers were shocked!

I can't believe my ears!

Even the superpowers such as the Dark Council and the Light Council were stunned!

But Jiang Fan swept over at them one by one, his eyes were full of madness and jealousy!

"If there is a kind, continue to call it! This treasure, I am in Baoding!"

Scanned by Jiang Fan's eyes, McKinsey almost sat on the ground in shock!

Even Arthur couldn't help his heart tremble, and a sense of fear arose for no reason!

The other people's faces changed abruptly!

They were shocked not only by Jiang Fan's madness and terror, but also by Jiang Fan's words!

It is "guarantee", not "to"!

Thurmond frowned!

What's wrong with Jiang Fan?

Are you not a believer of the God of Light?

Why did you **** it with yourself?

He even secretly spoke to Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Thurmond frowned and tightened, but at this time the people in the Dark Council had already spoken again:

"eleven thousand……"

Before he finished speaking, a quiet voice, even with a half smile, suddenly resounded through the entire venue:

"Ten trillion!"

Everyone opened their mouths wide, and suddenly looked in the direction of the sound, but was shocked to find that it turned out to be from an ordinary seat, a gray-haired Chinese old man!

This old man looked like he was already over eighty years old, his body rickety, but I don't know why, when everyone looked at him, they only felt that they saw a ten thousand high mountain!

There is even a feeling of being crushed!

"Ten trillion?! Are you kidding?"

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, I have never seen it before!"

"This number, no major power can come up with it?"

The rest of the super powers were also stunned!

What a joke about this kind of handwriting!

The rest of the wealthy family, including a group of Chinese buyers below, all changed their faces!

Jiang Fan was also cold!

Ten trillion!

In a short period of time, even a few wealthy families will definitely not be able to come together!

It's almost becoming the seller's bottom!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan seemed to think of something!

Suddenly looked at Box No. 17!

There, it is the position of Dragon Group!

Seeing Jiang Fan look over, Lin Guodong smiled at him!

Jiang Fan was startled!

At this time, Lin Guodong is still thinking about smiling at him?

What's so special--

and many more!

Jiang Fan's breathing suddenly stopped, and then suddenly he burst into laughter!

Zhao Xiaochuan and others were all taken aback!

"Mr. Jiang, what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Fan shook his head and actually spit out an swear word:

"Fuck, I was so busy just now!"


All of them were taken aback!

Jiang Fan spoke out of anger:

"The Dragon Team hasn't bid from the beginning, don't you understand what's going on?"

This kind of treasure appears, as the official dragon group, it is so special and okay, it is no problem here!

But everyone was attracted by the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, and no problem was discovered!

Even now, everyone is still staring greedily at Chuanguo Yuxi!

Only Jiang Fan reacted!

"Mr. Jiang, you have worked hard!"

Lin Guodong suddenly passed over.

Jiang Fan smiled bitterly:

"what happened?"

"Create momentum!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and understood it thoroughly!

There is no last auction item in Feng Nian!

This Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was released specifically for the purpose of building momentum!

I am afraid that this thing has been obtained by the Huaxia official long ago, and the rapid development of Huaxia in recent years is probably inseparable from this thing!

The reason why it appeared today is to use these top forces in the world to release the news so that everyone knows that the prosperity of China's national fortune is unstoppable!

It is also necessary for some people to fully understand the situation and stop taking their own humiliation!

It is even more important to let those walls and grasses, carefully look at them carefully, and think clearly!

This last auction is a scene!

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